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The general theory of employment, interest, and money : interest and money

Noted twentieth-century economist Keynes is best known for his theory that unemployment could be alleviated by increased government spending aimed at stimulating the economy.

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  • "福利经济及国家理论"
  • "Employment, interest, and money"@en
  • "Fu li jing ji ji guo jia li lun"
  • "Lai zi jing zheng de fan rong"
  • "General theory of employment, interest and money"@pl
  • "General theory of employment, interest and money"@it
  • "Thecollected writings"
  • "Teoria generale dell'occupazione"@it
  • "Collected writings of John Maynard Keynes"
  • "How to pay for the war"@it
  • "general theory of employment,interest and money"@ja
  • "来自竞争的繁荣"
  • "Collected writings"
  • "Inflação e deflação"@pt
  • "Inflation and deflation. Portugues"@pt
  • "Employment, interest and money"@en

  • "Noted twentieth-century economist Keynes is best known for his theory that unemployment could be alleviated by increased government spending aimed at stimulating the economy."
  • "Noted twentieth-century economist Keynes is best known for his theory that unemployment could be alleviated by increased government spending aimed at stimulating the economy."@en
  • "This book is chiefly addressed to my fellow economists. I hope that it will be intelligible to others. But its main purpose is to deal with difficult questions of theory, and only in the second place with the applications of this theory to practice. I have thought it important, not only to explain my own point of view, but also to show in what respects it departs from the prevailing theory. - Preface."@en
  • "Mnozí na Západě považují dílo J.M. Keynese za mezník ekonomické vědy; dokonce jej srovnávají se Smithem, Marxem, Darwinem a Koperníkem. A přece Keynes pouze shrnul v soustavu myšlenky již před ním vyslovené, v soustavu, ježuchvátila nejen západní buržoazní ekonomy, ale i naše pravicové sociální demokraty. Keynes se také v jádře snažil zachovat monopolní kapitalismus. Marxismus však analyzuje a odhaluje prvky jeho teorie, prokapitalistické i tam, kde navrhuje intervenci státní moci."
  • "La "Teoria generale dell'occupazione, dell'interesse e della moneta", pubblicato nel 1936, segna uno spartiacque nel pensiero economico, contrapponendo all'impostazione tradizionale una alternativa con la quale non sarà più possibile evitare il confronto. Keynes studia "le forze che determinano variazioni del volume della produzione e dell'occupazione a livello globale". L'approccio, chiaramente innovativo, costituisce l'atto di nascita della macroeconomia."
  • "Hauptbeschreibung ""Die Lektüre von Keynes' Hauptwerk bereitete bisher gewisse Probleme. Das lag zum einen an der Organisation des Stoffes ... Der zweite Grund war die deutsche Übersetzung. Dass es besser geht, beweisen ... Jürgen Kromphardt, Gründer der deutschen Keynes-Gesellschaft und ein früherer Wirtschaftsweiser, und Stephanie Schneider. Sie haben unzeitgemäße Ausdrücke ersetzt, die den Zugang zum Werk erschwert hatten, und sie besserten allerhand Übersetzungsfehler aus. ... Also liest sich die neue Ausgabe leichter. Zudem bietet sie ein deutsch-englisches Lexikon volks."
  • "This noted text on economic theory was first published in 1936 and is reprinted in this edition."
  • ""La "Teoría general" de Lord Keynes ha adquirido un lugar tan destacado en la literatura económica de nuestros días que es difícil encontrar un libro o artículo sobre economía donde no se lo cite. El principal objeto de esta obra es ocuparse de las difíciles cuestiones de la teoría y sólo secundariamente de sus aplicaciones prácticas. Es, sobre todo, un estudio de las fuerzas que determinan los cambios en la escala de producción y de ocupación como un todo; y aunque el autor opina que el dinero entra en el sistema económico de una manera esencial y especial, deja en segundo término los detalles monetarios técnicos. El autor dice que "una economía monetaria es, ante todo, aquella en que los cambios de opinión respecto al futuro son capaces de influir en el volumen de ocupación y no sólo en su dirección; pero nuestro método de analizar la conducta económica presente, bajo la influencia de los cambios respecto al futuro, depende de la acción recíproca de la oferta y la demanda, quedando de este modo ligada con nuestra teoría fundamental del valor. Así nos acercamos a una teoría más general, que incluye como caso particular la teoría clásica que conocemos bien". El estudio de este libro, para la mayor parte de los lectores, debe ser un forcejeo para huir de la tiranía de las formas de expresión y de pensamiento habituales. Sin embargo, las ideas desarrolladas por Keynes son sencillas en extremo y -según él- deberían ser obvias. "La dificultad reside no en las ideas nuevas, sino en rehuir las viejas que entran hasta el último pliegue del entendimiento de quienes se han educado en ellas"." --Contratapa."@es
  • ""The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money was written by the English economist John Maynard Keynes. The book, generally considered to be his magnum opus, is largely credited with creating the terminology and shape of modern macroeconomics. Published in February 1936, it sought to bring about a revolution, commonly referred to as the "Keynesian Revolution", in the way economists thought - especially in relation to the proposition that a market economy tends naturally to restore itself to full employment after temporary shocks. Regarded widely as the cornerstone of Keynesian thought, the book challenged the established classical economics and introduced important concepts such as the consumption function, the multiplier, the marginal efficiency of capital, the principle of effective demand and liquidity preference. The central argument of The General Theory is that the level of employment is determined, not by the price of labour as in neoclassical economics, but by the spending of money (aggregate demand). Keynes argues that it is wrong to assume that competitive markets will, in the long run, deliver full employment or that full employment is the natural, self-righting, equilibrium state of a monetary economy. On the contrary, under-employment and under-investment are likely to be the natural state unless active measures are taken. One implication of The General Theory is that an absence of competition is not the main issue regarding unemployment, and that even reducing wages or benefits has no major effect."--book cover."

