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Kong Zi = Confucius

"Screen legend Chow Yun-fat stars as Confucius in the inspiring, action-packed saga of a leader whose wisdom and cunning were more powerful than any sword. In a sweeping battlefield epic, Confucius finds his land threatened by the fires of war. After leading the nation's most powerful army to victory against hordes of invaders, the new hero finds even greater danger in the jealous eyes of the aristocrats he fought to protect."--Container.

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  • "決战春秋"
  • "Jue zhan chun qiu"
  • "决战春秋"
  • "Kong zi"
  • "Kongzi"
  • "Confucius"
  • "Confucius"@en
  • "決戰春秋"
  • "孔子"

  • "China is not yet unified in the Spring and Autumn Period. The country-to-be is a patchwork of feudal kingdoms and states, constantly vying with each other for supremacy and territorial advantage. The kingdom of Lu is typical. The ruler of Lu inveites Kong Qiu into the court as a trusted adviser, and appoints him the court's Minister of Rituals. In court, Kong Qiu demonstrates the efficacy of his ethics and his own tactical brilliance by regaining Lu's control over three cities lost in battle to the Qi kingdom three decades earlier. But Kong Qiu is outmaneuvered by the ruler of Qi, who bribes the ruler of Lu to demote his minister and send him him into exile. Kong Qiu sorrowfully leaves his family and begins a new life as a wandering teacher. Kong Qiu and his disciples suffer great hardships as they wander in search of a new home. Ji-Sun Fei finds Kong Qiu and brings a gift from his dying father, a jade ring, symbolizing his unbroken link with his homeland Lu. Kong Qiu agrees to return to Lu, but only as a teacher; he will not involve himself in politics. He is true to his word, and he sees out his days working on his scrolls, editing poems and chronicling history--Container."
  • "China is not yet unified in the Spring and Autumn Period. The country-to-be is a patchwork of feudal kingdoms and states, constantly vying with each other for supremacy and territorial advantage. The kingdom of Lu is typical. The ruler of Lu inveites Kong Qiu into the court as a trusted adviser, and appoints him the court's Minister of Rituals. In court, Kong Qiu demonstrates the efficacy of his ethics and his own tactical brilliance by regaining Lu's control over three cities lost in battle to the Qi kingdom three decades earlier. But Kong Qiu is outmaneuvered by the ruler of Qi, who bribes the ruler of Lu to demote his minister and send him him into exile. Kong Qiu sorrowfully leaves his family and begins a new life as a wandering teacher. Kong Qiu and his disciples suffer great hardships as they wander in search of a new home. Ji-Sun Fei finds Kong Qiu and brings a gift from his dying father, a jade ring, symbolizing his unbroken link with his homeland Lu. Kong Qiu agrees to return to Lu, but only as a teacher; he will not involve himself in politics. He is true to his word, and he sees out his days working on his scrolls, editing poems and chronicling history--Container."
  • ""Screen legend Chow Yun-fat stars as Confucius in the inspiring, action-packed saga of a leader whose wisdom and cunning were more powerful than any sword. In a sweeping battlefield epic, Confucius finds his land threatened by the fires of war. After leading the nation's most powerful army to victory against hordes of invaders, the new hero finds even greater danger in the jealous eyes of the aristocrats he fought to protect."--Container."@en
  • "Bang bo shi shi shou xian qun xiong zheng ba li beng yue huai ta yong yi sheng zhi hui zheng fu quan tian xia chun qiu shi dai, yi li shu bai nian de zhou shi wang chao yi zhao bu bao xi , ge zhu hou guo ge ju yi fang, wei da cheng ba mu di er xiang hu zheng zhan . kong qiu(zhou run fa shi), chu shen yi ge xiao zhu hou guo - lu guo de mo luo gui zu jia ting , wei she hui de hun luan qing xing er you xin chong chong . ta nian qing shi xian shen jiao yu kai she xue tang, men tu san qian, xian ren qi shi er, yu yan hui . zi gong . zi lu deng di zi men gan qing shen hou . kong zi shi xi liu yi . shan chang mou lue de zheng zhi jia, xi wang yi ta chao yue shi dai de si xiang he zhi hui, lai ying xiang chun qiu zhu guo de zhi guo li xiang . 51 sui ren zhi lu guo zhong du zai ; yi qi dan liang he zhi hui, zai yi chang qi . lu liang guo bian jie de hui meng shang, bu zhan er qu ren zhi bing! wei guo wang hou nan zi(zhou xun shi)yang mu kong zi, yin ci xiang wei ling gong xian ji zhao jian yu yan lan zhi, er kong zi bu gu zhong di zi de qiang lie fan dui, zhi yi yao jian jian zhe ge feng hua jue dai de nu ren . zui zhong zheng zhi li nian bu rong xian shi de can ku, kong zi wei li xiang shuai ling zhong di zi zhou you lie guo chang da 14 nian zhi jiu, chuan bo qi shu shi si xiang, zhi ke xi ba dao heng xing, bu rong qi zhu zhang ."
