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Set in 1920's Spain, this film is a scathing examination of moral decay. Tristana, a victim of her own captivating beauty, is desired by two men. One is her lecherous guardian whose physical advances repulse her and cause her to have nightmares of his death by decapitation, and the other is a young artist who wants to marry her, but lacks the courage.

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  • "Luis Buñuel's classic Tristana"
  • "Luis Bunuel's Tristana"
  • "The Luis Buñuel collection"
  • "Te li si tan na"@en
  • "特莉絲坦娜"
  • "Rituale"

  • ""Tristana plantea la intensa historia de una joven rodeada por la pasión de dos hombre que la lleva a explorar las obscuridades de la perversión, la muerte y el deseo. Cinta serena y brillante de Luis Buñuel con la que obtuvo la nominación al Oscar como mejor película extranjera. Filmada en los incomparables escenarios de Toledo, España.""@es
  • "Tristana, a victim of her own captivating beauty, is desired by two men. One is her lecherous guardian whose physical advances repulse her, the other is a young artist who wants to marry her, but lacks the courage."
  • "Set in 1920's Spain, this film is a scathing examination of moral decay. Tristana, a victim of her own captivating beauty, is desired by two men. One is her lecherous guardian whose physical advances repulse her and cause her to have nightmares of his death by decapitation, and the other is a young artist who wants to marry her, but lacks the courage."@en
  • "Set in 1920's Spain, this film is a scathing examination of moral decay. Tristana, a victim of her own captivating beauty, is desired by two men. One is her lecherous guardian whose physical advances repulse her and cause her to have nightmares of his death by decapitation, and the other is a young artist who wants to marry her, but lacks the courage."
  • "The story concerns the relationship between a middle-aged man and his innocent niece, Tristana, with whom he is obsessed and whom he dominates."
  • "Tolède 1929. Après la mort de sa mère. Tristana, jeune orpheline est placée sous la tutelle de Don Lope, aristocrate âgé qui devient son amant. Deux ans plus tard, elle s'éprend du peintre Horacio, qui l'abandonne quand on lui ampute une jambe. Tristana revient vers Don Lope, devenu riche, qu'elle épouse pour le laisser mourir."
  • "Set in 1920s Spain, this film is a scathing examination of moral decay. Tristana, a victim of her own captivating beauty, is desired by two men. One is her lecherous guardian whose physical advances repulse her and cause her to have nightmares of his death by decapitation, and the other is a young artist who wants to marry her, but lacks the courage."
  • "A scathing examination of moral decay set in 1920s Spain. Tristana, a victim of her own captivating beauty, is desired by two men. One is her lecherous guardian whose physical advances repulse her and cause her to have nightmares of his death by decapitation. The other is a young artist who wants to marry her but lacks the courage."
  • "Set in 1920's Spain, Tristana, a victim of her own captivating beauty, is desired by her lecherous guardian whose physical advances repulse her and by a young artist who wants to marry her, but lacks the courage."
  • "A Toledo nel 1929 un'orfana viene affidata a un anziano tutore che ne fa la sua amante. Innamoratasi di un pittore fugge con lui, si ammala, perde una gamba attaccata dalla cancrena, ritorna e accetta di sposare il vecchio. Gliela farà pagare. (Morandini)."@it
  • "Don Lope, un viejo rentista que vive en Toledo, se hace cargo de Tristana, al quedar huérfana, llevándola a vivir a su casa, donde la seduce y la hace su amante. Cuando aparece Horacio, un joven y atractivo pintor, Tristana abandona con él la ciudad. Una enfermedad le causa la amputación de una pierna y se ve obligada a volver con don Lope, casándose con él."@es
  • "After her mother's death, Tristana is placed in the care of Don Lope, an older man respected by the community, but who seduces her, making her his lover."
  • "Set in 1920's Spain, this film is a scathing examination of moral decay. The story concerns the relationship between a middle-aged man and his innocent niece, Tristana, with whom he's obsessed."
  • "Al morir sus padres, Tristana es confiada a don Lope, un viejo don Juan en declive, incapaz de aceptar su caducidad como seductor. Tristana se enamora de Horacio, un pintor que también siente lo mismo por ella, pero este se va a pasar un tiempo fuera alejado de su relación. Tristana sufre una enfermedad y tienen que amputarle una pierna, cuando vuelve Horacio se desinteresa por ella y Tristana pasa a ser la amada de don Lope."@es
  • ""Don Lope ha acogido a Tristana en su hogar para cumplir una promesa hecha a sus padres. Pero la joven es muy hermosa y se convierte en la obsesión del anciano, que a fuerza de tiempo y de paciencia consigue sus favores. Sin embargo, cuando ella conoce a un joven pintor que la enamora, decide cambiar radicalmente el rumbo de su vida." --Filmaffinity web site."
  • "Young, innocent and devout Tristan goes to live with her impoverished guardian after her mother's death. Don Lope has more than fatherly feelings towards her. Tristana flees to Madrid, returning years later to wreak revenge on him."
  • "Tristana, a modest pianist, has just lost her mother and is adopted by Don Lope as his step-daughter. The story shows her life with him and her attraction to a young man her age. It also shows her repeated nightmares of impending danger about Don Lope."
