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Bloody Sunday

Recreation of the events of "Bloody Sunday", Jan. 30, 1972, when British troops fired on unarmed protesters in Derry, Northern Ireland. By the end of the day, 13 civilians were dead and 14 more wounded in the tumult and tragedy of Northern Ireland's darkest day.

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  • "Au nom du père"
  • "Domingo sangriento"
  • "Eyewitness Bloody Sunday"
  • "On a clear day"

  • "Recreation of Bloody Sunday, the massacre of Jan. 1972 in Northern Ireland."
  • "Recreation of the events of "Bloody Sunday", Jan. 30, 1972, when British troops fired on unarmed protesters in Derry, Northern Ireland. By the end of the day, 13 civilians were dead and 14 more wounded in the tumult and tragedy of Northern Ireland's darkest day."
  • "Recreation of the events of "Bloody Sunday", Jan. 30, 1972, when British troops fired on unarmed protesters in Derry, Northern Ireland. By the end of the day, 13 civilians were dead and 14 more wounded in the tumult and tragedy of Northern Ireland's darkest day."@en
  • "Le 30 janvier 1972, une marche de manifestants protestants à travers un quartier catholique de Derry tourne au tragique lorsque l'armée britannique ouvre le feu."
  • "Winner of the Sundance Film Festival's Audience Award, writer-director Paul Greengrass' "magnetic and impassioned"* drama is a "staggering re-creation"** of the events of Sunday, January 30th, 1972 when British troops clashed with unarmed protestors in Derry, Northern Ireland."@en
  • "Recreation of the events of "Bloody Sunday", Jan. 30, 1972, when British troops fired on unarmed protesters in Derry, Northern Ireland. By the end of the day, 13 civilians were dead and 14 more wounded in the tumult and tragedy of Norther Ireland's darkest day."@en
  • "Recreation of the events of "Bloody Sunday", Jan. 30, 1972, when British troops fired on unarmed protesters in Derry, Northern Ireland. By the end of the day, 13 civilians were dead and 14 more wounded in the tumult and tragedy of Norther Ireland's darkest day."
  • "Recreation of the events of "Bloody Sunday", Jan. 30, 1972, when British troops fired on unarmed protesters in Derry, Northern Ireland. Told through the eyes of two men--the Irish politician and civil rights leader who organized the protest march and the British military officer sent to quell it."
  • "Drama-documentary recounting the events of 30 January 1972 when British soldiers shot dead 13 civilians taking part in a civil-rights march in Northern Ireland."@en
  • "A recreation of the events of Sunday, January 30th, 1972, when British troops clashed with unarmed protesters in Derry, Northern Ireland.--"
  • "On 30th January 1972, British soldiers shot dead 13 unarmed civilians taking part in an anti-internment civil rights march in Derry, Northern Ireland. The event was a major turning point in the history of the modern Irish troubles, driving many young men into the IRA and fuelling a 25-year cycle of violence. This powerful, award-winning film tells the story of Bloody Sunday in just one day from dusk till dawn."
  • "Narra los trágicos sucesos ocurridos el domingo 30 de Enero de 1972, cuando soldados británicos dispararon contra civiles desarmados que participaban en una marcha en Irlanda del Norte ; trece personas murieron en las calles de la ciudad de Derry y otras catorce fueron heridas. Eran unos civiles desarmados que participaban en una manifestación contra el decreto del Gobierno británico autorizando los internamientos preventivos. Este día, que se conoce en la historia por el nombre de Bloody Sunday (Domingo Sangriento), fue crucial en la historia contemporánea del problema irlandés porque convirtió el conflicto en una guerra civil."
  • "Der Film rekonstruiert die Ereignisse im nordirischen Londonderry vom 30. Januar 1972, als katholische Bürgerrechtler zu einer friedlichen Demonstration aufriefen, die von britischen Fallschirmspringern blutig niedergeschlagen wurde. Obwohl der Film keinen Hehl aus seiner Sympathieverteilung macht, betreibt er keine Ursachenforschungen und Schuldzuweisungen, registriert vielmehr das Geschehen in einer nahezu dokumentarischen Form und bietet damit "Geschichtskino" im besten Sinne des Wortes. (, 4.5.10)."
  • ""In this gritty documentary-style feature, director Paul Greengrass provides a compelling and emotional look at hte 1972 Bloody Sunday riots in Derry, Ireland, where a group of Catholic protestors were brutally killed by British troops"--Facets catalog, October, 2006."@en
  • "Derry, Irlanda del Nord, 30 gennaio 1972. Durante una manifestazione per i diritti civili, i militari uccidono tredici cittadini inermi ..."@it
