"Gewalttätigkeit." . . "DVD." . . "Films." . . "Psiquiatria." . . "Pie Films." . . "Cinéma américain Québec (Province) 21e siècle." . . "Cinéma Etats-Unis." . . "Home Box Office (Firm)" . . "Violence in adolescence Drama." . . "Feature films." . . "Optimum Releasing (Firm)" . . "Motion picture film Elephant DVD." . . "Sociología de la educación." . . "Psicologia." . . "High school students Drama." . . "Motion pictures, American." . . "Feature films United States." . . "film." . . "Film." . "High schools Drama." . . "Drames (cinéma)" . . "Festival International du Film 56º 2003 Cannes" . . . "Jóvenes Drama Videodiscos." . . "Longs métrages États-Unis." . . "Assetjament psicològic entre iguals a l'escola." . . "HBO Home Video." . . "School." . . "Festival International du Film 56o. 2003 Cannes." . . . "Verenigde Staten." . . "Massenmord." . . "Armas Tenencia Estados Unidos DVD." . . "French DVDs 2005." . . "Spanish DVDs 2005." . . "Violent crimes United States Drama." . . "High school students Oregon Portland Drama." . . "Películas cinematográficas." . . "Teenagers." . . "Meno Film Company Production." . . . "Violent crimes." . . "Violencia Juvenil Estados Unidos DVD." . . . "Elephant Elefante" . . . "Depicts students at a Portland, Oregon high school before and during a tragic school shooting. Follows a young boy who takes over the wheel from his drunken dad while returning from lunch. Then follows another student who crosses paths with the first, then the other of the two boys in camouflage gear, carrying heavy bags, who arrive inside the school and begin shooting. No explaination for the shooting is given, it simply places the audience in the interminable window of adolescences when life is both trivial and painfully important all at the same time."@en . "Depicts students at a Portland, Oregon high school before and during a tragic school shooting. Follows a young boy who takes over the wheel from his drunken dad while returning from lunch. Then follows another student who crosses paths with the first, then the other of the two boys in camouflage gear, carrying heavy bags, who arrive inside the school and begin shooting. No explaination for the shooting is given, it simply places the audience in the interminable window of adolescences when life is both trivial and painfully important all at the same time." . . . . . . . . "La vita di alcuni studenti di un liceo americano in una giornata d'autunno: lezioni, partite a football, pettegolezzi e socializzazione. Eli persuade una coppia di punk a posare per alcune fotografie. Nate termina il suo allenamento a football e va a incontrare la sua ragazza Carrie, per pranzare con lei. John lascia le chiavi della macchina di suo padre nell'ufficio della scuola affinché le prenda suo fratello. Nel caffè, Brittany, Jordan e Nicole chiacchierano di quanto le loro madri stiano sempre a ficcare il naso nei loro affari. Michelle si affretta verso la biblioteca mentre Eli scatta alcune fotografie di John nel corridoio. Sembra un normale giorno di scuola. Ma Alex ed Eric hanno progettato nei minimi particolari un piano per sterminare studenti e professori (IBS)." . . . . . . . . . . . . "On a beautiful autumn day, Eli persuades a punk-rock couple to pose for some photos. Nate finishes football practice and goes to meet his girlfriend Carrie for lunch. John leaves his dad's car keys in the school office for his brother to pick up. In the cafeteria, Brittany, Jordan and Nicole gossip and complain about their mothers' snooping. Michelle dashes to the library, while Eli snaps some photos of john in the hallway. John walks out onto the lawn, crossing paths with Alex and Eric. It's an ordinary high school day. But all that is about to change. Inspired by real-life events at Columbine High School and shot with a cast primarily made up of students from the surrounding area."@en . . "Loosely based on the violent events at Columbine High School, the film captures one day in the life of a group of students at an American high school, and how their lives are forever changed by a shocking and traumatic event."