"Kroaten." . . "Srbija" . . "Yugoslavia" . . "Jugosławia" . . "Geschichtsschreibung Serbien Geschichte 18. Jh." . . "Yougoslavie" . . "Historia Serbia ..-s.XX." . . "Cultura y civilización Serbia ..-s.XX." . . "National characteristics, Serbian." . . "Serbes Identité collective." . . "HISTORY General." . . "Geschichte." . . "Serbia" . . "Serviërs." . . "Srbi Zgodovina." . . "Slaves Histoire." . . "Serbien." . . "Serbien" . "Kulturkontakt." . . "Serbie" . . "Serben." . . "Charakter narodowy serbski." . . "Szerbia története." . . "Bulgaren." . . "Geschichtsschreibung Slawen Geschichte 18. Jh." . . "Geschichte (umfassend)" . . "Balkan." . . "Serbes Histoire." . . "Serbes." . . "Geschichte" . . "Geschichte." . "Serbia - Storia." . . "Serbi - Storia." . . "Serbs." . . "Europa." . . "Serben." . . "Serben" . . . . . . "Историја Словенских народа" . . . . . . . . "History"@en . "History" . . "Srbi me·du evropskim narodima" . . . . "Istorija raznych slavenskich narodov naipače bolgar, chorvatov i serbov" . . . . . . "The Serbs" . "The Serbs"@en . . . . . . . . . "Geschiedenis (vorm)" . "Istorija slovenskih naroda" . . . . "Историја словенских народа" . . . . "Electronic books"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Srbi među evropskim narodima" . . . . "Srbi među evropskim narodima : Sima M Ćirković" . . . . . "The serbs" . "Istorija slovenskich naroda" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "This sweeping history of the Serbian people starts with the settlement of the Slavs on the Balkan Peninsula in the seventh century and ends with the dissolution of Yugoslavia at the end of the twentieth century."@en . . . . . . . "Исторія разныхъ славенскихъ народовъ, наипаче болгаръ, хорватовъ и сербовъ, изъ тмы забвенія изятая и во свѣтъ историческій произведенная Іоанномъ Раичемъ Архимандрітомъ во свято Архаггелскомъ монастырѣ Ковилѣ" . . . . . . . . "Tracing the history of the Serbian people from the 7th through to the end of the 20th century, this survey shows how the nation has developed through repeated crises, including conquest by the Turks, defiance of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the failure of pan-Slavism."@en . . . . . . . . . "Istorīi︠a︡ raznykh slavenskikh narodov, naipache bolgar, khorvatov i serbov, iz tmy zabvenīi︠a︡ izi︠a︡tai︠a︡ i vo svi︠e︡t istoricheskīĭ proizvedennai︠a︡ Īoannom Raichem Arkhimandrītom vo svi︠a︡to Arkhaggelskom monastyri︠e︡ Kovili︠e︡" . "Istorija Slovenskih naroda" . . . . . . "Serbs - History." . . "Jugoslavija" . . "History." . . "Social Science." . . "Slovani Kulturna zgodovina." . . "Electronic books." . . "Serbe (peuple) Antiquité 20e s." . . "Caractère national serbe." . .