. . "Tracts against materialism : after \"Many a summer\" and \"Brave new world\"" . "Tracts against materialism: after 'Many a Summer' and 'Brave New World' [article]" . . . . . "Tracts against materialism: many a Summer and Brave New World" . . . "Infocus Article - English John Wain argues that Brave New World is a criticism of western society as it was in 1932, not a vision of the future. With its thrust against the materialism of the late 'twenties' couched in a prophetic framework Huxley's wit is allowed to run free. This article includes a chronology of the major events in Huxley's life. pp.26-29; 0pp 183-184." . . "Huxley, Aldous. Brave new world." . . "Huxley, Aldous." . .