"Cine europeo." . . "Películas cinematográficas Estados Unidos 1963." . . "Gods and Goddesses." . . "Columbia Pictures." . . "Gods & goddesses" . . "Longs métrages États-Unis 20e siècle." . . "Morningside Worldwide Pictures." . . "Jason (Greek mythology)" . . "Jason (Greek mythology)." . "Morningside/Worldwide Pictures S.A." . . "Films." . . "Argonauts (Greek mythology)" . . "Jason (Greek mythology) Fiction." . . "RCA VideoDiscs." . . "Myths, Greek." . . "Morningstar Worldwide Pictures S.A." . . "Cine de aventuras." . . "Jason (Mythologie grecque)" . . "Warner Bros. Poland." . . "Drames (Films)" . . "Gods and goddesses Fiction." . . . "Film przygodowy" . "Fiction. Drame fantastique inspiré de la mythologie grecque. Le prince et marin explorateur Jason revient en Thessalie après un exil forcé de vingt ans. Afin de reprendre le royaume de son père et avec l'aide des dieux de l'Olympe, Zeus et Héra, il parviendra à vaincre l'Hydre à sept têtes, s'emparer de la Toison d'Or et sauver la prêtresse Médée pour la ramener avec lui en Thessalie. Avec Todd Armstrong, Nancy Kovacs, Gary Raymond, Laurence Smith, Niall MacGinnis." . . "Fiction films"@en . . . . "Jason and the Argonauts (Motion picture)"@en . "Jason and the Argonauts (Motion picture)" . "Gli Argonauti" . . . . . . . . "Jason and the golden fleece" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Spectacular telling of Jason's legendary sail on the Argo to the land of Colchis, where the Golden Fleece is guarded by a seven-headed Hydra."@en . "Jason and the Argonauts = Jazon i Argonauci" . . "Film américain" . . . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"@en . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired" . . "To fulfill his destiny and claim the throne which is rightfully his, Jason must make a perilous voyage to the mysterious land of Colchis and return with the legendary golden fleece. Along the way he and his crew endure treachery, monsters and the wims of the gods."@en . . . . . . "The intrepid Jason leads the Argonauts on a quest for the fabled Golden Fleece during which he must brave all manner of dangers and face a host of terrifying foes - including the seven-headed Hydra, fighting skeletons, bloodthirsty Harpies and the invincible colossus, Talos."@en . . "Jason and the Argonauts [Jason et les Argonautes]" . . . . . . "Fantastic special effects by Ray Harryhausen and exciting mythological adventure make this a film that is fun for everyone. It's the story of Jason (Tod Armstrong), a fearless sailor and explorer, who returns to the kingdom of Thessaly after a 20-year voyage to make his rightful claim to the throne. But to do so, Jason must first find the magical Golden Fleece. He selects a crew and with the help of Hera, Queen of the Gods, sets sail in search of the Fleece. Jason and his crew must overcome incredible obstacles including a 100-foot bronze giant, the venomous Hydra-a huge creature with the heads of seven snakes-and a spectacular battle with an army of skeletons. --Conteneur." . "Jason revient à l'âge de vingt ans en Thessalie, bien décidé à reprendre possession du royaume de son père dont on l'avait dépouillé alors qu'il était encore enfant. Il part tout d'abord sur le navire Argo à la recherche de la Toison d'or destinée à ramener la paix dans son pays. Aidé par les dieux de l'Olympe, Zeus et Hera, il parvient à surmonter les nombreux obstacles dont son voyage est parsemé. Il s'empare de la Toison d'or après avoir vaincu l'Hydre à sept têtes, et sauve la prêtresse Médée de la mort." . . . "Science fiction films"@en . "Jason et les argonautes" . "Drama"@en . "Drama" . . . . . . . "Jason is a fearless sailor and explorer, who returns to the kingdom of Thessaly after a 20 year voyage to make his rightful claim to the throne. But to do so, Jason must first find the magical Golden Fleece which is guarded by a 100-foot bronze giant, the venomous Hydra, and an army of skeletons." . "Jason is a fearless sailor and explorer, who returns to the kingdom of Thessaly after a 20 year voyage to make his rightful claim to the throne. But to do so, Jason must first find the magical Golden Fleece which is guarded by a 100-foot bronze giant, the venomous Hydra, and an army of skeletons."@en . . . "British films"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Action and adventure films"@en . "Features"@en . . "Film fantastyczny" . "Jason and the argonauts" . "Jason and the argonauts"@en . "Jazon i Argonauci" . . . . . "Adaptación de una leyenda de la mitología griega. El legendario Jason y sus compañeros emprenden la búsqueda del vellocino de oro." . "Jason y los Argonautas" . . . . . . . . . . . "Films for the hearing impaired"@en . "Classic film based on the Greek myth of Jason and his quest for the Golden Fleece." . . . "Dokumenty audiowizualne" . . . . . . . . . "DVD" . . . . "The legendary Greek hero leads a team of intrepid adventurers in a perilous quest for the legendary Golden Fleece before he can claim his throne. Includes featurette and interview."