  • "Electronic books"@en
  • "Electronic books"
  • "Online-Publikation"

  • "Ē genikē theōria tēs apascholēsēs, tou tokou kai tou chrēmatos"
  • "Allgemeine Theorie der Beschaftigung, des Zinses und des Geldes"
  • "The general theory of employment, interest, and money : interest and money"@en
  • "The general theory of employment, interrest and money"
  • "雇用・利子および貨幣の一般理論 = General theory of employment interest and money"
  • "Allgemeine Theorie der Beschäftigung, des Zinses und des Geldes Übersetzung von Fritz Waeger, verbessert und um eine Erläuterung des Aufbaus ergänzt von Jürgen Kromphardt/Stephanie Schneider"
  • "The general theory of empleyment, interest, and money"
  • "The General theory of employment, interest and money"
  • "Sysselsättningsproblemet : Allmän teori för produktion, ränta och pengar"
  • "A teoria geral do emprego, do juro e da moeda"@pt
  • "The general theory of employment interest and money"@en
  • "The general theory of employment interest and money"
  • "Allgemeine Theorie der Beschäftigung, des Zinses und des Geldes"
  • "The generaltheory of employement interest and money"@en
  • "Occupazione interessa e moneta teoria generale"
  • "Allgemeine Theorie der Beschäftigung, des Zinses und des Geldes : Übersetzung von Fritz Waeger, verbessert und um eine Erläuterung des Aufbaus ergänzt von Jürgen Kromphardt/Stephanie Schneider"
  • "Enplegu, interes eta diruari buruzko teoria orokorra"
  • "Koyo Rishi Oyobi kahei no ippan riron"
  • "Allgemeine Theorie der Beschäftigung, des Zinzes und des Geldes"
  • "The general Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money"@en
  • "A teoria geral do emprego, do juro e da moeda ; inflação e deflação"@pt
  • "Ogólna teoria zatrudnienia, procentu i pieniądza"@pl
  • "雇傭・利子及び貨幣の一般理論"
  • "Allgemeine Theorie der Beschäftigung, des Zinses und des Geldes Übersetzung von Fritz Waeger, verbessert und um eine Erläuterung des Aufbaus ergänzt von Jürgen Kromphardt"
  • "Teoria General De La Ocupacion, El Interes Y El Dinero"
  • "The general theory of employment terest and money"
  • "The general theory of emploment interest and money"
  • "Työllisyys, korko ja raha yleinen teoria"
  • "Teoria geral do emprêgo, do juro e do dinheiro"@pt
  • "Teoria geral do emprêgo, do juro e do dinheiro"
  • "Sysselsättningsproblemet : Allman teori för produktion, ranta och pengar"
  • "The General theory of employment interest and money"
  • "雇用・利子および貨幣の一般理論"
  • "Obecná teorie zaměstnanosti, úroku a peněz"
  • "Teoría general de la ocupación, el interés y el dinero"@es
  • "Teoría general de la ocupación, el interés y el dinero"
  • "General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money"
  • "Työllisyys, korko ja raha : yleinen teoria"@fi
  • "Teoria generale dell'occupazione, dell'interesse e della moneta"@it
  • "The general theory of employement interest and money"@en
  • "The General theory of employment,interest, and money"
  • "Sysselsättnings-problemet: Allmän teori för produktion, r ̈anta och pengar"
  • "A Teoria geral do emprego, do juro e da moeda inflação e deflação John Maynard Keynes apresentação de adroaldo moura da silva tradução de mario r. da cruz revisão tecnica de claudio roberto contador"@pt
  • "Teoria generale dell' occupazione dell' interesse e della moneta"
  • "The general theory of employment, interest, and money = 就业, 利息和货币通论"
  • "La Teoría general del empleo, el interés y el dinero"
  • "Occupazione interesse e moneta : teoria generale"
  • "Occupazione interesse e moneta : teoria generale"@it
  • "Jiu ye, li xi yu huo bi gai lun"
  • "The general theory of employment"@en
  • "The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money"
  • "Ogólna teoria zatrudnienia procentu i pieniądza"
  • "The general theory of employment, interest, and money / by John Maynard Keynes"@en
  • "The general theory of employment, interest, and money"
  • "The general theory of employment, interest, and money"@en