  • ""Toledo, Spain, 1923. Tristana, a young woman ages 18 has just lost her mother and is taken in by Don Lupe, an impoverished aristocrat known as a free-thinker. Innocent of the world and of life, Tristana's feelings for her guardian are a mixture of gratitude and revulsion. Even so, it is not long before she becomes his mistress" -- Container."
  • "À la mort de sa mère, Tristana est confié à la tutelle de son vieil oncle, Don Lope, qui finit par en faire sa maîtresse. Tristana rencontre un jeune peintre, Horatio, et s'enfuit avec lui à Madrid. Quelques années plus tard, atteinte d'une tumeur à la jambe qui nécessite une amputation, Tristana revient chez son oncle Don Lope, qu'elle accepte même d'épouser, mais elle se montrera dure et impitoyable avec lui."
  • "Set in 1920's Spain, this film is a scathing examination of moral decay. Tristana is an orphan adopted by nobleman, don Lope Garrido, who falls in love with her. Tristana falls in love with a young artist, Horacio Diaz, and leaves Toledo to live with him. When she becomes ill, she returns to don Lope. Because of the illness, Tristana looses a leg, Eventually Tristana marries don Lope, and when he becomes ill, kills him by opening a window to the winter cold. By now, Tristana has become jaded like don Lope."
  • "A scathing examination of moral decay set in 1920's Spain. Tristana, a victim of her own captivating beauty, is desired by two men. One is her lecherous guardian whose physical advances repulse her and cause her to have nightmares of his death by decapitation. The other is a young artist who wants to marry her but lacks the courage."
  • "Don Lope ha acogido a Tristana en el seno de su hogar como una promesa hacia sus padres. Trsiatana, joven y hermosa, se convierte en la obsesión del anciano Don Lope, que a fuerza de tiempo consigue sus favores. Sin embargo, ella conoce a un joven pintor que la enamora y decide cambiar el rumbo de su vida."
  • "Set in 1920's Spain, this film is a scathing examination of moral decay. Tristana, a victim of her own captivating beauty, is desired by two men. One is her lecherous guardian whose physical advances repulse her, and the other is a young artist who wants to marry her, but lacks the courage."
  • "A Tolède en 1923, Tristana, jeune orpheline de 18 ans est recueillie par Don Lope, aristocrate ruiné, libertin et athée. Bien qu'elle éprouve pour son tuteur un sentiment mêlé de reconnaissance et de répulsion, la belle Tristana ne tarde pas à devenir sa maîtresse. Amoureuse d'un jeune italien, elle s'enfuie. Deux années passent, Tristana gravement malade tente de revenir à Tolède ..."
  • "Cuando la madre de la jóven Tristana murió, las cosas realmente cambiaron. De pronto Don Lope, hombre maduro y honorable, quedó a cargo de ella. A pesar de sus preferencias ideológicas, más bien socialistas y agnósticas, Don Lope es bien visto en su comunidad, por lo que la mayoría asume que Tristana estará en buenas manos. Sin embargo, Lope tiene una debilidad: las mujeres; así que en menos de lo pensado, la hermosa Tristan, seducida, se convertirá en su amante. Ella hará de esa relación algo sumamente extraño, quizá más de lo que Lope pueda manejar."@es
  • "After the death of her mother, young Tristana goes to live with her guardian, Don Lope, an older man who eventually breaks through his facade of respectability and seduces her. She repays him a hundred fold, preying on his jealousy and taunting him with perverse whimsies."
  • "À la mort de sa mère, Tristana est confiée à la tutelle de son oncle, Don Lope, vieil homme qui finit par faire d'elle sa maîtresse. Malgré la surveillance de Don Lope, Tristana fait la connaissance d'un jeune peintre, Horatio, avec qui elle s'enfuit à Madrid. Elle revient quelques années plus tard, atteinte d'une tumeur à la jambe qui nécessite une amputation. Tristana accepte d'épouser Don Lope, mais elle se montre avec lui, dure et impitoyable."
  • "Tristana wordt door haar bejaarde voogd tot zijn minnares gemaakt maar ontvlucht met een jonge kunstschilder. Na twee jaar keert ze ziek terug en trouwt met haar weldoener."
  • "Drame psychologique adapté du roman de Benito Perez Galdós. À la mort de sa mère, Tristana est confié à la tutelle de son vieil oncle, Don Lope, qui finit par en faire sa maîtresse. Tristana rencontre un jeune peintre, Horatio, et s'enfuit avec lui à Madrid. Quelques années plus tard, atteinte d'une tumeur à la jambe qui nécessite une amputation, Tristana revient chez son oncle Don Lope, qu'elle accepte même d'épouser, mais elle se montrera dure et impitoyable avec lui. Avec Catherine Deneuve, Fernando Rey, Francis Nero."

  • "Film adaptations"@en
  • "Film adaptations"
  • "Llargmetratges"
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  • "Feature"
  • "Videogravaciones"@es
  • "Adaptation"
  • "Foreign language films"
  • "Drama cinematográfico"@es
  • "Drammatico (Genere)"@it
  • "Italian films"
  • "spanske film"
  • "Video recordings"
  • "Historical films"
  • "Features"
  • "Spanish films"
  • "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"
  • "Motion pictures, Spanish"
  • "DVD"
  • "Drama"@en
  • "Drama"
  • "Drama"@es
  • "Foreign films"
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  • "Feature films"
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  • "Spanish language films"
  • "fiction dramatique (fiction)"
  • "French films"
  • "Drames (cinéma)"
  • "Drama films"
  • "Videodiscos DVD"@es
  • "Fiction films"

  • "Tristana (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica)"
  • "Tristana"@en
  • "Tristana"@es
  • "Tristana"
  • "Tristana"@it
  • "Tristana (Film)"@it
  • "Tristana (Motion picture)"
  • "Tristana (film)"