"Voyages and travels." . . "Epic." . . "Powieść fantastyczna amerykańska 1990- tłumaczenia polskie." . . "Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815 Fiction." . . "fantasy." . . "Dragons." . . "drager (fabeldyr)" . . "Armed Forces Officers." . . "England" . . . . . . . . "Fantastic fiction"@en . . "On the way home from China, Captain Will Leneuve is ordered to collect three dragon eggs in Istanbul for the British government, a journey fraught with danger, as the travellers must scale mountains, traverse hostile deserts and contend with Lien, who is consumed by vengeance." . . . "Alternative histories (Fiction)"@en . "Alternative histories (Fiction)" . . . . . . . . . . "American fiction" . "Temeraire : la guerra dei draghi : romanzo" . "Temeraire : la guerra dei draghi : romanzo"@it . . . . "Par les chemins de la soie" . . . . . . "Fantasy romány" . . "Black powder war (Temeraire #3)" . . . "An historical fantasy with bite. This debut novel from Naomi Novik is set in the Napoleonic period and layers history with imagination and fantasy by adding a Dragon Air force to the battle for England." . "After their fateful adventure in China, Capt. Will Laurence of His Majesty?s Aerial Corps and his extraordinary dragon, Temeraire, are waylaid by a mysterious envoy bearing urgent new orders from Britain. Three valuable dragon eggs have been purchased from the Ottoman Empire, and Laurence and Temeraire must detour to Istanbul to escort the precious cargo back to England. Time is of the essence if the eggs are to be borne home before hatching.Yet disaster threatens the mission at every turn?thanks to the diabolical machinations of the Chinese dragon Lien, who blames Temeraire for her master?s death and vows to ally herself with Napoleon and take vengeance. Then, faced with shattering betrayal in an unexpected place, Laurence, Temeraire, and their squad must launch a daring offensive. But what chance do they have against the massed forces of Bonaparte?s implacable army?" . . "Americké romány" . . . . . . . . "Fantasy fiction"@en . "La Guerra de la pólvora" . "History takes flight in the third book of Naomi Novik's deliciously addictive Temeraire series which captures the Napolenic period and skilfully layers historical events with imagination by adding a Dragon Air Force to the battle for England."@en . . "With the Chinese threat neatly dissolved, Temeraire is free to return to Britain. But before they board the ship, Laurence receives orders that he and Temeraire are not to sail with the British forces. Instead they must take the shorter route to rendevous by the English Channel, and stop in Istanbul to collect three dragon eggs which the government have purchased at great expense from the Turkish. But the overland flight is fraught with danger. They will have to scale mountains and cross deserts, evade Napoleon's aggressive infantry and hide from unpredictable feral dragons. And even before they leave, they discover that Lien has left China before them, intent upon revenge." . . "Fantasy fiction" . . . . . "Powieść fantastyczna amerykańska"@pl . . "Powieść fantastyczna amerykańska" . . . "Fantasy" . "Electronic books"@en . "Fantasy"@en . . . "\"El capitán Will Laurence selló su destino al capturar de una fragata francesa el huevo de dragón imperial del que nacería Temerario. Juntos demostraron su valor combatiendo contra las fuerzas invasoras de Napoleon Bonaparte. Ahora China ha descubierto que el dragón está en manos británicas y ha enviado a unos emisarios para recuperar al fantástico animal. Cuando Laurence se niegue a entregarlo, su desafio sólo tendra dos salidas: la horca o acompañar a Temerario hasta el Lejano Oriente. Comienza entonces un largo viaje sembrado de trampas, peligros e intrigas que sólo reforzarán la magnífica amistad que hay entre Will y Temerario.\"--P. [4] of cover." . . . . "La guerra de la pólvora"@es . "La guerra de la pólvora" . . "Black Powder WAr / Temeraire Book 3"@en . . . . "Wojna prochowa"@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . "Black Powder War"@en . "Black Powder War" . . . . . . "War stories"@en . "War stories" . . "Adventure fiction"@en . "Adventure fiction" . . . "Dračí pomsta" . . "Barutni rat : [nastavak knjige Zmaj njegovog veličanstva]" . . "Temeraire" . . . . . . "History"@en . . . . "Fantasy novels" . "In the wake of their adventure in China, Captain Will Laurence of His Majesty's Aerial Corps and his dragon, Temeraire, are sent on a mission to protect three valuable dragon eggs on a trip back to England from the Ottoman Empire, but the vengeful Chinese dragon Lien allies herself with Napoleon to stop them."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Black powder war"@it . . . "Black powder war : #3"@en . "Black powder war" . "Adventure stories"@en . "Black powder war"@en . "After their fateful adventure in China, Capt. Will Laurence of His Majesty's Aerial Corps and his extraordinary dragon, Temeraire, are waylaid by a mysterious envoy bearing urgent new orders from Britain. Three valuable dragon eggs have been purchased from the Ottoman Empire, and Laurence and Temeraire must detour to Istanbul to escort the precious cargo back to England. Time is of the essence if the eggs are to be borne home before hatching."@en . "Barutni rat" . "Fiction"@en . "Fiction" . . "Fiction Fantasy Dragons." . . "Fiction." . . "Great Britain. Royal Navy" . . "1288 - 1918" . . "Historical." . . "Ship captains Fiction." . . "FICTION General." . . "Dragons Fiction." . . "Istanbul (Turkey)" . . . . "Novik, Naomi" . . "Turkey" . . "1800 - 1815" . .