  • "磅礡史詩首現群雄爭霸禮崩樂壞他用一生智慧征服全天下春秋時代, 屹立數百年的周室王朝已朝不保夕, 各諸侯國割據一方, 為達稱霸目的而相互征戰.孔丘(周潤發飾), 出身一個小諸侯國-魯國的沒落貴族家庭, 為社會的混亂情形而憂心忡忡.他年輕時獻身教育開設學堂, 門徒三千, 賢人七十二, 與顏回,子貢,子路等弟子們感情深厚.孔子是習六藝,善長謀略的政治家, 希望以他超越時代的思想和智慧, 來影響春秋諸國的治國理想.51歲任職魯國中都宰 ; 以其膽量和智慧, 在一場齊,魯兩國邊界的會盟上, 不戰而屈人之兵! 衛國王后南子(周迅飾)仰慕孔子, 因此向衛靈公獻計召見欲延攬之, 而孔子不顧眾弟子的強烈反對, 執意要見見這個風華絶代的女人.最終政治理念不容現實的殘酷, 孔子為理想率領眾弟子周遊列國長達14年之久, 傳播其淑世思想, 只可惜霸道橫行, 不容其主張."
  • ""西元前六世紀,屹立數百年的周室王朝已朝不保夕,各諸侯國割據一方,為了達到稱霸的目的而相互征戰。這是中國歷史上一個氣勢磅礴的時代,一個輝煌燦爛的時代。在這個時代中,有戰爭、有英雄,有思想、有著作......中國史稱為'春秋'時代。孔子名丘,字仲尼。他出身於當時一個小諸侯國--魯國的沒落貴族家庭,他為社會的混亂情形而憂心忡忡,希望以他超越時代的思想和智慧來影響春秋諸國的歷史進程。然而就像歷史上的其他聖賢,孔子的時代還未到來。雖曾仕官于魯國,並以其勇敢和智慧帶給魯國以尊嚴和強大的希望,但最終政治理念破滅于現實之跟前。隨後孔子為了理想率領眾弟子奔走在列國之間長達14年,傳播其思想,與整個時代抗爭,卻惜霸道如此世間,不容其主張。他曾數度被亂軍圍困而身陷絶境,也曾被捲入政治陰謀的旋渦,甚至曾被世人誤解......于晚年返鄉祖國--魯國,亦不懈于教育弟子眾人及進行文獻整理工作。孔子在失意中逝世,一腔報國熱血空付東流。但是,禮崩樂壞終促成萬世師表!歿後,其言行及思想終為後世所認同推崇,成為中華民族精神的重要根源,尊諡'大成至聖先師'。"--Container."
  • "Il y a plus de deux mille ans, la Chine n'est qu'un patchwork d'états et de royaumes féodaux dévorée par les complots et les guerres intestines que se livrent ces derniers. Un homme va tout changer : Confucius, dont les enseignements vont profondément bouleverser la vie de tous le pays et même au-delà. L'humanisme, la morale et la politique sont les maîtres-mots de ce grand penseur universel qui va unifier tout un peuple...."