  • "Общая теория занятости, процента и денег"
  • "The general Theory of employment interest and money"
  • "Teoria generale dell'occupazione, dell'interesse e della moneta e altri scritti"
  • "Teoria generale dell'occupazione, dell'interesse e della moneta e altri scritti"@it
  • "La teoría general del empleo, el interés y el dinero"@es
  • "The general theory of employment, interest, and money, by John Maynard Keynes"@en
  • "General theory of employment interest and money"
  • "Teoría de la ocupación, el interés y el dinero"@es
  • "Teoria generale dell'occupazione dell'interesse e della moneta e altri scritti"@it
  • "The general theory of employment interest and money [Hauptw.]"
  • "就业, 利息與货币概论"
  • "Teoria generale dell'occupazione dell'interesse e della moneta : e altri scritti"
  • "Teoria generale dell'occupazione dell'interesse e della moneta : e altri scritti"@it
  • "The general theory of employment, interest, and money by John Maynard Keynes"
  • "Occupazione, interesse e moneta : teoria generale"@it
  • "Occupazione, interesse e moneta : teoria generale"
  • "Allmän teori om sysselsättning, ränta och pengar"
  • "Allmän teori om sysselsättning, ränta och pengar"@sv
  • "就业, 利息与货币概论"
  • "The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money"
  • "The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money"@en
  • "Enplegu, interés eta diruari buruzko teoria orokorra"
  • "Obshchai︠a︡ teorii︠a︡ zani︠a︡tosti, prot︠s︡enta i deneg"
  • "Teoria general de la ocupacion, el interes y el dinero"@es
  • "Teoria general de la ocupacion, el interes y el dinero"
  • "雇傭・利子および貨幣の一般理論"
  • "The general theory of employmeny interest and money"
  • "Obecna teorie zamestnanosti, uroku a penez"
  • "<&gt"
  • "Teoria general de la ocupación, el interés y el dinero"@es
  • "Teoria general de la ocupación, el interés y el dinero"
  • "La Teoria general de l'ocupació, l'interès i el diner"@ca
  • "Teoría general de la ocupación, el interes y el dinero"
  • "Koyō, rishi oyobi kahei no ippan riron"
  • "The general Theory of employment, interest and money"
  • "Koyo rishi oyobi kahei no ippan riron"
  • "Koyo rishi oyobi kahei no ippan riron"@ja
  • "Teoria generale dell'occupazione, dell'interesse e della moneta : e altri scritti"
  • "Teoria generale dell'occupazione, dell'interesse e della moneta : e altri scritti"@it
  • "Sysselsättningsproblemet : allmän teori för produktion, ränta och pengar"@sv
  • "就业、利息与货币概论"
  • "Ogólna teoria zatrudnienia procentu i pienia̜dza"
  • "A teoria geral do emprego, do juro e da moeda ; Inflação e deflação"@pt
  • "General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money Vol. VII"@en
  • "The general theory of employment, interest, and money : by John Maynard Keynes"@en
  • "Koyō rishi oyobi kahei no ippan riron = General theory of employment interest and money"
  • "Jiu ye , li xi yu huo bi gai lun"
  • "The general theory of employment, interest and money/ [Hauptbd.]"
  • "Teoria generale dell' occupazione dell' interesse e della moneta e altri scritti"@it
  • "The general theory of employment, interest and money"@en
  • "The general theory of employment, interest and money"
  • "Allgemeine Theorie der Beschäftigung, des Zinses und des Geldes. Ins Deutsche übersetzt von Fritz Waeger"
  • "Jiu ye li xi yu huo bi gai lun"
  • "The General Theory of employment interest and money"@it
  • "Opšta teorija zaposlenosti, kamate i novca"
  • "Teoria General De La Occupacion, El Interes Y El Dinero"
  • "La teoria general de l'ocupació, l'interès i el diner"
  • "The general theory of employment, interest and money [Hauptbd.]"
  • "Koyō rishi oyobi kahei no ippan riron"@ja
  • "Koyō rishi oyobi kahei no ippan riron"
  • "Allgemeine Theorie des Beschäftigung, des Zinses und des Geldes"
  • "The general theory of employment, interest, and money : [with a new introduction by Paul Krugman]"
  • "Teoría general de la ocupación el interés y el dinero"@es