"Perinatal Care." . . "MEDICAL Perinatology & Neonatology." . . "Perinatal Care methods." . . "Recherche en santé publique." . . "Soins périnatals Méthodes." . . "Infant, Premature." . . "Premature Birth." . . "Maladies du prématuré." . . "MEDICAL Nursing Pediatric & Neonatal." . . "Infants (Premature)" . . "Premature infants." . . "Intensive Care, Neonatal." . . "Prématurés Soins." . . "Soins post-natals." . . "Prématurés Soins médicaux." . . "Infant, Newborn, Diseases therapy." . . "Soins postnatals." . . . . . . . . . . "Preterm birth is a major challenge in perinatal health care. Most perinatal deaths occur in preterm infants, and preterm birth is an important risk factor for neurological damage, including cerebral palsy. This ABC covers all the latest information on this complex and multidisciplinary area from obstetric issues to immediate care of preterm infants, respiratory complications, and how to provide support to the parents and relatives of the preterm infant. With its clear explanation and many illustrations, general practitioners, medical students, paediatricians starting their postgraduate trainin."@en . . . . . . . "ABC of Preterm Birth"@en . "ABC of Preterm Birth" . . . . . . . . . . . . . "ABC of pre-term birth" . . . . . "ABC of preterm birth"@en . "ABC of preterm birth" . . . . "Electronic books"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Accouchement prématuré" . . "Accouchement prématuré." . "Délivrance obstétrique." . . . . "Maladies du nourrisson et du nouveau-né." . . "Infant, Newborn, Diseases." . .