  • ""西元前六世紀, 屹立數百年的周室王朝已朝不保夕, 各諸侯國割據一方, 為了達到稱霸的目的而相互征戰. 這是中國歷史上一個氣勢磅礴的時代, 一個輝煌燦爛的時代. 在這個時代中, 有戰爭, 有英雄, 有思想, 有著作 ... 中國史稱為'春秋'時代. 孔子名丘, 字仲尼. 他出身於當時一個小諸侯國--魯國的沒落貴族家庭, 他為社會的混亂情形而憂心忡忡, 希望以他超越時代的思想和智慧來影響春秋諸國的歷史進程. 然而就像歷史上的其他聖賢, 孔子的時代還未到來. 雖曾仕官于魯國, 並以其勇敢和智慧帶給魯國以尊嚴和強大的希望, 但最終政治理念破滅于現實之跟前. 隨後孔子為了理想率領眾弟子奔走在列國之間長達14年, 傳播其思想, 與整個時代抗爭, 卻惜霸道如此世間, 不容其主張. 他曾數度被亂軍圍困而身陷絶境, 也曾被捲入政治陰謀的旋渦, 甚至曾被世人誤解 ... 于晚年返鄉祖國--魯國, 亦不懈于教育弟子眾人及進行文獻整理工作. 孔子在失意中逝世, 一腔報國熱血空付東流. 但是, 禮崩樂壞終促成萬世師表!歿後, 其言行及思想終為後世所認同推崇, 成為中華民族精神的重要根源, 尊諡'大成至聖先師'."--Container."
  • "春秋時代,屹立數百年的周室王朝已朝不保夕,各諸侯國割據一方,為達稱霸目的而相互征戰.孔丘出身當時一個小諸侯國--魯國的沒落貴族家庭,為社會的混亂情形而憂心忡忡.他年輕時獻身教育開設學堂,門徒三千,賢人七十二,與顏回,子貢,子路等弟子們感情深厚.孔子也是習六藝,善長謀略的政治家,希望以他超越時代的思想和智慧,來影響春秋諸國的治國理想.51歲任職魯國中都宰,並以其膽量和智慧,在一場齊,魯兩國邊界的會盟上,不戰而屈人之兵!衛國有名的"美而淫"的王后南子仰慕孔子,向衛靈公獻計召見欲延攬之.而孔子不顧眾弟子的強烈反對,執意要見見這個風華絶代,浪名遠播的女人....最終政治理念不容於現實的殘酷,隨後孔子為了理想率領眾弟子奔走在列國之間長達十四年之久,傳播其淑世思想,想與整個時代抗爭,只可惜霸道橫行,不容其主張.他曾數度被亂軍圍困而身陷絶境,也曾被捲入政治陰謀的旋渦,甚至被世人誤解...."
  • "China is not yet unified in the Spring and Autumn Period. The country-to-be is a patchwork of feudal kingdoms and states, constantly vying with each other for supremacy and territorial advantage. The kingdom of Lu is typical. The rule of Lu invites Kong Qiu into the court as a trusted adviser, and appoints him the court's Minister of Rituals. In court, Kong Qiu demonstrates the efficacy of his ethics and his own tactical brilliance by regaining Lu's control over three cities lost in battle to the Qi kingdom three decades earlier. But Kong Qiu is outmaneuvered by the ruler of Qi, who bribes the ruler of Lu to demote his minister and send him to exile. Kong Qiu sorrowfully leaves his family and begins a new life as a wandering teacher. Kong Qiu and his disciples suffer great hardships as they wander in search of a new home. Ji-Sun Fei finds Kong Qiu and brings a gift from his dying father, a jade ring, symbolizing his unbroken link with his homeland Lu. Kong Qiu agrees to return to Lu, but only as a teacher; he will not involve himself in politics. He is true to his word, and he sees out his days working on his scrolls, editing poems and chronicling history."
  • "The great sage and philosopher Kong Qiu lived at a time when China was still a patchwork of feudal states vying with each other for supremacy. In the Spring and Autumn Period, the ruler of Lu invited Kong Qiu into the court as a trusted adviser, and appointed him the court's Minister of Rituals. He skillfully engineered a peace with aggressive neighbouring states and brought three dominant local clans under control. However, his brilliance as a thinker and tactician was not enough to save him from being exiled by his political enemies, and he spent many years wandering and teaching a band of loyal followers."
  • "The life story of the highly-influential Chinese philosopher, Confucius. Set in the chaotic and decadent world of the warring states during the spring and Autumn period, the film focuses on the turbulent later years of Confucius's life, specifically from his appointment to political office at 51 to his death at 73, and all the framatic stories in between."
