"Hitchhiking Drama." . . "Films A2 (Firme)" . . "CANAL+ Image International (Firme)" . . "Industria cinematográfica Drama Videodiscos." . . "Motion pictures France." . . "Motion picture industry Drama." . . "Productores y directores de cine Drama Videodiscos." . . "Motion picture producers and directors Drama." . . "Film & video productions (Firm)" . . "French films." . . "France 2 cinéma (Firme)" . . "Sonimage (Firme)" . . "Upper class women Drama." . . "Man-woman relationships Drama." . . "Películas francesas Videodiscos." . . "Films et Vidéo Productions." . . "Terroristas Francia Drama Videodiscos." . . "Why Not Productions (Firm)" . . "Vidéo Prestige (Firm)" . . "Sara Films (Firme)" . . "Universal Studios." . . "WinStar TV and Video (Firme)" . . "Lions Gate Home Entertainment (Firm)" . . . "Passion : Jerzy, un director polaco, está rodando un filme centrado en pinturas famosas. Isabelle, una muchacha tartamuda de clase obrera, pierde su trabajo. Ambos se conocen, se convierten en amantes y se van a vivir a Polonia." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "'Passion' is the name of a film in production, a plotless series of tableaux vivants based on famous paintings. The story external to the film-within-the-film involves a network of more or less symbolic characters including the Polish expatriate director of 'Passion', a woman factory worker and the factory owner who sacks her because he regards her as a trouble maker. Godard's film is organised around images rather than a story and is fragmented into what have been called plot modules, images and sounds which can only retrospectively be fitted together. It is an oblique Godardian reflection on the interrelation of love, work and art, suspended somewhere between an essay and a fictional narrative in attempting to synthesise the politics of representation and the representation of politics." . "Fiction films" . . . . . . . . . . "Feature films" . . . . . "Follows a Polish film director as he tries to make his next film." . . . . . . . . . . "Un regista mette in scena quadri viventi ispirati a Rembrant e Goya e non trova la protagonista per il film; un produttore esige \"una storia\"; un'operaia lotta contro il padrone della fabbrica, la cui moglie, padrona dell'albergo che ospita la troupe, è l'amante del regista... (Mereghetti)."@it . . "First name, Carmen : Durante un fallido atraco a un banco, una terrorista llamada Carmen intenta ser seducida por un guardia de seguridad, Antonio. Para escapar del arresto, Carmen aparenta corresponder a su pretendiente, y ambos se refugian en un apartamento. Sin embargo, Carmen sigue comprometida con las acciones terroristas de su grupo, que planea un secuestro." . . . . . . "Drama" . . . . . "Drammatico (Genere)"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Drame sur la nature de la réalisation cinématographique. Un réalisateur polonais tourne en Suisse, pour la télévision française, un film sans histoire qu'il souhaite être dans la tradition picturale des grands peintres Rembrandt, Goya et le Greco. Mais il rencontre des problèmes financiers, ne trouve jamais le bon éclairage et entreprend des liaisons simultanées avec deux femmes. Avec Isabelle Huppert, Hanna Schygulla, Michel Piccoli, Jerzy Rodziwilowicz, Laszlo Szabo." . . . . . . "Jean-Luc Godard : the ultimate collection" . "Nouvelle vague: A wealthy woman runs into a hitchhiker on a winding country road, setting the stage for an allegory on the nature of God, on the class struggle, and the eternal war between man and woman." . . . . "A Godard-like director is trying to film a movie in the style of the great painters--Rembrandt, Goya, El Greco. The film is plagued by difficulties as the money for the film begins to run out, he can't seem to find the right lighting and the film has no story. In the middle of this intense situation, he starts a simultaneous affair with two women. Hanna, the owner of the hotel, and Isabelle, a factory worker who is trying to stir up a revolt." . "Prénom Carmen: Carmen, a member of a terrorist gang, seduces the hapless policeman Joseph, who tries to arrest her during a bank robbery. Fleeing together, they hide out with her eccentric uncle until the restless Carmen leads them to an absurd doom. The film is set in contemporary France." . . . . . . "Nouvelle vague" . . "Jean-Luc Godard collector's edition" . . . . . . . "Foreign language films" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Godard's passion" . "Motion pictures, French" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Passion: A Godard-like director is trying to film a movie in the style of the great painters--Rembrandt, Goya, El Greco. The film is plagued by difficulties as the money for the film begins to run out, he can't seem to find the right lighting and the film has no story. In the middle of this intense situation, he starts a simultaneous affair with two women. Hanna, the owner of the hotel, and Isabelle, a factory worker who is trying to stir up a revolt." . . . . . . . . . . . "A Polish film director trying to make a movie called Passion has an affair with the owner of the French Motel where he and the crew are staying. Her husband has to cope with a labour dispute at his factory led by a woman worker. Meanwhile, money for the film is beginning to run out." . . . . . "Collection Godard, époque contemporaine, édition entièrement remasterisée" . . . . "Passion <videoregistrazione>"@it . . . . . . "Un regista polacco deve fare in Svizzera, col sistema dei quadri viventi, una serie di telefilm sulla pittura dei grandi maestri. Da questo tronco partono 3 rami: la lavorazione del film col regista in crisi; i burrascosi rapporti della proprietaria tedesca del motel dove alloggia la troupe col marito, proprietario di una fabbrica; uno sciopero nella fabbrica, guidato da un'operaia balbuziente." . . . . "Passion"@it . "Passion" . "Passion"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Dans un village suisse, on retrouve un cinéaste polonais, Jerzy, qui tourne un documentaire consacré aux grands tableaux de la peinture occidentale. Isabelle est une ouvrière insatisfaite à l'usine où l'on ne comprend pas son amour du travail. La femme de son patron tient l'hôtel où loge l'équipe du film. Jerzy oscille entre les deux femmes au beau milieu d'une production chaotique. Le film se termine et chacun rentre chez soi." . . "Dans une usine de province, se joue une guerre d'usure entre le patron et une ouvrière qui veut créer une section syndicale. On retrouve les mêmes divisions à l'hôtel du coin, entre la population locale et l'équipe de cinéma venue tourner un film dans les environs.(d'après la jaquette)." . . "Drames (cinéma)" . . . . "Passion ; Nouvelle vague" . . . . . . . . . "Summary: Follows a Polish film director as he tries to make his next film." . . . . . . . . . . "Film adaptations" . . . . . . . . . . . "Deux films de Godard" . . . . "Film im Film - Arbeit oder Leidenschaft." . . . "Passion (Motion picture)" . . . . . . . . "Feature films." . .