"Obszönität" . . "Fiction." . . "Englisch." . . "Great Britain Fiction." . . "Chien jaune" . . . . . . . "Martin Amis's brilliant and controversial new novel, already hailed in the British press as \"Dickens with a snarl\" and a \"great comic extravagance.\" After Xan Meo is brutally attacked in the garden of a London pub and suffers a severe head trauma, his wife and daughters find they are living with a stranger - unpredictable, violent, vengeful, lost: \"His condition felt like the twenty-first century: it was something you wanted to wake up from.\" While it may alarm his family, Xan's new personality is a good match for the city and the age in which he lives. For this is the vicious London of tabloid journalist Clint Smoker, whose daily reports of illicit sex and outrageous scandal are every bit as fake (and artful) as the noose tattooed around his neck. This is a world where the King of England keeps a Chinese mistress in Paris and tries to suppress a video-taped, bathtub \"intrusion\" of his fifteen- year-old daughter from reaching the Internet. A world of hit men, pornographers, tycoons, and displaced royalty. A world where brilliant people perform unspeakable acts and bodyguards provide no protection. Yellow Dog is Martin Amis at his dazzling best - comic, fierce, gritty, and profound. Amis explores what is changeless and perhaps unchangeable: patriarchy and the entire edifice of masculinity; the violence arising between man and man; the tortuous alliances between men and women; and the vanished dream that we can protect our future and our progeny."@en . "Martin Amis's brilliant and controversial new novel, already hailed in the British press as \"Dickens with a snarl\" and a \"great comic extravagance.\" After Xan Meo is brutally attacked in the garden of a London pub and suffers a severe head trauma, his wife and daughters find they are living with a stranger - unpredictable, violent, vengeful, lost: \"His condition felt like the twenty-first century: it was something you wanted to wake up from.\" While it may alarm his family, Xan's new personality is a good match for the city and the age in which he lives. For this is the vicious London of tabloid journalist Clint Smoker, whose daily reports of illicit sex and outrageous scandal are every bit as fake (and artful) as the noose tattooed around his neck. This is a world where the King of England keeps a Chinese mistress in Paris and tries to suppress a video-taped, bathtub \"intrusion\" of his fifteen- year-old daughter from reaching the Internet. A world of hit men, pornographers, tycoons, and displaced royalty. A world where brilliant people perform unspeakable acts and bodyguards provide no protection. Yellow Dog is Martin Amis at his dazzling best - comic, fierce, gritty, and profound. Amis explores what is changeless and perhaps unchangeable: patriarchy and the entire edifice of masculinity; the violence arising between man and man; the tortuous alliances between men and women; and the vanished dream that we can protect our future and our progeny." . . . . . . . "Thriller stories" . . . "De persoonlijkheid van een bekende Britse acteur verandert enorm nadat hij in een Londense pub is neergeslagen." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Yellow dog : a novel"@en . "Yellow dog : a novel" . . "Yellow dog a novel" . . . "Uncorrected proofs (Printing)"@en . "Black humor (Literature)"@en . "Black humor (Literature)" . . . "Novel. When Xan Meo is assaulted in the garden of a London pub, he suffers a head injury and personality change." . "Yellow dog"@it . "Fiction" . "Fiction"@en . . . "Fiction"@es . . . . . . . . . "Explores the complex lives of five very different men, including Xan Meo, a one-time familial paragon who suffers a personality change following a brutal assault, and King Henry IX of England, whose life is complicated by his incapacitated wife, his Chinese mistress, and his fifteen-year-old daughter, the victim of a filmed \"intrusion\" because of her future role as Queen of England." . . . . "Køter : roman"@da . . "Belletristische Darstellung" . "Advance copies (Publishing)"@en . . . "Yellow dog Roman" . . . . . . . . . . . . "Yellow dog" . . "Yellow dog"@en . "Yellow Dog" . . "Psychological fiction" . "Perro callejero"@es . . "Perro callejero" . . "Psychological fiction"@en . . . . . "Romans (teksten)" . "Xan Méo, artiste, a une vie comblée avec sa femme Russia et ses 2 fillettes. Le soir de ses 47 ans, il est agressé dans un pub et perd connaissance. Quand il reprend conscience, il n'est plus le même. Il se met à regarder les femmes autrement. Il décide de retrouver son agresseur. Au cours de l'enquête, il croise des personnages étranges. Ils réalisent qu'ils sont pris dans une même conspiration." . . "Explores the lives of five different men, including Xan Meo, who suffers a personality change following a brutal assault, and King Henry IX of England, whose life is complicated by his incapacitated wife and his Chinese mistress." . . . "Explores the lives of five different men, including Xan Meo, who suffers a personality change following a brutal assault, and King Henry IX of England, whose life is complicated by his incapacitated wife and his Chinese mistress."@en . . . . . "Yellow dog : Roman" . "De gele hond" . "Cane giallo"@it . "Cane giallo" . . . . . "Electronic books"@en . . "Livres électroniques" . . . . . . . . . "Keltainen koira"@fi . "London (England)" . . "Black humor (Literature)." . . "Black humor (Literature)" . "Skønlitteratur-Storbritannien" . . "Mondadori," . . "Novelas inglesas." . . "Koma <Medizin>" . . "General fiction." . . "Novela inglesa Siglo XXI." . . "Skønlitteratur-England" . . "British and Irish Fiction (Fictional Works By One Author)." . . . . "Roman." . . "England" . . "Schauspieler" . . "2003." . . "Humorous stories." . . "Aufwachen" . . "Schauspieler Coma Aufwachen Verhaltensmodifikation Obszönität Belletristische Darstellung." . . "Verhaltensmodifikation" . . "FICTION / Psychological" . .