"359 - 323 B.C." . . "Panasia Films Limited." . . "IMF Productions (Firma comercial)" . . "Video recordings - Titles owned by CBMPL and LJRL." . . "Kings and rulers." . . "Warner Bros. Entertainment," . . "Warner Home Video (Firm)" . . "Warner Home Video (Firm)," . "Macedonian Expansion (Greece : 359-323 B.C.)" . . . "Historical films." . . "War films." . . "IMF Productions (Firme)" . . "Warner Home Video (Firma comercial)" . . "Guerra en el cine Videodiscos." . . "Intermedia Films." . . . . . . . "\"Alexander es un film épico sobre una historia real del mejor de los guerrero del mundo. Usando tomas jamás vistas y retocando docenas de escenas, feroces y fuertes que cambiaron por siempre la historia. Controlado por el anhelo de amor a su padre (Val Kilmer ) y la brutal ambición de su madre (Angelica Jolie), Alexander (Colin Farrel) enfrento a los ejercitos masivos en Persia, Afganistán e India sin ser derrotado jamás. \"La suerte favorece a los sobresalientes.\" Esto lo demuestra Stone con su nuevo filme Alexander versión del Director.\"" . . . . "Il giovane Alessandro Magno, divorato dal desiderio di gloria e avventura, parte dalla Macedonia per conquistare ed estendere il suo dominio fino ai territori oggi noti come Asia centrale, portando il suo esercito in zone dove fino ad allora mai nessun occidentale era arrivato. Portava dentro di sé il desiderio di guadagnare l'approvazione del padre Filippo, le difficoltà con l'ambiziosa moglie persiana Roxane e il sostegno della profonda amicizia con l'amico Efestione. Insieme al suo generale Tolomeo non è mai sconfitto in battaglia, cosa mai successa nella storia militare. Alessandro e i suoi uomini si spingono attraverso deserti, montagne, giungle misteriose, lottando con chiunque osi ostacolare il loro cammino. (LaFeltrinelli)." . . "The story of Alexander the Great who in the 4th century BC conquered ninety percent of the known world by defeating Greece, Persia, Afghanistan and India in just eight years." . "Fiction films"@en . . . . . . "The story of Alexander, the King of Macedonia and one of the greatest military leaders in the history of warfare, who conquers much of the known world."@en . . . . . "Alexander - Director's cut" . . . . . . . . . "Alexander <film ; 2004>"@it . . "Academy Award - winning direcrtor Oliver Stone presents a breathtaking new cut of his sweeping epic film Alexander, the true story of the world's greatest warrior. Using footage never seen and dramatically reshaping dozens of scenes, he brings to life the overpowering forces and fierce personalities that forever changed history. Driven by a craving for his father's love and the brutal ambition of his mother, Alexander faced massive armies in Persia, Afghanistan and India and was never defeated." . "Alexander, the King of Macedonia and one of the greatest military leaders in the history of warfare, conquers much of the known world."@en . . . "Academy award winning director Oliver Stone presents a breathtaking new cut of his sweeping epic film, Alexander, the true story of the world's greatest warrior. Using new footage and dramatically reshaping dozens of scenes, he brings to life the overpowering forces and fierce personalities that forever changed history. Driven by a craving for his father's love and the brutal ambition of his mother, Alexander faced massive armies in Persia, Afghanistan and India and was never defeated." . . . . . . . . . "Alexander the director's cut" . . . . . "Oliver Stone recreates the towering true story of Alexander the Great, who in the 4th century B.C. conquered Greece, Persia, Afghanistan, and India, which made up 90% of the known world. Original theatrical version." . . . . "Alexander : director's cut" . . . . . "Alexander Sein Name ist eine Legende, seine Taten unvorstellbar" . . . . . . . . "Oliver Stone recreates the towering true story of Alexander the Great, who in the 4th Century BC conquered Greece, Persia, Afghanistan, and India, which made up 90% of the known world."@en . "Feature films"@en . "Feature films" . "DVD-Video discs" . "DVD-Video discs"@en . . "War films"@en . "War films" . . "Alexander : sein Name ist eine Legende, seine Taten unvorstellbar" . . . . "Adventure films"@en . . . "Adventure films" . "Biography" . . . . "Historical films"@en . . . . "Alexander [special edition]" . . . . . . . . . . . . "Alexander versión del director" . . . . . "Drama"@en . "Drama" . . . . . "Alexander (Motion picture)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "The story of Alexander the Great, who in 4th century BC conquered ninety percent of the known world of the time by defeating Greece, Persia, Afghanistan, and India in just eight years."