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  • "Ai de zi you shi"
  • "Welcome <film ; 2009&gt"@it
  • "愛的自由式"

  • "Un joven kurdo llega a Europa para reunirse con su novia recién emigrada a Inglaterra. Pero su recorrido se detiene bruscamente cuando, en el lado francés, le impiden cruzar el Canal de la Mancha. Simon, profesor de natación en la piscina pública de Calais, en pleno proceso de divorcio, decide arriesgarse y entrenar en secreto al muchacho para que atraviese el Canal a nado."
  • "Seit über drei Monaten ist Bilal schon auf der Flucht. Der 17-jährige Kurde hat sein Land verlassen, um seine Freundin Mîna wieder zu sehen, die nach England emigriert ist. Zu Fuss schafft es Bilal auf abenteuerlichen Wegen vom Irak durch ganz Europa bis nach Calais an der Nordküste Frankreichs. 34 Kilometer liegen zwischen Bilal und der englischen Küste. Er beschliesst, den vom starken Nordwestwind aufgewühlten Ärmelkanal schwimmend zu überqueren. Doch mitten im Winter ist das auch für einen geübten Schwimmer ein lebensgefährliches Unterfangen. Im Hallenbad von Calais will er das Schwimmen trainieren. Hier lernt er Simon (Vincent Lindon) kennen, einen ehemaligen Topschwimmer, der sich seinen Lebensunterhalt als Schwimmlehrer verdient und dessen Ehe gerade zerbrochen ist. (Quelle: Umschlag)."
  • "A 17-year-old Kurdish refugee has struggled his way across Europe in an attempt to reunite with his girlfriend, who has emigrated to England. When he is stopped in France, he decides to swim the English Channel to complete his journey. He seeks the help of a middle aged swimming instructor dealing with his own private crisis--divorce from his socially-conscious wife. A critically successful drama about friendship, the hope of new beginnings and the power of true love."
  • "Feature film from France. Drama. A Kurdish refugee in France convinces a local swimming coach to help him swim the Channel in order to join his girlfriend in England."
  • "Friendship has no borders. True love has no limits. The multi award-winning new film from writer/director Philippe Lioret, WELCOME is a compassionate and inspiring drama about the hope of new beginnings and the power of true love, centred on two couples contending with issues of separation and dislocation. 17-year-old Bilal has spent the last three months travelling illegally across Europe, in an attempt to reunite with his girlfriend Mina who has moved with her family to England. The long journey is almost over when he finally reaches Calais, on the far northern coast of France; he can literally see his destination from across the Channel. But with all legal options exhausted, Bilal resolves that his only option is to learn to swim, and make the dangerous crossing himself. Bilal seeks the help of middle-aged swimming instructor Simon (Vincent Lindon), who is privately reeling from impending divorce from his socially-conscious wife Marion. In an effort to win her back, Simon impulsively - and uncharacteristically - risks everything by taking Bilal under his wing."
  • "La jaquette indique : "Pour impressionner et reconquérir sa femme, Simon, maître nageur à la piscine de Calais, prend le risque d'aider en secret un jeune réfugié kurde qui veut traverser la Manche à la nage.""
  • "Pour impressionner et reconquérir sa femme, Simon, maître nageur à la piscine de Calais, prend le risque daider en secret un jeune réfugié kurde qui veut traverser la Manche à la nage pour retrouver à Londres la fille quil aime. Il ne la pas vu depuis trois ans, a mis 4 mois pour parcourir plus de 4 000 km depuis lIrak pour parvenir à Calais. Après premier essai infructueux de passage en Angleterre caché dans un camion, il décide de sentraîner à la nage. Cest ainsi quil rencontre Simon, à la piscine."
  • ""A 17-year-old Kurdish refugee, Bilal, has struggled his way through Europe in an attempt to reunite with his girlfriend, who has emigrated to England. When he is stopped in France, he decides to swim the English Channel to complete his journey. While training at a local swimming pool he meets Simon, a middle-aged swim instructor, who agrees to help Bilal, in order to regain the affection of his wife" -- WorldCat."