  • "DVD : China is not yet unified in the Spring and Autumn Period. The country-to-be is a patchwork of feudal kingdoms and states, constantly vying with each other for supremacy and terriorial advantage. The kingdom of Lu is typical. The ruler of Lu invites Kong Qiu into the court as a trusted adviser, and appoints him the court's Minister of Rituals. In court, Kong Qiu demonstrates the effecacy of his ethics and his own tactical brillance by regaining Lu's control over three cities lost in battle to the Qi kingdom three decades earlier. But Kong Qiu is outmaneuvereed by the ruler of Qi, who bribes the ruler of Lu to demote his minster and send him into exile. Kong Qiu sorrowfully leaves his family and begins a new life as a wandering teacher. Kong Qiu and his disciples suffer great hardships as they wander in search of a new home. Ji-Sun Fei finds Kong Qiu and brings a gift from his dying father, a jade ring, symbolizing his unbrokjen link with his homeland Lu. Kong Qiu agrees to return to Lu, but only as a teacher, he will not involve himself in politics. He is true to his word, and he sees out his days working on his scrolls, editing poems and chronicling history."
  • "chun qiu shi dai,yi li shu bai nian de zhou shi wang chao yi zhao bu bao xi ,ge zhu hou guo ge ju yi fang,wei da cheng ba mu di er xiang hu zheng zhan . kong qiu chu shen dang shi yi ge xiao zhu hou guo"--" lu guo de mo luo gui zu jia ting ,wei she hui de hun luan qing xing er you xin chong chong . ta nian qing shi xian shen jiao yu kai she xue tang,men tu san qian,xian ren qi shi er,yu yan hui . zi gong . zi lu deng di zi men gan qing shen hou . kong zi ye shi xi liu yi,shan chang mou lue de zheng zhi jia,xi wang yi ta chao yue shi dai de si xiang he zhi hui,lai ying xiang chun qiu zhu guo de zhi guo li xiang . 51 sui ren zhi lu guo zhong du zai,bing yi qi dan liang he zhi hui,zai yi chang qi . lu liang guo bian jie de hui meng shang,bu zhan er qu ren zhi bing!wei guo you ming de " mei er yin " de wang hou nan zi yang mu kong zi,xiang wei ling gong xian ji zhao jian yu yan lan zhi . er kong zi bu gu zhong di zi de qiang lie fan dui,zhi yi yao jian jian zhe ge feng hua jue dai . lang ming yuan bo de nu ren "..." . zui zhong zheng zhi li nian bu rong yu xian shi de can ku,sui hou kong zi wei le li xiang shuai ling zhong di zi ben zou zai lie guo zhi jian chang da shi si nian zhi jiu, chuan bo qi shu shi si xiang,xiang yu zheng ge shi dai kang zheng,zhi ke xi ba dao heng xing,bu rong qi zhu zhang . ta ceng shu du bei luan jun wei kun er shen xian jue jing, ye ceng bei juan ru zheng zhi yin mou de xuan wo,shen zhi bei shi ren wu jie"..." ."

  • "Fiction films"
  • "Biographical films"
  • "Biographical films"@en
  • "Chinese language materials"
  • "Foreign films"
  • "History"
  • "History"@en
  • "Feature films"
  • "Motion pictures"
  • "Feature films"@en
  • "Drama"
  • "Drama"@en
  • "DVD"
  • "Motion pictures, Chinese"
  • "Motion pictures, Chinese"@en
  • "Historical films"
  • "Films for the hearing impaired"

  • "Kong Zi Confucius"
  • "Kongzi jue zhan chun qiu = Confucius"
  • "Confucius"
  • "孔子 Confucius"
  • "Kong zi Confucius"
  • "孔子 : 決戰春秋 = Confucius"
  • "Kongzi Confucius"
  • "Confucius Kongzi"
  • "Kong zi : jue zhan chun qiu = Confucius"
  • "Kong Zi = Confucius"@en
  • "孔子 決戰春秋 = Confucius"
  • "孔子 : 決戰春秋"
  • "Kong zi (Confucius)"
  • "Kong zi jue zhan chun qiu = Confucius"
  • "Kong zi : jue zhan chun qiu"
  • "Confucius (Motion picture)"@en