"Zui jia pai dang you xian gong si." . . "最佳拍挡有限公司." . . . "Feature film." . . . . . . "赌侠1999 The conman" . . . . . "Drama" . "When King, the successor to the original God of Gambler, mistakenly kills an assassin, he is sentenced to prison. Five years later, King tries anew by helping Rocky to win money on a gambling ship, only to find himself coming face to face with Ma, the notorious gambling banker and his cunning assistant San, whose brother was the assasin King killed. King now faces the biggest and possibly the last challenge in his life as the \"Gambling of the Century\" begins ..." . "賭俠 1999 The conman" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Du xia 1999 The conman" . . "賭俠1999 The conman" . . . "Du xia 1999" . . . . "Conman" . . "賭俠King哥(劉德華)為救弟意外殺死煙通,被判監五年。化 骨龍(張家輝)視King為偶像,故往接監,二人其後更發展成交心 拍檔。化骨龍的妹妹晴(朱茵)為人爽朗可愛,傾情於King。King 在賭船上碰見多年來渴望一會的馬交文外圍大莊家,他能影響每一 場足球或跑馬賽事的結果。馬交文的手下省鏡為人陰毒非常,設下 了世紀賭局欲置賭俠於死地......" . . . . "Summary in vernacular field only." . . .