@en . "Fil" . . . "Elephant (Film cinématographique)" . . "Een willekeurige dag in het leven van verschillende middelbare schoolleerlingen in Portland, een dag die uitloopt op een bloedbad." . . . . . . . . . "Elephant (Motion picture)"@en . "Recreación en clave de ficción de la matanza ocurrida en el instituto Columbine por parte de dos adolescentes. Es un bonito día de otoño. Así, un día cualquiera, los estudiantes de este instituto norteamericano hacen su vida rutinaria: van a clase, se cruzan por los pasillos y conversan, hacen deporte, comen en la cafetería, realizan sus actividades, etc. Pero ese día no será como los demas" . . . "The elephant"@en . . . . . . . . "Videodiscos DVD"@es . . . . . "La vita di alcuni studenti di un liceo americano in una giornata d'autunno: lezioni, partite a football, pettegolezzi e socializzazione. Eli persuade una coppia di punk a posare per alcune fotografie. Nate termina il suo allenamento a football e va a incontrare la sua ragazza Carrie, per pranzare con lei. John lascia le chiavi della macchina di suo padre nell'ufficio della scuola affinché le prenda suo fratello. Nel caffè, Brittany, Jordan e Nicole chiacchierano di quanto le loro madri stiano sempre a ficcare il naso nei loro affari. Michelle si affretta verso la biblioteca mentre Eli scatta alcune fotografie di John nel corridoio. Sembra un normale giorno di scuola. Ma Alex ed Eric hanno progettato nei minimi particolari un piano per sterminare studenti e professori. (IBS)." . "Speelfilm" . . . . . . . "Cine criminal" . "Llargmetratges" . . "Elephant a film by Gus Van Sant"@en . . . . . . "Vidéo" . . "Fiction"@en . "A look inside an American high school through the students eyes, on an ordinary day which quickly turns tragic."@en . . . . . . . . "Films for the hearing impaired"@en . . . . . . . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"@en . . "Il 20 aprile 1999 due studenti, armati con mitra, fucili e bombe a mano, entrarono nel liceo Columbine a Littleton, Colorado. Fu una strage: 12 studenti e un professore uccisi, decine di studenti e professori feriti. Questa è l'incredibile cronaca minuto per minuto di quel massacro."@it . . . . . . . "John, quinze ans, se rend en voiture à son école secondaire à Portland, en Oregon. Il a pris le volant, son père qui devait l'y accompagner étant entré ivre à la maison. À cause de cet événement, John est en retard en classe et doit essuyer les réprimandes du directeur de lʹécole. Élias, un autre élève, photographie en vue de monter un album, des élèves plutôt excentriques. Pour leur part, Nathan et Carrie, qui forment un couple, discutent dʹune fête à laquelle ils comptent se rendre. Michelle, jeune fille plutôt timide, décide de ne pas assister à son cours dʹéducation physique et de se rendre plutôt à la bibliothèque. À la cafétéria, un élève discret, souffre-douleur en classe des autres élèves, côtoie trois copines qui discutent de Nathan, le jeune homme qui est avec Carrie et qui suscite leur plus grand intérêt. Après le dîner, le garçon rejeté de ses camarades va refaire surface, armé, accompagné dʹun de ses amis, dans le but de se venger et de provoquer un bain de sang. La journée commencée dans le train-train quotidien pour ces jeunes va tourner au cauchemar." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Elephant (Película : 2003)"@es . "Elephant takes us inside an American high school on one, single ordinary day that very rapidly turns tragic. The story unfolds, filled with classwork, football, gossip and socializing. It's an ordinary high school day. Except that it's not."