. . "Pictorial works"@en . . . . "\" ... the beginning of the new millennium ... when athletes raced for gold medals at the glorious Summer Games in Australia -- and the race for the White House ended up a photo finish in the closest presidential election in American history [between Vice President Al Gore and Texas Governor George W. Bush] ... Here as well is the landmark deciphering of the human genome, which may jump-start a revolution in biology. Here is the triumphant moment when the Serbs discovered people power and cast out Slobodan Milosevic, and the tragic moment when the peace process in the Middle East gave way to violence. Here are remarkable personal stories, from the unforgettable journey of Cuban refugee Elián González to the compelling tale of Shawn Fanning, a college dropout who invented the Napster software that allows computers to swap music files -- and may change the recording industry forever. And here are the fads, the faces, the pulse of the year 2000: Harry Potter and Britney Spears, snappy scooters and the Love Bug computer virus, the New York Yankees and the Dixie Chicks -- all captured in the memorable photographs, compelling prose and instructive charts and graphs that are the hallmarks of 'Time.'\""@en . "Time annual, 2001"@en . . . "2001 events." . .