"Spanisch." . . "Laura Cepeda" . . "Laster." . . "La jaquette indique : \"Yolanda Bell, une chanteuse de cabaret recherchée par la police, se réfugie dans un couvent. Elle va y découvrir des moeurs inhabituelles...\"" . . "Entre tinieblas = L' indiscreto fascino del peccato" . . "Dark habits" . . "Entre tinieblas (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica)" . . . . . "Entre tinieblas = (L'indiscreto fascino del peccato)" . . . . . . "Yolanda, a nightclub singer who goes on the \"lam\" after her lover dies of a drug overdose, takes refuge in the Convent of the Humble Redeemers. The nuns have their own problems with the church, with the law and with their benefactor."@en . "Yolanda, a nightclub singer who goes on the \"lam\" after her lover dies of a drug overdose, takes refuge in the Convent of the Humble Redeemers. The nuns have their own problems with the church, with the law and with their benefactor." . . . "Motion pictures" . . . . . . . . "Yolanda Bell, una cantante de boleros adicta a las drogas, ve morir a su novio Jorge delante de sus ojos por una sobredosis de heroína. Asustada, se refugia en un convento de monjas."@es . . "Entre tinieblas" . "Comédie satirique anticléricale. Une chanteuse de club de nuit, après que son amant soit mort d'une overdose dans son appartement, se retire au couvent des Humbles Rédemptrices. Toutefois, les religieuses excentriques qui l'accueillent à bras ouverts connaissent leurs propres problèmes avec l'Église, la loi et leur bienfaiteur. Avec Carmen Maura, Cristina Pascual, Julieta Serrano, Marisa Paredes, Chus Lampreave." . . . "Entre tinieblas [DVD]" . . . . . . . . . . . "Entre tinieblas (Motion picture)" . . "Commedia (Genere)" . . . . "L'indiscreto fascino del peccato" . . . . . "DVD-Video discs" . "Feature films" . "Yolanda Bell, una cantante de boleros, adicta a las drogas, ve morir a su novio Jorge delante de sus ojos por una sobredosis de heroina. Asustada, se refugia en un convento de monjas."@es . "Comedia cinematográfica"@es . "Yolanda Bell sees her boyfriend Jorge die before her eyes from an overdose of heroin laced with strychnine that she bought him. Scared, she decides to disappear. She seeks refuge in a convent run by the Humbled Redeemers. The community is going through a crisis, as very few girls seem to want to be redeemed, preferring drug dealing or soft porn writing as unholy pursuits. Soon Yolanda is playing the same old deadly games with heroin with the Mother Superior. In his third film, Almodovar delivers his sharp criticism of the Catholic church with as much camp bravado as the low budget can afford. Often compared to Bunuel for its uncompromising anticlericalism, Almodovar's cinema is also to be seen in the light of Spain's reacquaintance with democracy following the death of Franco in 1976, and the subsequent sense of liberation and 'anything goes' that overtook Spain in the 1980s." . . . . . "Entre tinieblas = Dark habits" . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Entre tinieblas"@es . "Entre tinieblas" . . . . "Dark habits ; title from subtitles: Dark hideout" . . "\"Blighted by drugs and amour fou, nighclub singer Yolanda has herself committed to a charity convent. The nuns there include a writer of sensationalist pulp fiction, a drug addict and a masochist. But their private lives and perverse foibles are plunged into doubt when a new mother superior arrives to take charge\" (from box)." . . . . . "Entre tinieblas = Dans les ténèbres" . . "Yolanda Bell, jeune chanteuse de boléro, se refugie dans le couvent des Rédemptrices humiliées après la mort de son ami Jorge par overdose d'héroine. Elle est accueillie avec joie et la mère supérieure lui avoue son admiration pour son art. Peu a peu s'établissent entre la pécheresse et son sauveur les mêmes relations autodestructrices que Yolanda entretenait avec son ami." . . . . . "Dark Habits" . . "A nightclub singer hides out in a convent after her lover dies of an overdose. The eccentric nuns, who welcome her with open arms, have problems of their own: with the church, with the law and with their benefactor. In the end, it's hard to say who's redeemed, if anyone." . . . . . . . . . "A nightclub singer hides out in a convent after her lover dies of an overdose. The nuns, who welcome her with open arms, have problems of their own." . . "Entre tinieblas L'indiscreto fascino del peccato = Dark habits" . . . . . . . . . "Dark habits Entre tinieblas" . "Entre tinieblas Dark habits" . "Entre tinieblas Dark habits"@es . "Foreign films" . "Fiction films" . . . . "Feature" . . . . . "Comèdies" . . . . . "Drama" . . . . "Spanish language films" . . . . "\"When [Yolande's] boyfriend dies from a drug overdose, she decides it is better to hide out than face the cops who are looking for her. She winds up at a convent that specializes in saving women from the street. However, this is not you average group of nuns ...\" [box cover note]." . . . . . "Dark habits" . "Dark habits"@es . . . . . . . . "Yolanda, a nightclub singer who goes on the 'lam' after her lover dies of a drug overdose, takes refuge in the Convent of the Humble Redeemers. The nuns have their own problems with the Church, with the law and with their benefactor." . . "En esta fusión de comedia y tragedia se cuenta la historia de una joven adicta a las drogas que entra un convento dedicado a rehabilitar mujeres que han errado en su vida pero lo que se encuentra allí es perversión y ella tiene que resolver su probelma entre tinieblas." . . "Entre tinieblas = Dark hideout"@en . . . . "Indiscreto fascino del peccato" . "Yolanda Bell, una cantante de boleros adicta a las drogas, ve morir a su novio Jorge delante de sus ojos por una sobredosis de heroina. Asustada, se refugia en un convento de monjas."@es . . . . . "Dark habits [videorecording]" . . . . . . "DVD" . . . "Morto il fidanzato per overdose, cantante di flamenco si rifugia nel piccolo convento madrileno delle Redentoras Humilladas dove le suore si iniettano eroina, allevano una tigre e molte galline, scrivono sotto pseudonimo romanzetti spinti, s'impegnano in un futuro viaggio in Thailandia come corrieri della droga. Il che non impedisce loro di essere pie, generose, amanti del prossimo. (Mymovies)." . . "Negros hábitos" . . . . "Foreign language films" . . "Dans les ténèbres, français" . . "Comedy films" . "Yolanda Bell, una joven cantante de boleros, drogadicta y temeraria, ve morir a su novio de una sobredosis de heroína que ella misma le ha suministrado. Aterrada decide desaparecer y se refugia en el convento de Las Redentoras Humilladas, cuya superiora le declaró su admiración una noche que fue a verla actuar al Molino Rojo"@es . . . . . . "Comedy" . . . . . . . . . . "Motion pictures Spain." . . "El Deseo S.A." . . "Drogadictos Drama Videodiscos." . . "Sociología." . . "Cantantes Teatro." . . "Películas cinematográficas DVD." . . "Film." . . "Películas cinematográficas Videodiscos." . . "Lesbische Liebe." . . "Religiosas en el cine DVD." . . "Conventos Drama Videodiscos." . . "Drogenkonsum." . . "SPOT Producciones (Firm)" . . "Películas cinematográficas." . . "Cine Melodrama." . . "Motion Picture Film \"Entre tinieblas\" DVD." . . "Amor en el cine DVD." . . "Mujeres en el cine DVD." . . "Monjas Teatro." . . "Videobånd." . . "Will More" . . "Cine España DVD." . . "Películas cinematográficas \"Entre tinieblas\" DVD." . . "Conventos Teatro." . . "Frauenkloster." . . . . "Cantantes Drama Videodiscos." . . "Entretenimiento." . . "Mujeres Películas DVD." . . "Películas españolas Videodiscos." . . "Cristina Aánchez Pascual" . .