@en . . . "A realistic drama depicting students at a Portland, Oregon high school before and during a tragic school shooting. Follows a young boy who takes over the wheel from his drunken dad while returning from lunch. Then follows another student who crosses paths with the first, then the other of the two boys in camouflage gear, carrying heavy bags, who arrive inside the school and begin shooting. No explanation for the shooting is given, it simply places the audience in the interminable window of adolescence when life is both trivial and painfully important all at the same time." . . "Elephant fil" . . . . . . . . "Feature film from the USA. A day in the life of teenage students of a Portland Oregon high school; a day which ends in bloodshed." . . "SUMMARY: \"The movie starts as a car has a hard time driving straight down the road in a residential area. We think some kid has stolen this car. Nah. It's the dad driving his son to school, and he's drunk. The teenage son must take over. So, adults give up all responsibility towards their children and mayhem can take place. The film shows one day in the life of several teenage students as they go in and out of classes. They live their student lives and we follow their steps through the corridors and doors, taking them as guides one by one, like avatars in a giant video game.\" IMDB" . . "Recreación en clave de ficción de la matanza ocurrida en el instituto Columbine por parte de dos adolescentes. Es un bonito día de otoño. Eli, camino de clase, convence a una pareja de rockeros para hacerles unas fotos. Nate termina su entrenamiento de fútbol y queda con su novia Carrie para comer. John deja las llaves del coche de su padre en la conserjería del instituto para que las recoja su hermano. Así, un día cualquiera, los estudiantes de este instituto norteamericano hacen su vida rutinaria: van a clase, se cruzan por los pasillos y conversan, hacen deporte, comen en la cafetería, realizan sus actividades, etc. Pero ese día no será como los demas..."@es . . . "Ein ganz normaler Tag an einer Highschool irgendwo in einer amerikanischen Provinz. In leichten Fahrten folgt die Kamera den Schülern, gibt einen flüchtigen Einblick in ihren Alltag: Mädchengekicher, typische Teenagerprobleme aber auch Ausgrenzung, Magersucht und eine gnadenlose Hackordnung. Alex und Eric eher unscheinbar und nicht besonders beliebt bestellen sich Waffen im Internet. In einem blutigen Feldzug streifen sie durch die Gänge des Campus und erschießen eiskalt Lehrer und Mitschüler. Zum ersten Mal in ihrem Leben finden sie sich cool." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Elefante" . . . . . "Drames" . . . . "Elephant"@en . "Elephant"@it . . . "Elephant demostrates that high school life is a complex landscape where the vitality and beauty of young lives can shift from flight to darkness wuth surreak speed. It's an ordinary high school day. Except that it's not." . . "Suspense"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . "DVD" . . . . "Une heure dans un lycée de banlieue américaine. Les élèves vaquent à leurs occupations et préoccupations de leur âge, alors que l'absence des adultes est notoire. Une poignée d'élèves nous entraîne d'un lieu à l'autre, longeant les couloirs du lycée, parcs et passerelles, du terrain de sport à la bibliothèque du laboratoire photo, secrétariat et cafétéria... Pendant que deux d'entre aux organisent une véritable tuerie dans le lycée." . . . . . . . "Drames (cinéma)" . . . . "Elephant"@es . "Elephant"@it . "Elephant"@en . "Elephant" . . . . . . . "A realistic drama that takes the viewer inside an American high school on one single, ordinary day that very rapidly turns tragic. It observes the comings and goings of its characters from a safe distance. The experiences of each student range from friendly and innocent to traumatic and deeply disturbing."