"Black narcissus (Motion picture : 1947)" . . "Rank Video (Firm)" . . "Blu-rays." . . "kærlighed" . . "nonner" . . "Studios Global Entertainment" . . "David Farrar" . . "ERA Licence." . . "Walter Reed Organization." . . "Criterion Collection (Firm)," . . "Criterion Collection (Firm)" . "Nuns Sexual behavior Drama." . . "Archers (Firme)" . . "Criterion Collection (Firme)" . . "Himalaya Mountains" . . "Himalaya Mountains." . "Archers (Firm)" . . "India." . . "Himalaya Mountains Drama." . . "Adventure films [Blu-ray]" . . "Nuns." . . "Deborah Kerr" . . "Magna Home Entertainment" . . "English drama." . . "Granada International Media Ltd." . . "Black narcissus." . . "Jean Simmons" . . "Flora Robson" . . "Black narcissus"@en . "Black narcissus" . "Black narcissus"@it . . "Black Narcissus"@en . "Black Narcissus" . . . "\"This explosive work about the conflict between the spirit and the flesh is the epitome of the sensuous style of Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger. A group of nuns, played by some of Britain's finest actresses, including Deborah Kerr, Kathleen Byron, and Flora Robson, struggle to establish a convent in the Himalayas, while isolation, extreme weather, altitude, and culture clashes all conspire to drive the well-intentioned missionaries mad. A darkly grand film that won Oscars for Alfred Junge's art direction and Jack Cardiff's cinematography , Black Narcissus is one of the greatest achievements by two of cinema's true visionaries\"--Container." . . . . . "Longs métrages" . . . . . . . "A group of 5 Anglican nuns attempt to found a hospital and school in the Himalayas. They are overcome by their own human frailties and native suspicions."@en . "A group of 5 Anglican nuns attempt to found a hospital and school in the Himalayas. They are overcome by their own human frailties and native suspicions." . . . . . . "Black narcissus Le narcisse noir" . . . . . . . . . "Feature"@en . . . "Obstacles in the life of a nun's community high in the Himalayas range from a cynical British agent and suspicious natives to the arduous terrain surrounding them. The mission prospers, but often at the expense of spiritual progress. A sick child dies, a mission pupil elopes and one of the nuns falls to her death after an emotional breakdown. The sisters finally retreat from."@en . . . . "Powell and Pressburger's black narcissus"@en . "Powell and Pressburger's black narcissus" . . "Black narcissus (Motion picture)" . "Black narcissus (Motion picture)"@en . . . . . . "\"Plagued by uncertainties and worldly desires, five ... missionary nuns, led by Deborah Kerr's Sister Clodagh, struggle to establish a school in the desolate Himalayas. ... Study of the age-old conflict between the spirit and the flesh, set against the grandeur of the snowcapped peaks of Kanchenjunga\"--DVD sleeve." . . "\"Plagued by uncertainties and worldly desires, five ... missionary nuns, led by Deborah Kerr's Sister Clodagh, struggle to establish a school in the desolate Himalayas. ... Study of the age-old conflict between the spirit and the flesh, set against the grandeur of the snowcapped peaks of Kanchenjunga\"--DVD sleeve."@en . . . "Films de fiction" . . . . "Black narcissus = Narciso nero"@it . . . "Majesty gives way to mystery, and marks a harrowing descent into madness, when a young British nun is ordered to establish a convent in the remote Himalayan mountains. Sister Clodagh (Kerr) is a serious young novitiate assigned to lead a crucial mission, with the reluctant recommendation of her Mother Superior. Together with a disparate group of nuns, Sister Clodagh will face strange peoples and customs, a harsh and unforgiving climate and a wrenching struggle with her own past that will prove the ultimate test of her devotion and faith."@en . "Majesty gives way to mystery, and marks a harrowing descent into madness, when a young British nun is ordered to establish a convent in the remote Himalayan mountains. Sister Clodagh (Kerr) is a serious young novitiate assigned to lead a crucial mission, with the reluctant recommendation of her Mother Superior. Together with a disparate group of nuns, Sister Clodagh will face strange peoples and customs, a harsh and unforgiving climate and a wrenching struggle with her own past that will prove the ultimate test of her devotion and faith." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Anglo-Catholic nuns strive to endure the Himalayas, the divine order and sexual frustration."@en . "Anglo-Catholic nuns strive to endure the Himalayas, the divine order and sexual frustration." . . "Black narcissus = Die schwarze Narzisse" . . "Feature films"@en . "Feature films" . . . . . . . "Set in a community of nuns high in the Himalayas, where spiritual aims are hampered by the arrival of a beautiful native girl and a young general." . . . "Fiction films" . "Fiction films"@en . "Drammatico (Genere)"@it . . "Film britannique" . . . . . "SAC Videos are meant primarily for the use of students, therefore there will be a limit of one SAC movie per patron." . . . "Cinéma" . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Sociological films and programs" . "Videodiscs" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Films for the hearing impaired"@en . . . . "A group of nuns struggle to establish a convent in the Himalayas, while isolation, extreme weather, altitude and culture clashes all conspire to drive the well-intentioned missionaires mad."@en . "Une congégation religieuse se rend dans un ancien harem situé sur les contreforts de l'Himalaya pour y établir un dispensaire. Les soeurs sont aidées par Dean, un agent britannique installé dans la région depuis longtemps. Rapidemment la soeur supérieure Clodagh s'offusque de la conduite de ce dernier. Au sein de la communauté, les tensions s'exacerbent et les nonnes traversent des épreuves pesantes, aussi bien pour le corps que pour l'esprit..." . "Fiction"@en . "Fiction" . "An Indian ruler invites five sisters of an Anglo-Catholic order to establish a school and hospital in an isolated Himalayan village. The nuns find their task overwhelming and the sister in charge enlists the aid of the cynical British agent. In this remote outpost, the nuns are plagued by uncertainty and worldly desire." . "Adaptation"@en . . . . . . . "narcisse noir" . . "Anglican nuns, led by the stern Sister Clodagh, attempt to establish a religious community in the Himalayas, and must battle not only suspicious locals and the elements, but their own demons as well."@en . . "Anglican nuns, led by the stern Sister Clodagh, attempt to establish a religious community in the Himalayas, and must battle not only suspicious locals and the elements, but their own demons as well." . "The story of five nuns who are dedicated to work and welcome the assignment to open a school and hospital in remote Hindustan. But the altitude and the exotic atmosphere begin to take their psychological toll." . . "The story of five nuns who are dedicated to work and welcome the assignment to open a school and hospital in remote Hindustan. But the altitude and the exotic atmosphere begin to take their psychological toll."@en . . "Academy Award films"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Drama" . "Drama"@en . . . "Powell and Pressburger added to their run of daring, stimulating and stylistic pictures with this melodrama about a group of Anglican nuns establishing a remote mission high in the Himalayas. Their physical environment - extreme temperature, illness and a young Indian Prince's perfume(Black Narcissus) - leads to psychological disturbance coupled with emotional weakness. Jealousy, sexual repression and hysteria all play their part in a climax which ripped through the British stiff upper lip attitude of the time. Winner of Oscars for Colour Cinematography and Art Direction." . . . . . "\"Based on a novel by Rumer Godden, Black Narcissus stars Deborah Kerr and Jean Simmons as nuns dedicated to the Indian mission in which they work. Obstacles in the life of a nun's community high in the Himalayas range from a cynical British Agent to suspicious natives, and the arduous terrain surrounding them. The mission prospers, but often at the expense of spiritual progress. A sick child dies, a mission pupil elopes and one of the nuns falls to her death after an emotional breakdown. The sisters finally retreat from the mission and the menacing mountains, but with the knowledge that their work has not been devoid of good results\"--Container."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Sister Clodagh leads a group of devout nuns to a remote outpost in the Mighty Himalayas to establish a mission. These five women face formidable physical and emotional challenges. Faithful prisoners of their mountaintop convent, the misguided missionaries are overwhelmed by a sea of isolation, madness, spiritual failure and worldly temptations ... including those of the flesh!"@en . . . . "\"Obstacles in the life of a nuns' community high in the Himalayas range from a cynical British Agent and suspicious natives to the arduous terrain surrounding them ... The \"former life\" sequence often excised from American negatives is included in this British version ... some of the greatest early colour photography ever\"--Container."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Film adaptations"@en . "Film adaptations" . . . . "Anglo-Catholic nuns in the Himalayas have trouble with climate, morale, and one of their members who goes near to madness. Visually and emotionally stunning, the film's narrative unfolds within a structure that is closer to music than to the conventions of dramatic cause and effect."@en . . . . . "Die schwarze Narzisse" . . "Religious films"@en . . . . "Black narcissus (Motion picture : 1947)" . "Black narcissus (Motion picture : 1947)"@en . "A group of Anglican nuns runs into trouble when they try to start a hospital and a school in the Himalayas." . "A group of Anglican nuns runs into trouble when they try to start a hospital and a school in the Himalayas."