  • "La domenica di sangue, pagina vergognosa per l'esercito e il governo britannici, si svolse a Derry, nell'Irlanda del Nord (ribattezzata Londonderry dagli inglesi), il 30-1-1972 quando, durante una marcia di diecimila cittadini per i diritti civili, tredici manifestanti inermi furono uccisi dai paracadutisti britannici che facevano parte dei tremila tra soldati e poliziotti schierati per stroncare la manifestazione con un'azione esemplare (Morandini)."
  • ""Le dimanche 30 janvier 1972, à Derry, en Irlande du Nord, Ivan Cooper est l'organisateur d'une marche pacifique pour l'égalité des droits entre catholiques et protestants, farouchement déterminés à éviter toute violence entre les différents protagonistes. Mais malgré son dialogue avec les autorités unionistes et ses tentatives de négociation avec les forces de l'ordre britanniques, la manifestation se transforme en émeute : treize personnes sont tuées par l'armée. Cette journée, désormais inscrite dans l'Histoire sous le nom de Bloody Sunday, marque le début de la guerre civile."--[]."
  • "Le dimanche 30 janvier 1972, à Derry, en Irlande du Nord, Ivan Cooper est l'organisateur d'une marche pacifique pour l'égalité des droits entre catholiques et protestants. Mais la manifestation se transforme en un bain de sang : treize personnes sont tuées par l'armée. Cette journée sera désormais inscrite dans l'Histoire sous le nom de Bloody Sunday."
  • "On 30th January 1972, British soldiers shot dead 13 unarmed civilians taking part in an anti-internment civil rights march in Derry, Northern Ireland. this event became known as Bloody Sunday and was a major turning point in the history of the modern Irish troubles, fuelling a 25 year cycle of violence. This film tells the story of Bloody Sunday in just one day from dusk till dawn."@en
  • "On 30th January 1972, British soldiers shot dead 13 unarmed civilians taking part in an anti-internment civil rights march in Derry, Northern Ireland. This event became known as Bloody Sunday and was a major turning point in the history of the modern Irish troubles, fuelling a 25 year cycle of violence. This film tells the story of Bloody Sunday in just one day from dusk till dawn."@en
  • "On 30th January 1972, British soldiers shot dead 13 unarmed civilians taking part in an anti-internment civil rights march in Derry, Northern Ireland. This event became known as Bloody Sunday and was a major turning point in the history of the modern Irish troubles, fuelling a 25 year cycle of violence. This film tells the story of Bloody Sunday in just one day from dusk till dawn."
  • "Zondag 30 januari 1972 in Derry, Noord-Ierland loopt een geweldloze demonstratie voor gelijke rechten voor katholieken en protestanten volledig uit de hand wanneer de Britse ordestrijdkrachten het vuur openen en dertien mensen worden doodgeschoten."
  • "La Ìœdomenica di sangue, pagina vergognosa per l'esercito e il governo britannici, si svolse a Derry, nell'Irlanda del Nord (ribattezzata Londonderry dagli inglesi), il 30-1-1972 quando, durante una marcia di diecimila cittadini per i diritti civili, tredici manifestanti inermi furono uccisi dai paracadutisti britannici che facevano parte dei tremila tra soldati e poliziotti schierati per stroncare la manifestazione con un'azione esemplare (Morandini)."@it
  • "James Nesbitt stars in this docu-drama looking at the infamous events which took place in Derry on 30 January 1972. The film traces what happened when British soldiers started using live rounds on the civilians assembled by MP Ivan Cooper as part of a civil rights protest march. The violence resulted in 13 dead, 14 wounded, and proved to be a major turning point in the history of the modern Irish troubles."

  • "Film adaptations"
  • "Film adaptations"@en
  • "Feature : Drama"@en
  • "Historical films"@en
  • "Historical films"
  • "Foreign films"
  • "Feature films"@en
  • "Feature films"
  • "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"@en
  • "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"
  • "Films historiques"
  • "DVD-Video"
  • "Drammatico (Genere)"
  • "Drammatico (Genere)"@it
  • "Film historique / Reconstitution"
  • "Drama"@en
  • "Drama"
  • "fiction dramatique (fiction)"
  • "Drame psychologique"
  • "Features"@en
  • "Films dramatiques"
  • "History"@en
  • "History"
  • "Fiction films"
  • "Drames (cinéma)"
  • "Speelfilm"
  • "DVD collection"@en

  • "Bloody Sunday"@en
  • "Bloody Sunday"@it
  • "Bloody Sunday"
  • "Bloody Sunday = Domingo sangriento"@es
  • "Bloody sunday"
  • "Bloody Sunday (Film cinématographique)"
  • "Bloody sunday"@it