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Molecular basis of aging

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  • "Molecular Basis of Aging is a collection of papers that discuss the molecular aspects of aging in the light of molecular biology, biochemical gerontology, and genetics. Each chapter of the book contains a different study about the topic, which includes the effects of aging on DNA synthesis; the amplification of extrachromosomal circular copies and mitochondrial DNA during aging; and the altered actions of hormones and neurotransmitters during aging. The book also encompasses the loss of responsiveness to growth factors in cell senescence; the integration of cellular-molecular and neuroendocrin..."

  • "Conference proceedings"@en
  • "Conference papers and proceedings"
  • "Conference papers and proceedings"@en
  • "Online-Publikation"
  • "Kongress"
  • "Electronic books"@en

  • "Molecular basis of aging : [proceedings of a Symposium Entitled Aging : A Biochem. Perspective, Rochester, Mich. Nov. 2-4, 1983]"
  • "Molecular basis of aging"@en
  • "Molecular basis of aging"
  • "Molecular basis of aging : proceedings of a symposium; Rochester - Mich., November 2-4, 1983"
  • "Molecular basis of aging : [proceed. of a Symposium Entitled Aging: a biochemical perspective, held atMeadow Brook Mansion Oakland Univ., Rochester, Mich., Nov. 2-4, 1983]"
  • "Molecular Basis of Aging"@en
  • "Molecular Basis of Aging"