"Mademoiselle Angot (Choreographic work : Massine)" . . . . . . . . "Mam'zelle Angot [motion picture]" . . . . . . . "Excerpt from a live (?) telecast documenting the Royal Birthday Gala held for Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother at the Royal Opera House Covent Garden. Also in attendance are Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Princess Margaret, and other members of the royal family. The first 5 min. of the tape depict the Queen Mother and her party entering the theater and taking their places in their box, followed by the playing of the national anthem. The performance runs for ca. 47 min. and is followed by an additional 11 min. depicting the dancers, orchestra, stage staff and house personnel assembling onstage to honor the Queen Mother ; the singing of \"Happy birthday\" ; the Queen Mother's visit backstage, where she is greeted by Sir Frederick Ashton and others. Voiceover commentary describes the action and identifies personalities glimpsed on camera. This tape does not include the performance of Ashton's Rhapsody, danced by Mikhail Baryshnikov and Lesley Collier, which is mentioned in the commentary as part of the gala program." . . . "Special event coverage and commentary" . . . . . . "Mam'zelle Angot" . . "Video" . . . . . . . . "Dance" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .