"Literatura australiana." . . "NOVELAS AUSTRALIANAS." . . . . . "A story about Cassidy's son-in-law and executor, Martin. A young man who sets out to unravel the legacy only to discover the ironic joke Cassidy has played. Martin must now become Cassidy himself,and face the same choices,chances,and challenges his prececessor faced."@en . . . . . "Zemsta" . "Zemsta"@pl . . . "Cassidy's death leads to his will and as executor, the son-in-law finds himself the target of every crook and politician who ever Cut a dirty deal with the old man. The Estate safe yields gems, heroin, compromising photos of prominent men-stuff of bribery and blackmail." . . "Dios salve su alma"@es . "Dios salve su alma" . . "Manuscripts"@en . "Cassidy Roman" . . . . . . . . . "Cassidy"@pl . "Cassidy"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "O preço da honra" . . . . . "L'arcicorruttore" . . "L'arcicorruttore"@it . . . . "Detective and mystery stories"@en . . . . . "Kasinti" . . "Donated."@en . . . . . "Cassidy : a novel"@en . "Cassidy : a novel" . . "Arcicorruttore" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Cassidy : Roman" . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Fiction"@en . "Charles Cassidy, Premier of New South Wales, dies. On opening a safe containing heroin, gems and pornographic pictures of men Cassidy was blackmailing, executor and estranged son-in-law Martin Gregory knows he's now caught in a deadly trap."@en . "Fiction" . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Cassidy : [en thriller]"@sv . . . . . . . "Large type books"@en . . "Cassidy"@en . "Cassidy" . . "Manoeuvres financières internationales dont tente de se dégager, sous forme d'héritage encombrant, le gendre d'un chevalier d'industrie. Dans le style et la manière de cet auteur connu." . . . . . "Powieść australijska"@pl . "Novela australiana." . . "Mondadori," . . "Cassidy, Charles Parnell (Fictitious character) Fiction." . . "Gregory, Martin (Fictitious character) Fiction." . . "Australia" . . "Novela inglesa Siglo XX." . . . . "United States" . . "Novela inglesa Traducciones al español." . .