  • "Der 17-jährige Iraker Bilal hat sein Land verlassen, nachdem seine Freundin Mina kurz zuvor nach England emigriert ist. Er ist auf seinem abenteuerlichen Weg quer durch Europa gereist, um sie wiederzusehen. Nun, kurz vor seinem Ziel, scheint die Reise ein abruptes Ende zu finden ... [Quelle:]."
  • ""Pour impressionner et reconquérir sa femme, Simon, maître nageur à la piscine de Calais, prend le risque d'aider en secret un jeune réfugié kurde qui veut traverser la Manche à la nage.""
  • "Bilal, a 17-year-old Kurdish refugee, has struggled his way through Europe for the last three months, trying to reunite with his girlfriend. But his journey comes to an abrupt halt when he is stopped by authorities in Calais, on the French side of the Channel. Left with no other alternatives, he decides to swim across. Bilal goes to the local swimming pool to train, where he meets Simon. But what begins as a relationship based on self-interest develops into something bigger."
  • "自從女友米娜移居英國,17歲的伊拉克少年比勒便決定離開祖國,為愛走天下.為了再見她一面,比勒展開了一場橫跨歐洲的冒險之旅.然而,旅程到了法國北海岸就被迫停止,再也無法前進.眼前是冰冷的英吉利海峽,強烈的西北風狂捲浪頭,將比勒和米娜遙遙隔開,幸福好像還很遙遠.就當比勒來到了加萊,一個距離英國只有32公里遠的地方,突然他靈機一動,決定報名當地的游泳訓練班.比勒在這遇見了救生員希蒙,在相處的過程中,希蒙發現了比勒的瘋狂計畫,於是便暗中支持他,保護他,並教導他所有橫渡英吉利海峽所需的能力.比勒的泳技一天比一天進步,最後他真能成功踏上英國的土地,見到米娜一面?"
  • "A 17-year-old Kurdish refugee, Bilal, has struggled his way through Europe in an attempt to reunite with his girlfriend, who has emigrated to England. When he is stopped in France, he decides to swim the English Channel to complete his journey. While training at a local swimming pool he meets Simon, a middle-aged swim instructor, who agrees to help Bilal, in order to regain the affection of his wife."
  • "Zi cong nu you mi na yi ju ying guo,17 sui de yi la ke shao nian bi le bian jue ding li kai zu guo,wei ai zou tian xia.wei le zai jian ta yi mian,bi le zhan kai le yi chang heng kua ou zhou de mao xian zhi lu.ran er,lu cheng dao le fa guo bei hai an jiu bei po ting zhi,zai ye wu fa qian jin.yan qian shi bing leng de ying ji li hai xia, qiang lie de xi bei feng kuang juan lang tou,jiang bi le he mi na yao yao ge kai,xing fu hao xiang huan hen yao yuan.jiu dang bi le lai dao le jia lai,yi ge ju li ying guo zhi you 32 gong li yuan de di fang,tu ran ta ling ji yi dong,jue ding bao ming dang di de you yong xun lian le zai zhe yu jian le jiu sheng yuan xi meng,zai xiang chu de guo cheng zhong,xi meng fa xian le bi le de feng kuang ji hua,yu shi bian an zhong zhi chi ta,bao hu ta,bing jiao dao ta suo you heng du ying ji li hai xia suo xu de neng le de yong ji yi tian bi yi tian jin bu,zui hou ta zhen neng cheng gong ta shang ying guo de tu di ,jian dao mi na yi mian"?"."
  • "Simon, a lifeguard at the Calais pool, wants to impress his wife and win her back. He decides to secretly help a young Kurdish refugee swim the English Channel."
  • ""Pour impressionner et reconquerir sa femme, Simon, maitre nageur a la piscine de Calais, prend le risque d'aider en secret un jeune refugie kurde qui veut traverser la Manche a la nage" -- Container."
