"Prisonnières Louisiane." . . . . "Prisons de femmes Louisiane." . . . "Nine hundred women"@en . "Nine hundred women" . "900 women" . "900 women"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Louisiana Correctional Institute is located in the swamps of southern Louisiana in the small town of St. Gabriel. Built in 1970, it houses the state's most dangerous female prisoners and often exceeds its population capacity of 900. Seventy-five percent of these women are mothers and one fourth are serving sentences of fifteen years or more. The prison compound has a surreal quality; there are no searchlight-capped towers or barbed wire fences. Filmmaker Khadivi delivers a portrait of life in this deceptively peaceful atmosphere which is filled with stories of life on the streets, abuse, freedom, childbirth and motherhood. Six women, a grandmother, a young high school student, a pregnant woman, a recovering heroin addict, a prison guard, and the only woman on death row, share their frustrations and hopes."@en . . "Feature films"@en . . "Documentary films"@en . "Documentary films" . "The Louisiana Correctional Institute is located in the swamps of southern Louisiana in the small town of St. Gabriel. Built in 1970, it houses the state's most dangerous female prisoners and often exceeds its population capacity of 900. Seventy-five percent of these women are mothers and one fourth are serving sentences of fifteen years or more. The prison compound has a surreal quality; there are no searchlight-capped towers or barbed wire fences. Filmmaker Khadivi delivers a portrait of life in this deceptively peaceful atmosphere which is filled with stories of life on the streets, abuse, freedom, childbirth and motherhood. Six women, a grandmother, a young high school student, a pregnant woman, a recovering heroin addict, a prison guard, and the only woman on death row, share their frustrations and hopes." . . . . "Personal narratives"@en . . . . . . . . "L'Institut correctionnel de Louisiane est situé dans les marais du sud de la Louisiane dans la petite ville de Saint-Gabriel. Construit en 1970, il abrite les plus dangereuses criminelles de l'État et dépasse souvent sa capacité de population de 900. Soixante-quinze pour cent de ces femmes sont des mères et un quart purgent des peines de quinze ans ou plus. L'enceinte de la prison a une particularité surréaliste, il n'y a pas de tour de garde ou de clôture barbelé. Ce documentaire donne un portrait de la vie dans cette atmosphère faussement paisible qui est remplie d'histoires de vie dans les rues, la violence, la liberté, l'accouchement et la maternité. Six femmes: une grand-mère, une jeune lycéenne, une femme enceinte, une héroïnomane en désintoxication, une gardienne de prison, et la seule femme dans le couloir de la mort partagent leurs frustrations et leurs espoirs." . . . "Women Make Movies (Firme)" . .