@en . "ALEXANDER" . "The story of Alexander the Great, who in 4th century BC conquered ninety percent of the known world of the time by defeating Greece, Persia, Afghanistan, and India in just eight years." . . . "Im 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. besteigt ein gerade erst 20-jähriger den Thron der Makedonier und bricht zu einem Feldzug auf, der die Welt für immer verändern sollte. Sein Name: Alexander. Mit seinem gewaltigen Heer von 40000 Mann zieht er gegen seine Feinde. Die unzähligen und brutalen Schlachten scheinen oft aussichtslos. Doch durch Alexanders militärisches Genie und seinen unbändigen Willen bezwingt der gnadenlose Kriegsherr seine Gegner und unterwirft sie. Nach 11 Jahren des erbitterten Kampfes beherrscht er schliesslich 95 Prozent der damals bekannten Welt." . . . . . . . . . "Il giovane Alessandro Magno, divorato dal desiderio di gloria e avventura, parte dalla Macedonia per conquistare ed estendere il suo dominio fino ai territori oggi noti come Asia centrale, portando il suo esercito in zone dove fino ad allora mai nessun occidentale era arrivato. Portava dentro di sé il desiderio di guadagnare l'approvazione del padre Filippo, le difficoltà con l'ambiziosa moglie persiana Roxane e il sostegno della profonda amicizia con l'amico Efestione. Insieme al suo generale Tolomeo non è mai sconfitto in battaglia, cosa mai successa nella storia militare. Alessandro e i suoi uomini si spingono attraverso deserti, montagne, giungle misteriose, lottando con chiunque osi ostacolare il loro cammino... (LaFeltrinelli)." . . . . . . . . . "Greatest legend of all was real" . . . "Oliver Stone recreates the story of Alexander the Great, who in the 4th Century BC conquered Greece, Persia, Afghanistan, and India, which made up 90% of the known world."@en . . . "Adventure"@en . "Oliver Stone recreates the towering true story of Alexander the Great, who in the 4th Century B.C. conquered Greece, Persia, Afghanistan, and India, which made up 90% of the known world." . . "Oliver Stone recreates the towering true story of Alexander the Great, who in the 4th Century B.C. conquered Greece, Persia, Afghanistan, and India, which made up 90% of the known world."@en . "Alexander" . . . "亞歷山大帝" . . . . . "\"Fils du roi Philippe de Macédoine, Alexandre rêve depuis l'enfance d'égaler son héros Achille. Lorsque son père est tué, possiblement à la suite d'un complot de sa mère Olympias, Alexandre accède au trône et se lance dans une série de conquêtes, affrontant avec succès la puissante armée perse, puis parvenant à se rendre jusqu'en Inde. Il épouse entre-temps Roxane, une princesse asiatique, malgré le désaccord de ses conseillers qui auraient préféré une reine macédonienne. Mais peu importe, car le souverain réserve toute son affection à son ami d'enfance, le commandant Hephaïstion. À 25 ans seulement, Alexandre fonde un empire gigantesque représentant 90 % du monde connu durant l'Antiquité. Il meurt en 323 avant J.-C. à l'âge de 32 ans, dans des circonstances demeurées nébuleuses.\" [(c) Médiafilm]." . . . . . . . . . . . . "Nachdem sein Vater, der mächtige König Philipp II., ermordet wird, besteigt der junge Alexander den Thron Makedoniens. Als neuer König und Herr über Griechenland beschliesst er, in die Welt hinauszuziehen, Rache zu nehmen an den Persern und Kleinasien von ihnen zu befreien. Es beginnt ein Feldzug, wie ihn die Welt noch nie gesehen hatte. Nach zahlreichen blutigen Schlachten, der Befreiung Kleinasiens und dem Einzug in Ägypten hat Alexander schliesslich sein Ziel erreicht: Er ist König von Asien. (Quelle: Umschlag)." . . . . . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"@en . . . "Alexander original cinema version"@en . "Alexander (Colin Farrell) is based on the true story of one of history's most luminous and influential leaders - a man who had conquered 90% of the known world by the age of 25. Alexander led his virtually in vincible Greek, Macedonian, and later Eastern armies through 22,000 miles of sieges and conquests in just eight years, and by the time of his death at the age of 32, had forged an empire unlike any the world had ever seen." . . . . . . