"Relaciones hombre-mujer Drama Videodiscos." . . "Películas cinematográficas Videodiscos." . . "Czech drama." . . "Films étrangers." . . . . . . . "Lasky jedne plavovlasky" . . "Romantic comedy of a girl who falls in love with a pianist when the reservist army comes to town." . . "Czech films" . . . "A young factory worker takes her first night of love a lot more seriously than her partner, a piano player on tour with a band. Much to the consternation of both the piano player and his parents she follows him to Prague. Forman also takes a tilt at bureaucracy's attempt to solve the problem of the imbalance of the sexes in the provinces. He was one of the \"New Wave\" of Czech directors in the sixties who reinvented the notion of realism which had become hopelessly corrupted by so-called \"socialist realism\" during the Stalinist period. By focusing on the particularities of human behaviour in close-up, Forman and his compatriots succeeded in their often wryly humorous but non-condescending portrayal of individuals while casting a sharply satirical eye over the failures of \"the system\"" . . . . . . "Andula es una romántica adolescente que se enamora de Milda, un pianista al que acaba de conocer y con el que pasa una apasionada noche. Ella espera que el muchacho sienta lo mismo cuando decide abandonar su casa y seguirlo a Praga, pero pronto descubriráque para Milda no fue más que una aventura." . . . . . . . "Drama" . . "Features" . . . . "Loves of a blonde Lásky jedné plavovlásky" . . . . . "Loves of a blonde"@en . "Loves of a blonde" . "Lasky Jedne Plavovlasky = Les Amours d'une blonde : (Tchécoslovaquie, 1965)" . "Romance" . . "Une jeune ouvrière s'éprend d'un pianiste de son âge à l'occasion d'une fête de village." . . "fiction dramatique (fiction)" . "comédie (fiction)" . "Loves of a blonde = Lásky jedné plavovlásky" . "Feature films" . . "Loves of a blonde Lasky jedne plavovlasky" . . "blonde in love" . . "Starring Hana Brejchová and Vladimír Pucholt." . . . "Story of a young woman who like her friends is very concerned with men and love. A reserve army group comes into town and she falls in love with a pianist, who after swearing eternal love leaves for his home." . . . . . "Fiction" . . "Videodiscs" . . . . "Loves a blonde" . "Lásky jedné plavovlásky Loves of a blonde" . "A young factory worker takes her first night of love a lot more seriously than her partner, a piano player on tour with a band. Much to the consternation of both the piano player and his parents she follows him to Prague. Forman also takes a tilt at bureaucracy's attempt to solve the problem of the imbalance of the sexes in the provinces. He was one of the \"New Wave\" of Czech directors in the sixties who reinvented the notion of realism which had become hopelessly corrupted by so-called \"socialist realism\" during the Stalinist period. By focusing on the particularities of human behaviour in close-up, Forman and his compatriots succeeded in their often wryly humorous but non-condescending portrayal of individuals while casting a sharply satirical eye over the failures of \"the system\"." . . "This Milos Forman film depicts life in a small factory town in Czechoslovakia, not far from Prague, where there exists a kind of social injustice that has nothing to do with politics: the women outnumber the men by ten to one. For teenage girls entering womanhood, this imbalance results in an impassioned desire to find out about \"real life\" and love. Andula and her girlfriends alleviate the boredom of their lives with romantic stories and fantasies. But a welcome change arrives when a group of army reservists come into town. Andula meets Milda, a young pianist, and passionis immediately kindled. They spend a happy night together during which Andula elicits Mildaœs assurances of love and fidelity. Shortly thereafter, he leaves for his home in Prague and Andula follows, only to learn some bitter truths about \"real life\" and love." . "Loves of a blond" . . . "A working-class young woman in a small Czechh town is seduced by a piano player from Prague and believes that their relationship is true romance. She learns otherwise when she shows up unannounced at his parents' home." . . . "Lasky jedne plavovlasky A blonde in love" . . "Andula travaille dans une fabrique de chaussures située dans une petite ville. Sensible aux problèmes des jeunes ouvrières trop nombreuses pour la population masculine, le maire fait en sorte que l'armée établisse une garnison près de là. Mais les soldats envoyés sur place sont des réservistes plutôt âgés et les relations s'avèrent difficiles au cours du bal organisé pour faire connaissance. Andula préfère se laisser conter fleurette par un jeune musicien de son âge et passe la nuit dans sa chambre..." . . . . . . . . "Comedy films" . "Foreign language films" . . . . . . . "DVDs" . . . . . . "Videotapes" . . . "Speelfilm" . . . "Lasky jedne plavovlasky" . . . . . . . . . "Milos Forman's Loves of a blonde" . . "Loves of a blond" . . "Romance films" . . "Blonds in love" . "Blonde in love" . . "Lásky jedné plavovlásky Loves of a blond" . . . . . . . . "Amours d'une blonde" . . "Motion pictures, Czechoslovakian" . . "This delightful comedy reflects