"Angleški igrani filmi Kriminalni film Video DVD-ji." . . . . . . . . . . "Bir suç dahisi olan Anthony Zimmer,tüm dünyada polis tarafından aranmaktadır.Ve kimse onun neye benzediğini bilmemektedir.Ama onu yakalama yarışında başarılı bir polis olan Akerman'in belirgin bir avantajı vardı.Onun, Chiara adındaki sevgilisini tekrar görebilmek için her türlü riski göze alacağını biliyordu.Genç kadın, Zimmer'e ayarladığı bir buluşmadan önce ondan bir not alır.Zimmer, peşindekilerden kurtulmak için,Chiara'dan tamamen yabancı birine yaklaşıp aradıklarının o olduğuna herkesi inandırmasını ister.Chiara, sıradan biri olan François'yı seçer.Genç kadının büyülediği adam,çabucak onların kâbus gibi dünyasına dalar.Manipülasyonlar ve sahte roller arasında kısa zamanda bir şeyi keşfederler:Usta gelene kadar onlar sadece satranç tahtasındaki piyonlardır." . . . "François and Chiara meet each other by chance on a train to Nice. She uses her beauty and charm to gain his affections. But he is unaware that Chiara is in fact the beloved mistress of the wanted criminal Anthony Zimmer, and she is being followed by the police. Chiara uses the unsuspecting Francois as a decoy to try and lose her police tail, culminating in a frantic chase through Nice and a question: Just who is Anthony Zimmer?" . "Having recently been left by his wife and down on his luck, Francois Taillandier has decided to take a holiday in the French countryside. While travelling by train he meets the beautiful and mysterious Chiara, who invites him to spend the weekend with her on the Riviera."@en . . . . . . . "Bazen" . . "Génie de la finance criminelle, Anthony Zimmer est recherché par toutes les polices du monde. Personne ne sait à quoi il ressemble, mais dans la course qui oppose ceux qui veulent le coincer, Akerman, un flic d'exception, possède une longueur d'avance : il sait que Zimmer prendra tous les risques pour revoir Chiara. Alors que la jeune femme a rendez-vous avec l'insaisissable malfrat, elle reçoit un mot de sa main. Pour perdre ceux qui le pourchassent, Zimmer lui demande d'accoster un inconnu et de faire croire qu'il est celui que tous recherchent. Chiara jette son dévolu sur François, un homme banal qui, fasciné par la jeune femme, va rapidement plonger dans un cauchemar. Entre manipulations et faux-semblants, tous vont découvrir qu'au-delà des apparences, ils ne sont que les pièces d'une partie d'échecs qui se joue en attendant que le maître arrive ..." . . . . . "Swimming pool" . "Motion pictures, French" . . "Genius criminal Anthony Zimmer is wanted by police worldwide. Nobody knows what he looks like, but since they know that he will risk anything to see his girlfriend, Zimmer asks her to find a man and pretend that he is the one they are seeking..." . . . . . . . . "Foreign films" . . . . . . . . "Police films" . . . . . . . "Drama" . . . . . . . "Anthony Zimmer" . "Thrillers (Motion pictures, television, etc.)" . "\"In Nice, the international police force and the Russian mafia are chasing Anthony Zimmer, an intelligent man responsible for laundry of dirty money in France. Zimmer had extensive plastic surgery, and his new face and voice are completely unknown. The only means to reach Zimmer is through his beloved mistress Chiara, who is under surveillance of the police and the mobsters. While traveling by train to the country nearby Nice, the common man François Taillandier, who has the same body shape of Zimmer, is select by Chiara as if he were Zimmer and used as a bait to lure those that are pursuing her. When Taillandier is chased by the professional Russian killers, he runs [to] the French police when the real situation begins to be disclosed to him\"--IMDb." . . . . . . . "Feature films" . "Anthony Zimmer" . "Anthony Zimmer"@en . . "fiction policière (fiction)" . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Optimum Home Entertainment (Firm)" . . "French DVDs 2006." . . "Francoski igrani filmi Srhljivka Video DVD-ji." . . "Macera, Sinemada." . . "Action in motion pictures." . . . .