  • "Bilal, giovane curdo, ha lasciato il suo paese alla volta di Calais, dove sogna e spera di imbarcarsi per l'Inghilterra. Dall'altra parte della Manica lo attende un'adolescente che il padre ha promesso in sposa a un ricco cugino. Fallito il tentativo di salire clandestinamente su un traghetto, Bilal è deciso ad attraversare la Manica a nuoto. Recatosi presso una piscina comunale incontra Simon, un istruttore di nuoto di mezza età prossimo alla separazione dalla moglie, amata ancora enormemente e in segreto. Colpito dall'ostinazione e dal sentimento del ragazzo, Simon lo allenerà e lo incoraggerà a non cedere mai ai marosi della vita. A sua volta Bilal aprirà nel cuore infranto di Simon una breccia in cui accoglierlo. Ma il mondo fuori è avverso e inospitale e l'uomo dovrà sfidare le delazioni dei vicini di casa e la legge sull'immigrazione che condanna i cittadini troppo umani e "intraprendenti" col prossimo. (Mymovies)."
  • ""Bilal is 17 years old, a Kurdish boy from Iraq. He sets off on an adventure-filled journey across Europe."-- IMDb."
  • "17-year-old Bilal has spent the last three months travelling illegally across Europe, in an attempt to reunite with his girlfriend Mina who has moved with her family to England. The long journey is almost over when he finally reaches Calais, on the far northern coast of France but with all his legal options exhausted, Bilal resolves that his only option is to learn to swim, and make the dangerour crossing himself."
  • ""Pour impressionner et reconquérir sa femme, Simon, maître nageur à la piscine de Calais, prend le risque d'aider en secret un jeune réfugié kurde qui veut traverser la Manche à la nage."--Conteneur."
  • "A 17-year-old Kurdish refugee, Bilal, has struggled his way through Europe in an attempt to reunite with his girlfriend, who has emigrated to England. When he is stopped in France, he decides to swim the English Channel to complete his journey. While training at a local swimming pool he meets Simon, a middle-aged swim instructor, who agrees to help Bilal, in order to regain the affection of his wife."
  • "17 year-old Bilal travels from Kurdistan to meet his girlfriend who has emigrated to London. He finds it nearly impossible to cross from France into England, so he decides that he will swim the English Channel. While training at a pool, he meets Simon, an older swim instructor. Simon is in the middle of a bitter divorce. Together, the men learn how to cope with life's travails."
  • "A 17-year-old Kurdish refugee has struggled his way in Europe in an attempt to unite with his girlfriend, who has emigrated to England. When he is stopped in France, he decides to swim the English Channel to complete his journey."
  • "Bilal, een Koerdische jongen van 17, besluit bij aankomst in Calais het Kanaal over te zwemmen om bij zijn vriendin in Engeland te kunnen komen. Met hulp van zweminstructeur Simon volgt een intensieve training."
  • "Simon è un istruttore di nuoto in una piscina comunale a Calais, sulla costa nord della Francia. La sua vita cambia quando incontra Bilal, un giovane curdo che ha attraversato l'Europa da clandestino per raggiungere la ragazza in Inghilterra. L'unica possibilità per Bilal di realizzare il suo sogno è attraversare la Manica a nuoto e il suo coraggio convincerà Simon a sfidare la legge per aiutarlo."

  • "Feature films"
  • "Comédie dramatique"
  • "fiction dramatique (fiction)"
  • "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"
  • "Foreign language films"
  • "Videodiscos DVD"@es
  • "Films dramatiques"
  • "Love stories"
  • "Fiction films"
  • "Llargmetratges"
  • "Drama cinematográfico"
  • "Drames (Films)"
  • "Drames"
  • "Drama"@es
  • "Drama"
  • "DVD collection"
  • "Fiction"
  • "Films sociaux"
  • "Drammatico (Genere)"
  • "Short films"

  • "Welcome"@es
  • "Welcome"@it
  • "Welcome"
  • "Welcome = ai de zi you shi"
  • "Welcome = 愛的自由式"
  • "Welcome (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica)"
  • "Welcome un film de Philippe lioret[Darst.]: Vincent Lindon; Firat Ayverdi; Audrey Dana"
  • "Welcome (Película cinematográfica)"
  • "Welcome (Motion picture : 2009)"