@en . . . . . "Fantasy films"@en . "Fantasy films" . . . . . "Legende over de zoektocht van Jason naar het gulden vlies." . . . . "Feature film from the USA. Drama. Retells the ancient Greek myth of Jason and Medea." . "This is the story of Jason, a fearless sailor and explorer, who return to the kingdom of Thessaly after a 20 years voyage to make his rightful claim to the throne. But to do so, Jason must first fight the magical Golden Fleece." . . . . . . . "Jason and the argonauts [videograbación]" . "Juvenile works"@en . . . "Jason et les Argonautes" . "Jason et les Argonauts" . "Stop-motion animation films"@en . "Special effects by Ray Harryhausen highlight his spectacular telling of Jason's legendary sail on the Argo to the land of Colchis, where the Golden Fleece is guarded by a seven-headed Hydra. Stars Todd Armstrong and Nancy Kovach." . . "Fantastic films of Ray Harryhausen"@en . . . "Jason & los Argonautas" . . . . . . "Jason leads the Argonauts on a quest for the fabled Golden Fleece. Along the way he encounters danger and terrifying foes such as the seven-headed Hydra, bloodthirsty Harpies and the invincible Talos."@en . "Jason leads the Argonauts on a quest for the fabled Golden Fleece. Along the way he encounters danger and terrifying foes such as the seven-headed Hydra, bloodthirsty Harpies and the invincible Talos." . . . . . . . . . . "Film adaptations"@en . . . . "Film kostiumowy" . . . . . . . . "Jason and the Argonauts" . "Jason and the Argonauts"@en . . "It's the story of Jason who must recover a golden fleece before he may claim the kingdom that is rightfully his. On his quest he and his crew face many obstacles and become a cause for the Greek gods to take sides for and against. Special effects by Ray Harryhausen." . . . . . . . "Feature films" . "Jason und die Argonauten" . "Feature films"@en . . "Vidéo" . . "\"Jasón está destinado a ser Rey de Tesalia pero Pelías, el usurpador, no puede permitir tal cosa. Por ello es que engaña al héroe haciéndose pasar por noble y diciéndole que el tirano se rendirá si encuentra el místico y misterioso Vellocino de oro. Jasón organiza unos juegos y consigue a la mejor tripulación de toda Grecia entre los que se encuentra Castor, Peleo e incluso Hércules. Una vez zarpan en el \"Argos\", su primera parada tras muchos días sin vislumbrar tierra es una isla desierta rica en recursos. Hércules y su amigo Hylas descubren allí el tesoro de los Dioses, pero al robar parte del mismo despiertan la ira de su guardián, Talos, el Gigante de Bronce. Talos mata a Hylas y amenaza la tripulación pero Jasón pide ayuda a Hera y esta le informa que el talón es su debilidad. Efectivamente, una vez encontrado el punto débil del coloso, este cae derrotado. Hércules se queda en Tierra, negándose a admitir la muerte de Hylas. Para continuar su viaje hacia el vellocino Jasón y los Argonautas necesitan la ayuda de un vidente, el cual esta siendo atacado por las Arpías. Una vez las vencen, usando una fuerte red, el adivino les indica que deben viajar hacia la cólquide. Los héroes parten. Para llegar a la cólquide, el Argos debe cruzar un gigantesco desfiladero de roca que se cierra cuando las naves se acercan. La misión habría terminado ahí pero Tritón, el hijo de Poseidón, es llamado por Hera y les abre el paso a los marinos. En la Cólquide son muy bien recibidos y Jasón se enamora de Medea, la hija del rey Aeetes. Desgraciadamente, es todo una trampa, orquestada por el argonauta traidor Acasto, hijo de Pelias y los protagonistas acaban en las mazmorras. Allí son rescatados por Medea. En la oscuridad de la noche, se escabullen y Jasón, junto con Castor y Peleo, se dirigen hacia el Vellocino. El mágico artefacto esta protegido por La Hydra de 7 cabezas." . . . . . . . . "Ancient History Department. Duration: 100 minutes." . "Motion pictures"@en . . . . . "Epics"@en . . . . "\"Jason (Todd Armstrong), a fearless sailor and explorer, who returns to the kingdom of Thessaly after a 20-year voyage to make his rightful claim to the throne. But to do so, Jason must first find the magical Golden Fleece. He selects crew and with the help of Hera, Queen of the Gods, sets sail in search of the Fleece. Jason and his crew must overcome incredible obstacles including a 100-foot bronze giant, the venomous Hydra-a huge creature with the heads of seven snakes-and a spectacular battle with an army of skeletons.\"--Container."@en . . . "Jason sails on the Argo to the land of Colchis where the Golden Fleece is guarded by a seven-headed hydra." . . . . . "Jason is a fearless sailor and explorer, who returns to the kingdom of Thessaly after a 20 year voyage to make his rightful claim to the throne. But to do so, Jason must first find the magical Golden Fleece, which is guarded by a 100-foot bronze giant, the venomous Hydra, and an army of skeletons." . "Jason, son of the King of Thessaly, sails on the Argo to the land of Colchis to capture the Golden Fleece."@en . . . . "Cine británico." . . . . "Argonautes (Mythologie grecque)" . . "Mitología griega." . . "Films fantastiques." . .