"Wetgeving." . . "Politique alimentaire Grande-Bretagne 1800-...." . . "Food law and legislation." . . "Food Supply legislation & jurisprudence." . . "Voedselveiligheid." . . "Aliments Inspection Droit Grande-Bretagne Histoire 19e siècle." . . "Food Additives History." . . "Food Additives history." . "Aliments Adulteració i inspecció Dret Història S. XIX-XX." . . "Food Additives legislation & jurisprudence." . . "Großbritannien." . . "Regelgeving." . . "Aliments Inspection Droit Grande-Bretagne Histoire 20e siècle." . . "Aliments Droit Grande-Bretagne Histoire 19e siècle." . . "Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland." . . "alimentation Grande-Bretagne 1875 / 1938." . . "1800 - 1999" . . "Food Supply History." . . "Food Supply history." . "Aliments Dret i legislació Gran Bretanya Història S. XIX-XX." . . . "Cheated not poisoned? : food regulation in the United Kingdom, 1875 - 1938" . . . . "Cheated not poisoned? : food regulation in the United Kingdom, 1875-1938" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Cheated not poisoned ? : food regulation in the United Kingdom, 1875-1938" . . . . "Cheated not poisoned ? food regulation in the United Kingdom, 1875-1938" . . . . . . . "History" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Food regulation in the United Kingdom, 1875-1938" . . . "Aliments Droit Grande-Bretagne Histoire 20e siècle." . . "Aliments Droit Grande-Bretagne 1800-...." . . . . "Food law and legislation History Great Britain." . . "Lebensmittelrecht." . . "Geschichte 1875-1938." . . "Levensmiddelen." . .