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired" . . . . . . "Oliver Stone ricrea la straordinaria, vera storia di Alessandro Magno, che nel IV secolo a. C. conquistò Grecia, Persia, Afghanistan e India ... Il suo sogno modellò il mondo in cui noi oggi viviamo."@it . . . "Biographical films" . "Biographical films"@en . . "Alexander <risorsa elettronica>"@it . . . . . . . "Alexander"@it . "History" . "History"@en . "Alexander" . "Films for the hearing impaired"@en . . . "Yalishan da di" . . . "Alexander"@en . . . . . . . . "Feature film from the UK. Dramatisation of the life and conquests of Alexander the Great, 4th century BC ruler of Macedon." . . "The story of the great Macedonian general Alexander who in the fourth century BC, conquered much of the known world of his time." . "Storico/Biografico (Genere)" . . "Alexander Aleksander" . . . . . . . . . . "Action and adventure films" . "Action and adventure films"@en . . . "Biographical"@en . . . "Alexander : sein Name eine Legende seine Taten unvorstellbar" . "Büyük İskender" . "Dopo essersi scontrato col padre Filippo II, re di Macedonia, e aver rischiato di essere diseredato pur di difendere l'onore della madre Olimpia, in seguito all'assassinio del genitore, Alessandro (356-323 a.C.) a soli diciannove anni gli succede sul trono e ne attua il piano di invasione dell'Impero persiano di Dario III, conquistando di vittoria in vittoria tutto il Medio Oriente e l'Asia centrale e giungendo fino all'India. Costretto dalla rivolta dei suoi soldati a tornare a Babilonia, si ammala e muore a trentatré anni. (Morandini)." . . . . "War"@en . "Alexander sein Name ist eine Legende, seine Taten unvorstellbar" . "Aleksander" . . . . . "Alexander Büyük İskender" . . . . . . . . "Epic films" . . "Epic films"@en . "Il giovane Alessandro Magno, divorato dal desiderio di gloria e avventura, parte dalla Macedonia per conquistare ed estendere il suo dominio fino ai territori oggi noti come Asia centrale, portando il suo esercito in zone dove fino ad allora mai nessun occidentale era arrivato. Portava dentro di sé il desiderio di guadagnare l'approvazione del padre Filippo, le difficoltà con l'ambiziosa moglie persiana Roxane e il sostegno della profonda amicizia con l'amico Efestione. Insieme al suo generale Tolomeo non è mai sconfitto in battaglia, cosa mai successa nella storia militare. Alessandro e i suoi uomini si spingono attraverso deserti, montagne, giungle misteriose, lottando con chiunque osi ostacolare il loro cammino..."@it . "Alexander de Oliver Stone cuenta la vida de una de las más grandes figuras de la historia del mundo, Alexander, un conquistador que con 25 años había conquistado el 90% del mundo conocido. Pasado y presente colisionan para formar un puzzle de este protagonista, una historia de tragedias y triunfos en la que recuerdos de la niñez y el crecimiento del poder de Alexander se comparan con el crecimiento y última caída de un imperio. Desde su juventud movido por la gloria y la aventura a su solitaria y dudosa muerte, desde sus relaciones con su familia y con su vasto ejército y compañeros de Guerra, la película cuenta las crónicas del viaje de Alexander en convertirse una leyenda viva: un hombre que se aferró al ideal de que el poder tiene un destino." . . "Alexander director's cut" . "Alexander director's cut"@en . . . . . . . . "Alexander director's cut"@en . . . . "Academy award winning director Oliver Stone presents a breathtaking new cut of his sweeping epic film Alexander, the true story of the world's greatest warrior. Using footage never seen and dramatically reshaping dozens of scenes, he brings to life the overpowering forces and fierce personalities that forever changed history."@en . . . . . . . . "Kam & Ronson Enterprise Co., Ltd." . . "IMF Productions." . . "Kings and rulers Drama." . . "Rois et souverains Films." . . "video." . . "Uzun metrajlı filmler." . . "Warner Home Video (Firme)" . . "Warner Bros. Pictures (1969- )" . . "Reyes y soberanos Drama Videodiscos." . . "Feature films." . . . . "Biographical films." . . "Greece" . . "Greece." . "Greece --" . "Películas cinematográficas Videodiscos." . . "Películas biográficas Videodiscos." . . "Grecia" . . "IMF Productions (Firm)" . . "Grèce" . . "Drames (Films)" . . "Adventure films." . . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired." . . "359 - 322 B.C." . . "DVD." . . "Verenigde Staten." . .