"Forurenende stoffer" . . "Composés organiques Aspect environnemental Guides pratiques et mémentos." . . "Compuestos Orgánicos Aspectos Ambientales." . . "Skadelige stoffers indvirkning på miljøet" . . "Organska kemija Ekologija." . . "Algae" . . . . "Bakterier" . . "Giftighed" . . "Ekologija Organska kemija." . . "Composé organique." . . "Environmental impact" . . "Hemikalije organske." . . "Organic compounds Environmental aspects." . . "Organic compounds Environmental aspects" . "Pollution." . . "Pollution" . "Organisk kemi" . . "Organic compounds" . . "Compuestos orgánicos Aspectos ambientales Manuales." . . "Quimica organica." . . "Contaminantes." . . "Fisk" . . "Composés organiques." . . "organische chemie." . . "Organische chemie." . "Organische Verbindungen." . . "Polluant organique." . . "Nomenclature chimique." . . . "Llibres electrònics" . . . . . . . . . . . "Handbooks and manuals"@en . "Handbooks and manuals" . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Handbook of environmental data on organic chemicals, fourth edition" . . . . . "Electronic books" . "Electronic books"@en . "Matériel didactique" . . . . . . . "Handbooks, manuals, etc" . . . . . "Handbook of environmental data on organic chemicals 3E : version 1.0" . . . . . . "Ressources internet" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Handbook of environmental data on organic chemicals"@pt . "Handbook of environmental data on organic chemicals" . "Handbook of environmental data on organic chemicals"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Environmental data on organic chemicals, fourth edition" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "CD-ROM version of the 4rd ed. of the handbook containing information needed to prudently use potentially dangerous chemicals. Arranged in alphabetical order by chemical name, this reference provides synonyms, CAS numbers, and molecu structural formulas. Natual and manmade sources of a substance as well as its uses and various formulations appear. Each substance is categorized by physical and chemical properties, air pollution factors water and soil pollution factors biological effects. Pesticides, detergents, phtalates, polynuclear aromatics, and polychlorinated biphenyls are all investigated in detail. Also includes aquatic toxicity and biological effects, odor thresholds, sampling and analysi structural formulas of over 3,000 chemicals, search and retrieval software, and on-screen help."@en . "Environmental data on organic chemicals" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Woordenboek. Repertorium" . "CD-ROM version of the 4th ed. of the handbook containing environmental data for over 3,000 organic chemicals, presented in HTML format. Arranged in alphabetical order by chemical name, this reference provides synonyms, CAS numbers, and molecular and structural formulas. Natural and manmade sources of a substance as well as its uses and various formulations appear. Each substance is categorized by physical and chemical properties, air pollution factors, water and soil pollution factors, and biological effects. Pesticides, detergents, phtalates, polynuclear aromatics, and polychlorinated biphenyls are all investigated in detail. Also includes aquatic toxicity and biological effects, odor thresholds, sampling and analysis data, and on-screen help." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Kemisk sammensætning" . . "Organische verbindingen." . . "Medi ambient." . . "Bacteria" . . "Contaminación ambiental." . . "Organic compounds Environmental aspects Handbooks, manuals, etc." . . "Umweltchemie." . . "Composti organici Aspetti ambientali." . . "Bioakkumulering" . . "Miljøpåvirkning" . . "Uses" . . "Pattedyr" . . "Sols Pollution." . . "Crustacea" . . "Eau Pollution." . . "Composés organiques Aspect de l'environnement Guides, manuels, etc." . . "Composés organiques - Aspect de l'environnement - Guides, manuels, etc." . "Pollutants" . . "Fishes" . . "Compostos orgànics Taules." . . "Umweltchemikalie." . . "Mammals" . . "Chemical composition" . . "Chimie organique." . . "Miljøkonsekvensvurdering" . . "Chemikalie Umweltbelastung Tabelle." . . "Atmosphère Pollution." . . "Bioaccumulation" . . "Composés organiques Aspect de l'environnement Atlas." . . "Toxicity" . . "Beschrijvende organische chemie." . . "Impact environnemental." . . "Organisch-chemische technologie." . . "Crustacea, krebsdyr" . . "milieubeleid." . . "Umweltbelastung." . . "Environmental Pollutants Handbooks." . . "Anvendelser" . . "Umweltchemie Tabelle." . . "environmental pollution" . . "Chemistry, Organic Handbooks." . . "Contaminantes Aspectos ambientales Manuales." . . "Biodegradation" . . "Environmental Pollutants." . . "Manuels." . . "Composés organiques Aspect de l'environnement." . . "Pollution chimique." . . "Environmental impact assessment" . . "Umweltverschmutzung." . . "Chemicophysical properties" . . "Organiske forbindelser" . . "Milieubescherming. Milieutechnologie." . . "Biologisk nedbrydning" . . "Organic Chemicals." . . "organic chemicals" . "Compostos orgànics." . . "Forurening" . . "Compostos orgànics Aspectes ambientals Taules." . . "Effets sur l'environnement." . . "Alger" . . "Fysisk-kemiske egenskaber" . . "Milieutoxicologie." . .