"Geschlecht" . . "Consommation d'alcool." . . "Sociale problemen." . . "Lateinamerika." . . "Consommation d'alcool Amérique latine Différences entre sexes." . . "Amérique latine." . . "Alcoholism" . . "Drinking of alcoholic beverages Latin America Statistics." . . "Alkoholkonsum / Geschlecht / Lateinamerika / Welt." . . "Lateinamerika" . . "Alcoolism America Latină." . . "Drinking of alcoholic beverages Caribbean Area Statistics." . . "Consommation d'alcool Amérique latine Statistiques." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Electronic books"@en . . . . . "While the World Bank has included the issue of alcohol consumption and production on its' agenda for the past ten years, it has not included gender dimensions in the issue. By focusing on alcohol consumption in Latin America and the Caribbean, the instances of death, disease and domestic violence arising from alcoholism were tracked. This study recommends an approach to dealing with the damage done by alcohol consumption and production that goes beyond controlling its' availability. Specifically the measures recommended include: increasing knowledge through research; developing indicators to measure consumption levels and patterns among men and women, and the economic and social consequence of alcohol use; integrating the issue of alcohol use and related problems into consultations with governments and civil society organizations; and investment lending where appropriate, to address the issue."@en . . . "Gender dimensions of alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems in Latin America and the Caribbean"@en . "Gender dimensions of alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems in Latin America and the Caribbean" . . . . . "Statistics"@en . "Statistics" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Statistiques (Descripteur de forme)" . . "Livres électroniques" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Consommation d'alcool Caraïbes (Région) Statistiques." . . "Latijns-Amerika." . . "Différence selon le sexe." . . "Alcoolisme Amérique latine Prévention." . . "Drinking of alcoholic beverages Sex differences" . . . . "Karibik." . . "Drinking of alcoholic beverages" . . "Drinking of alcoholic beverages Sex differences Latin America." . . "Ethiek en verslaving." . . "Welt" . . "Caribbean" . . "Consommation d'alcool Caraïbes (Région) Différences entre sexes." . . "Drinking of alcoholic beverages Sex differences Caribbean Area." . . "Consommation d'alcool Différences entre sexes Caraïbes (Région)" . . "Caraïbes (Région)" . . "Health" . . "Alcoolisme." . . "Caribbean Area" . . "Alcoolisme Caraïbes (Région) Prévention." . . "SELF-HELP Substance Abuse & Addictions Alcoholism." . . "Alkoholkonsum." . . "Alkoholkonsum" . "Geschlechtsunterschied." . . "Alcoolism Antile." . . "Consommation d'alcool Différences entre sexes Amérique latine." . . "Latin America" . .