@en . "A realistic drama that takes the viewer inside an American high school on one single, ordinary day that very rapidly turns tragic. It observes the comings and goings of its characters from a safe distance. The experiences of each student range from friendly and innocent to traumatic and deeply disturbing." . "station agent" . . . . . . . . . . . "Elephant (film)" . . . . "Drama cinematográfico" . . "It is a typical day at a middle-American high school, except it isn't, because this is Van Sant's take on the \"Columbine phenomema\" - what drives kids to gun down their peers in cold blood." . . . . . . "Es ist ein schöner Herbsttag. Eli, der zu Fuss in die Schule unterwegs ist, überredet im Park ein Punk- Pärchen, für ein paar Fotos zu posieren. Nate trifft nach dem Football-Training seine Freundin Carrie zum Mittagessen. John hinterlegt im Rektorat die Autoschlüssel seines Vaters, damit sein Bruder sie dort abholen kann. In der Cafeteria tratschen Brittany, Jordan und Nicole und beklagen sich über das Geschnüffel ihrer Mütter. Michelle rast in die Bibliothek, während Eli im Korridor ein paar Fotos von John knipst. John geht hinaus auf den Rasen, wo er den Weg von Alex und Eric kreuzt. Ein gewöhnlicher Tag an einer High School, der so gar nicht gewöhnlich enden wird. Der Spielfilm nimmt Bezug auf die Bluttat vom 20. April 1999, als an der Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado der 17-jährige Dylan Klebold und der 18-jährige Eric Harris zwölf Mitschüler und einen Lehrer erschossen. In der ganzen Schule hatten sie Sprengfallen angebracht, insgesamt wurden 23 Menschen verletzt. Die Tat war kein Amoklauf sondern ein von langer Hand geplantes Massaker, an dessen Ende die beiden Teenager Selbstmord begingen." . . . "Elephant <film ; 2003>"@it . "DVD-Video" . . . "Drammatico (Genere)" . . . "Cinema i medicina" . . . "Es un bonito dia de otoño. Eli, camino de clase, convence a una pareja de roqueros para hacerles unas fotos. Nate, termina su entrenamiento de futbol y queda con su novia Carrie para comer. John deja las llaves del coche de su padre en la conserjeria del instituto para que las recoja su hermano. En la cafeteria Brittany, Jordan y Nicole cotillean y critican a sus madres. Michelle va corriendo a la biblioteca mientras que Eli saca fotos a John en el vestibulo. John sale del instituto y se dirige a los jardines junto a Alex y Eric. Parece un dia cualquiera...pero no lo es."@es . . . "Drama" . "Drama"@en . "Drama"@es . . "fiction dramatique (fiction)" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Elephants can live for 70 years but what happens when one dies in the wild? This film shows how a new cycle of life is fed by a 5 ton elephant carcass."@en . . . . "Es un bonito día de otoño. Eli, camino de clase, convence a una pareja de roqueros para hacerles unas fotos. Nate, termina su entrenamiento de fútbol y queda con su novia Carrie para comer." . . . . . . "Motion picture plays" . "Elephant (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica)" . . . . . . "Elephant <risorsa elettronica>"@it . . . . . . "Delinqüència juvenil" . . "Gus Van Sant erzählt in langen, sanften Kamerafahrten alltägliche Geschichten einer amerikanischen Schule. Er berichtet von Verliebtheit und Ausgrenzung, von Kreativität und Bulimie, von Alphatieren und dicken Brillenschlangen. Alex und Eric, zwei gehänselte Jungs, proben den Aufstand. Sie bestellen Waffen im Internet und richten ein Blutbad an." . . . . . . . "Feature films"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Parece un día cualquiera en el instituto, pero dos estudiantes tienen un plan especial ..."@es . . . . . "Fiction films"@en . "Drame psychologique" . . . . . . . . . . "HBO Films." . . "Gewalt." . . "Optimum Home Entertainment." . . "High schools." . . "Violence in adolescence." . . "Jóvenes inadaptados." . . . . "Meno Films." . . "Blue Relief Productions (Firm)" . . "Películas cinematográficas Elephant DVD." . . "Películas cinematográficas \"Elephant\" DVD." . "Oregon" . . "Schule." . . "United States." . . "Uzun metrajlı filmler." . . "Películas cinematográficas Videodiscos." . . "Adolescentes Drama Videodiscos." . . "Amistad Drama Videodiscos." . . "HBO Films (Firm)" . . "Fearmakers Studios (Firm)" . . "Cine estadounidense." . . "High school students." . . "Películas estadounidenses Videodiscos." . . "USA." . .