@en . "Una missione di suore inglesi, mandata ad aprire un convento nell'Himalaia, deve far fronte alle difficoltà materiali e alle tentazioni della carne. Dopo che una sua conversa, innamorata di un residente inglese, impazzisce, la superiora, madre Clodagh, deve ammettere la sua sconfitta e abbandonare la missione. (Mereghetti)."@it . "A group of five Anglican nuns attempt to found a hospital and school in the Himalayas, but are overcome by their own human frailties and native suspicions." . . "British films"@en . . . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired" . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"@en . "Features"@en . "Features" . "DVD" . . . "Fünf anglikanische Ordensschwestern versuchen sich an der Aufgabe, in einer Bergfeste am Rande des Himalaya eine Missionsschule und ein Krankenhaus für die einheimische Bevölkerung einzurichten. Schließlich versagen sie, nicht zuletzt durch den schweren Konflikt, in den sie die Liebe einer der Schwestern zu einem Engländer stürzt. Ein packendes Melodram in exotischer Umgebung, das sich ganz und gar dem Kino verschrieben hat und den religiösen Hintergrund nur als Staffage nutzt. Ein Musterbeispiel für eine effektvolle Farbdramaturgie." . . . . . . . . . . . "Adaptations cinématographiques" . . . . . . . . . "Led by the stern Sister Clodagh, a group of nuns tries to establish a convent in the Himalayas."@en . "The awesome grandeur of the majestic Himalayas is the setting for this haunting emotional stunner about the isolation, madness, spiritual failures and sexual frustrations that overwhelm five missionary nuns in a mountaintop convent."@en . "The black narcissus" . "The black narcissus"@en . "Black narcissus (Film : 1947)" . . . . . . . . . . . . "Une jeune religieuse fonde un couvent de jeunes filles au coeur de l'Himalaya. Elle est accompagnée d'un anglais, Mr Dean, qui la prévient de la difficulté de l'entreprise. C'est autour de cet homme que les rivalités éclatent. L'enfermement, l'altitude et les réminiscences du passé précipiteront le drame...Powell suggère l'influence d'un lieu (une Inde onirique) sur un groupe d'individus et sur le désir, à travers un technicolor subtil, des images somptueuses et presque surréalistes." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Black Narcissus (video recording)"@en . "Narciso nero"@it . . . . . . . . "engelske film" . . . . . . . . . "A drama about five Anglican nuns who organize a convent school in an abandoned palace in the Himalayan mountains. They experience loneliness and ultimate failure in attempting to cope with ignorance, delinquency, cynicism, and human passions." . "A drama about five Anglican nuns who organize a convent school in an abandoned palace in the Himalayan mountains. They experience loneliness and ultimate failure in attempting to cope with ignorance, delinquency, cynicism, and human passions."@en . . . . . "Vidéos pour handicapés auditifs" . "Drames (Films)" . "Based on a Rumer Godden novel of Anglican nuns starting a mission in the Himalayas in India. Deborah Kerr portrays Sister Superior with many problems."@en . . . "Speelfilm" . . . "Melodrama"@en . . "Black narcissus Die schwarze Narzisse" . . . . . "Een groep Anglicaanse nonnen, die een missiepost opzetten in een afgelegen dorp in de Himalaya, krijgt te maken met allerlei tegenslagen." . "Powell and Pressburger added to their run of daring, stimulating and stylistic pictures with this melodrama about a group of Anglican nuns establishing a remote mission high in the Himalayas. Their physical environment - extreme temperature, illness and a young Indian Prince's perfume (Black Narcissus) - leads to psychological disturbance coupled with emotional weakness. Jealousy, sexual repression and hysteria all play their part in a climax which ripped through the British stiff upper lip attitude of the time."@en . "Videocassettes"@en . . . . . . . . . "Narcisse noir" . . "Majesty gives way to mystery, and marks a harrowing descent into madness, when a young British nun is ordered to establish a convent in the remote Himalayan mountains. Sister Clodagh (Kerr) is a serious young novitiate assigned to lead a crucial mission, with the reluctant recommendation of her Mother Superior. Together with a disparate group of nuns, Sister Clodagh will face strange peoples and customs, a harsh and unforgiving climate and a wrenching struggle with her own past that will prove the ultimate test of her devotion and faith." . . . . . "Nuns Sexual behavior." . . "Criterion (Firme)" . . "Sabu" . . "British" . . "Himalaya" . . "VidAmerica." . . "Religieuses Inde Films." . . "konflikter" . . "Esmond Knight" . . . . "Nuns India Drama." . . "Kathleen Byron" . . "India Fiction." . . "English drama India." . . "Servites India Drama." . . "Servites India Drama" . "Britanniques Inde Films." . . "Servites" . . "Servites." . "Rank Films." . . "drama" . . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired." . . "Monachisme et ordres religieux féminins Communion anglicane Films." . . "Feature films." . . "klostre" . .