"USA" . . "États-Unis." . . "Président (Chef d'État)" . . "Caisse électorale." . . "Aide gouvernementale." . . . . "Public financing of Congressional and Presidential campaigns" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Étude de cas (Descripteur de forme)" . "To critics, public campaign financing, generally in conjunction with spending limits, is the ultimate solution to perceived problems arising from ever-growing costs of campaigns and the accompanying need for privately donated campaign funds. This book reviews past proposals for a debate over congressional public financing and discusses experiences with the presidential and state public financing systems, offering potential considerations for Congress in devising a public financing system for its elections. -- Product Description." . . . . "Campagne électorale." . . "Wahlkampffinanzierung." . . "Wahlkampffinanzierung" . . . "Öffentliche Ausgaben." . .