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A look at the continent of Africa as seen through the eyes of the African people. Experience the skills needed to survive, not only the climate, but the social and economic conditions as well.

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  • "National Geographic Africa"@en
  • "National Geographic"@en
  • "National Geographic"

  • "Série de 8 épisodes qui présentent chacun une région de l'Afrique à travers l'expérience de ses habitants. Panorame du continent qui met en relief l'adaptation humaine au milieu naturel et les problèmes posés par la modernité. La 5e cassette est consacrée au tournage de la série."
  • "A look at the continent of Africa as seen through the eyes of the African people. Experience the skills needed to survive, not only the climate, but the social and economic conditions as well."@en
  • "A look at the continent of Africa as seen through the eyes of the African people. Experience the skills needed to survive, not only the climate, but the social and economic conditions as well."
  • "Les Caprices de l'eau - Au coeur de la région des Grands Lacs, le lac Victoria est le deuxième plus grand lac d'eau douce au monde. La richesse de cette région, qui s'étend de l'Ouganda à la Zambie, a attiré des peuples venus y réaliser leurs rêves. Mais ces pêcheurs, éleveurs, fermiers sont soumis aux caprices de l'eau et aux lois du marché. Pris dans cette impasse, un pêcheur a décidé de changer de cap pour se lances dans une nouvelle aventure : le tourisme."
  • "This nine-part series focuses on the African continent as seen through the eyes of its people, conveying the diversity and beauty of the land as well as telling the stories of Africans who will shape its future. The first episode showcases East Africa's golden plains through the tale of two women and their journeys between bustling city and rural landscape, set against a backdrop of age-old animal migrations to detail urban and traditional life in the land known as the cradle of humankind. Episode two examines the harsh splendor of the Sahara Desert from the viewpoint of a nine-year-old boy as he embarks on his first camel caravan. Follows time-honored Tuareg tradition as the boy and the men of his village make a 1,500-mile, six-month trek that provides an opportunity for commerce and serves as a voyage of discovery."@en
  • "The bonus program "The making of Africa" follows the series' directors, producers, camera crew, and project researchers as they travel through sixteen African countries to document the relationship among the people, wildlife, and landscape of the continent."@en
  • "Les Léopards de Zanzibar - Zanzibar est la plus grande île de la côte swahilie. Cette île est soumise à la mousson tout au long de l'année, ce qui a facilité pendant des siècles les relations commerciales des populations et entraîné la fusion des coutumes arabes et perses avec la culture africaine formant ainsi l'identité des Swahili. Ces hommes et femmes se tournent aujoud'hui vers la mer pour assurer leur subsistance. Mais les hommes se lancent dans un nouveau défi : créer une équipe de football : "les Léopards de Zanzibar""
  • "Episode seven travels to the sunny island of Zanzibar off Africa's eastern coast, where an amateur soccer team has qualified to compete in a championship match on the mainland. Reports how, in a place still tied to the past, the team members who make their living from the sea discover that keeping pace with modern changes can help them reach their goal. Episode eight indicates that since apartheid's 1994 downfall, South Africans from all walks of life have explored numerous opportunities and challenges. Analyzes in particular how young women in this nation have been seeking new careers, miners have struggled with a changing industry, and indigenous peoples have endeavored to reclaim their storied pasts."@en
  • "Les Voix de la forêt - Le bassin du fleuve Congo est l'un des écosystèmes les plus actifs de la planète. Quelque 30.000 pygmées Baka y ont élu domicile. Le timbre de leurs instruments et de leurs voix s'élève parmi les bruissements des oiseaux, des insectes et des petits primates. Si la légende baka veut que Dieu les ait chassés du paradis pour avoir fait trop de vacarme, aujoud'hui, c'est le grincement des scies géantes des bûcherons qui menace leur vie paisible, rythmée par la chasse et l'agriculture."
  • "An unprecedented look at the continent of Africa, as seen through the eyes of the African people. Experience the skills needed to survive, not only the climate, but the social and economic conditions as well."@en
  • "Episode five is set at the edge of the desolate and wind-swept Sahara, where two young men participate in ancient rituals guided by nature's complex rhythms. Points out that despite their different backgrounds, the youths have the same goal of making a successful passage into manhood and becoming full-fledged members of their respective communities. In episode six, in the midst of Africa's fertile heartland on Lake Victoria, a man is about to risk his family's savings for a chance at a better future; 500 miles away in the Kilombero Valley, another family's fortune is at the mercy of the elements."@en
  • "A series presenting Africa through the eyes of its people, conveying the beauty and diversity of the continent and the compelling personal stories of those who shape its future."
  • "Episode three explores the dense, mysterious rain forest of central Africa's Congo River Basin, revealing that it is home to the Baka people and a complex variety of plants and animals. Also queries whether logging of the region's old-growth timber by outside interests could endanger the rain forest itself, threaten the native villages, and have an adverse impact on local business. In episode four, Ethiopia's rugged terrain and ancient traditions are introduced by tracing the lives of two ambitious young men on the brink of manhood; one precocious entrepreneur goes on a pilgrimage from the cosmopolitan capital to attend an historic celebration in his family's rural village, while the other leaves for a spiritual journey deep into the Horn of Africa."@en
  • "Les Trésors du Sud - Il y a plus de trois millions d'années, le cratère Kaapval s'est solidifié pour former l'Afrique du Sud, rendue célèbre par ses richesses. Des richesses payées au prix fort par la population. Au lendemain de l'apartheid, l'Afrique du Sud, renaissant de ses cendres, est une terre où les préjugés demeurent mais où tous les espoirs sont permis. Ainsi, une nouvelle génération de Sud-Africains est en train de réinventer une nation."
  • "Visits eleven countries in Africa, presenting interviews with ordinary people and examining its diverse landscapes, wildlife, and social issues."
  • "Savane : Le Retour aux sources - Le paysage et le climat de la savane ont toujours été propices aux mammifères -les dinosaures jusqu'à l'homme. Mais entre profiter d'un paysage splendide, d'une vie tranquille et bénéficier du confort d'une vie moderne, le choix s'avère difficile. C'est en Tanzanie et au Kenya que deux femmes racontent leur déchirement entre l'envie de partir et celle de rester, le déchirement entre modernité et tradition."
  • "Making-of Africa - Ce film nous enmène dans les coulisses du tournage d'un documentaire peu ordinaire, d'un pari fou : comment raconter un continent en images? Comment dresser le portrait de ceux qui l'ont façonné et de ceux qui l'habitent? Ce making-of nous montre l'ampleur du projet, le calendrier, la logistique, et les centaines de personnes mobilisées sur le terrain. La caméra nous dévoile des scènes droles et tendres, des moments d'intimité et de tensions ..."
  • "An epic series presenting Africa through the eyes of its people, conveying the beauty and diversity of the continent and the compelling personal stories of those who shape its future."
  • "An epic series presenting Africa through the eyes of its people, conveying the beauty and diversity of the continent and the compelling personal stories of those who shape its future."@en

  • "Historical works (Nonfiction)"
  • "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"@en
  • "Sociological works (Nonfiction)"
  • "Drama"@en
  • "Documentary"@en
  • "Documentary television programs"
  • "History"
  • "Educational/cultural works"@en
  • "DVD-Video discs"
  • "Television"@en