all the pathos and awkwardness of post-adolescent love and provides an amusing view of life in provincial Czechoslovakia. A factory girl who is bored with her existence falls in love with a jazz musician and follows him to Prague." . . . "Meisje wordt verliefd op de pianist van een orkestje voor wie de affaire een routinezaak is. De teleurtstelling blijft niet uit." . . . "The story depicts life in a small factory town in Czechoslovakia, not far from Prague, where the women outnumber the men ten to one. For teenage girls entering womanhood, this imbalance results in an impassioned desire to find out about \"real life\" and love. They began to learn some bitter truths about real life and love, when a group of army reservists came through their town." . . . "Lasky jedne Plavovlasky" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Loves of a blonde (Motion picture)" . "Lasky jedne Plavovlasky" . . . "A tender and humorous look at a young womans journey, from the first pangs of romance to its inevitable disappointments."@en . "Girls in a small Czech factory town look for love and the \"real life\". One experiences assurances of love and fidelity from a visitor only to be disillusioned." . "Fiction films" . "\"Zruc, Tchécoslovaquie, années 1960 : l'un des responsables d'une gigantesque usine de fabrication de chaussures, dont le personnel est quasi-exclusivement féminin, convainc la hiérarchie militaire d'organiser des manœuvres dans les environs afin de pouvoir organiser des bals et que ses ouvrières rencontrent des hommes. Lors d'un bal, peu intéressée par les militaires présents, Andula fait la connaissance du pianiste de l'orchestre et en tombe amoureuse. Elle décide d'aller le retrouver à Prague.\"--Site web Wikipédia." . . . "Lásky jedné plavovlásky" . . "\"A Sruc sur Sazava, la population féminine de la gigantesque fabrique de chaussures est en surnombre. Le responsable culturel trouve une solution et fait implanter un cantonnement militaire à proximité pour animer les bals de la culture. Seulement voila, ce sont tous des quadragénaires ridicules et ventripotents. Cependant la jeune Andula sera choisie par le pianiste de l'orchestre.\"--[allociné.fr]." . "Blonde in Love" . . . . . "Comedy" . . "Lásky jedné plavovlásky A blonde in love" . "Lasky jedné plavovlasky" . . . . . . . . . "New wave films" . . . "Loves of a blonde" . "Motion pictures, Czech" . . "La bourgade de Zruc, avec son usine de chaussures, compte deux mille jeunes-filles et deux cents hommes. Pour lutter contre cette disproportion, les autorités font venir une compagnie de." . . "Amores de una rubia" . . . . . . "Les amours d'une blonde" . . . . "\"With sixteen women to each man, the odds are against Andula in her desperate search for love - that is, until a rakish piano player visits her small factory town and temporarily eases her longings.\" [box cover note]." . "A young woman who works in a shoe factory sets her cap for a piano player from Prague who has other ideas." . . . . . . . "[Lasky jedne plavovlasky] [A] blonde in love" . . . "Lásky jedné plavovlásky : hořká komedie Miloše Formana" . . . . . . . . . "Story of teenage girls in a small Czech factory town who look for love and the \"real life\". One experiences assurances of love and fidelity from a visitor only to be disillusioned." . . . "Lásky jedné plavovlásky Los amores de una rubia" . . . "With sixteen women to each man, the odds are against Andula in her desperate search for love--that is until a rakish piano player visits her small factory town and temporarily eases her longings." . . . . . . "This romantic comedy is the story of Andula, a young woman who works in a shoe factory and dreams of love. Dissatisfied with the men in her town, she is forced to cope with Tonda, an ardent admirer but hardly her ideal of the perfect man. When the plant manager arranges a dance in honor of soldiers stationed in the town, Andula looks forward to meeting a handsome military man. To her disappointment, the soldiers are middle-aged reservists. Instead, she sets her romantic sights on the piano player, Milda. After some uneasy introductions, Andula spends the night with the musician. When she meets his parents, they renounce their son's immorality. Milda rejects Andula and she dejectedly returns to the factory. Loves of a blonde is considered one of the first films of the Czech new wave and utilizes techniques of cinema-verité." . . . . . . . . . . "Lásky jedné plavovlásky" . . . "Films comiques" . . . . . . . . . . "Relations entre hommes et femmes." . . . . "Amor Drama Videodiscos." . . "Jóvenes Drama Videodiscos." . . "Películas checas Videodiscos." . . "Foreign films." . . "Janus Films (firm)" . . "Foreign films Czech Republic." . . "Tsjechië" . . "Tsjechië." . "Zima Entertainment (Firme)" . . "Filmové studio Barrandov." . . "Filmové laboratoře Praha." . . "Cinéma Tchécoslovaquie." . . "Czech language films." . . "Man-woman relationships Fiction." . . "Czechoslovakia" . . "Criterion Collection (Firma comercial)" . . "Longs métrages Tchécoslovaquie." . . "Criterion Collection (Firme)" . . "CBK Films." . . "Feature films." . . "Motion pictures, Czech." . . "Films d'amour." . . "Czech new wave films." . .