"IDP. Institute for Defence Policy." . . "African security review : a working paper series" . . . . . . . . . . "ASR"@en . . . "Focuses on the spectrum of human security issues, including security sector transformation, civil-military relations, crime, justice and corruption, small arms control, peace support initiatives, conflict management, as well as articles dealing with the interplay between economics, politics, society and culture and human security and stability. It focuses on Africa, within an international, regional or national context. Includes feature articles, country case studies, research essays, short commentaries and book reviews."@en . "Electronic journals"@en . "Revistes electròniques" . . . . . . . . . "African security review" . . . "South African defence review" . . . "African security review (Online)"@en . . . . . "African defence review" . . . . . "Periodicals" . . . "Periodicals"@en . . . . . . "African security review" . "African security review"@en . . . . . . . . . "Instituto Superior de Rela∞ʹ∞æes Internacionais (Mozambique)" . . "Electronic journals" . . "Africa" . . . . "South Africa" . . "Africa, Southern" . . "Instituto Superior de Relações Internacionais (Moçambic)" . . "Institute for Defence Policy (Àfrica del Sud)" . . "Àfrica del Sud" . . "Institute for Security Studies (Àfrica del Sud)" . .