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Kong bu fen zi The terrorist

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  • "Terrorisers"
  • "Terorizers"
  • "Kongp'o punja"
  • "Terroriser"
  • "Terrorizers"
  • "공포 분자"
  • "Kong bu fen zi"
  • "恐怖分子"
  • "Kongbu fenzi"
  • "Terrorist"

  • "A women writer doesn't satisfy with her marriage. She wrote a novel of her inner feelings and her imagination. This novel won her an award. Ironically, her life in reality followed what she wrote about. Her husband hurt her lover, who has affairs with her, then committed suicide."
  • "Shu-an, locked up in her room, passes the time making crank phone calls. While having a telephone conversation with a young married woman, Shu-an pretends to be having an affair with the woman's husband and to be pregnant as well. Their conversation sets in motion a chain of events."
  • "在一個清晨的圍捕行動中, 警官老顧率領武裝警察突破一個賊窩, 建捕了槍擊要犯老歪和同夥的歹徒大順等人, 唯一跳窗逃走的混血女孩淑安被路過的男孩小強送去醫院, 腿折斷了...."
  • "在一個清晨的圍捕行動中,警官老顧率領武裝警察突破一個賊窩,建捕了槍擊要犯老歪和同夥的歹徒大順等人,唯一跳窗逃走的混血女孩淑安被路過的男孩小強送去醫院,腿骨折斷了.淑安回家後被母親關在家中,她開始很無聊的打電話開玩笑,其中有一通打給了一個叫周郁芬的女人,她假冒是周郁芬丈夫在外面的女友,懷了孕,要周郁芬出來談判這件事,深深刺激了周郁芬.周郁芬嫁給李立中已經七年了,在嫁給李立中以前,她是一個能幹的職業婦女,為了生孩子,把工作辭了.結果孩子沒生成,周郁芬日子變得無聊,開始寫作.寫作對周郁芬而言又是一項挑戰,而她就一直陷在寫作的困境中掙扎著.李立中是一個安份守己的人,在一家醫院的檢驗室工作,憑著他的努力,他非常滿足於現在的狀況,沒有太大野心.醫院發生了一點事,使得李立中有機會升上組長,他為此而感到欣慰.周郁芬過去的主管沈維彬找到周郁芬,希望她能復出工作,周郁芬便和丈夫商量要復出的事,因為她對寫作也產生了排斥,逐漸失去了信心.這通神秘的電話促使周郁芬決心離家獨居,重新思考自己的未來,而沈維彬的出現也給了她重新開始自己事業的決定,於是她暫時離開了李立中.淑安又從家中蹺出來,經歷了一些煎熬,遇到了當初救過她的小強,兩人有了很短暫而甜蜜的愛情,到淑安見到當初被逮捕的大順出獄,才又離開小強,回到大順的身邊,繼續她的流浪生活.周郁芬的行為使李立中非常苦惱,便找到他童年的玩伴,現在幹警官的老顧,要他出面替他想法子.立中知道郁芬的離去只是因為那通電話,於是他設法要找到打電話的人,經過一連串的追查,終於找到了淑安.立中在一次酒後,立中把老顧的手槍偷了,去殺郁芬及她的主管-沈維彬.故事講到這裡才發現,這一切都只是郁芬得獎小說內的情節,不是真實的事件,而一切都安好如初,什麼也沒發生"
  • "在一個清晨的圍捕行動中, 混血少女淑安跳窗逃走腿骨摔斷, 經住附近在攝影的男孩小強送去醫院.後來淑安被母親接回家中, 因不能外出而無聊的她, 就胡亂撥電話惡整那密報的房東.其中一通是依電話簿, 隨便挑了叫李立中的人.李立中在醫院工作, 是個安分守己的人, 也很滿足現在狀況.就在李立中老婆周郁芬接到電話後, 淑安假冒她是其丈夫外面的女友, 要周郁芬出來談判.此時的周郁芬正好陷入寫作瓶頸及生活平淡的困擾中, 所以這通神秘電話促使周郁芬決心離家獨居, 重新思考自己的未來.而以前主管沈維彬的出現也給了她重新開始的決心."
  • "The intertwined lives of a photographer, a novelist, her husband, and a Eurasian female criminal. The novelist is unhappy with her marriage and writes a novel of her inner feelings. The marital troubles between the novelist and her husband, Li-Jong, end somewhat like her novel did. Li-Jong commits suicide."
  • "The story weaves intricately among three groups of characters: a laboratory technician and his novelist wife; a female hoodlum; and a love-struck photographer, all threaded together by one prank phone call and a sense of deceit."
  • "A women writer doesn't satisfy with her marriage. She wrote a novel of her inner feelings and her imagination. This novel won her an award. Ironically, her life in reality followed what she wrote about. Her husband hurted her lover, who has affairs with her, then committed suicide."
  • "Zai yi ge qing chen de wei bu xing dong zhong,jing guan lao gu shuai ling wu zhuang jing cha tu po yi ge zei wo,jian bu le qiang ji yao fan lao wai he tong huo de dai tu da shun deng ren,wei yi tiao chuang tao zou de hun xie nu hai shu an bei lu guo de nan hai xiao qiang song qu yi yuan,tui gu zhe duan le.shu an hui jia hou bei mu qin guan zai jia zhong,ta kai shi hen wu liao de da dian hua kai wan xiao,qi zhong you yi tong da gei le yi ge jiao zhou yu fen de nu ren ,ta jia mao shi zhou yu fen zhang fu zai wai mian de nu you ,huai le yun,yao zhou yu fen chu lai tan pan zhe jian shi,shen shen ci ji le zhou yu fen.zhou yu fen jia gei li li zhong yi jing qi nian le,zai jia gei li li zhong yi qian,ta shi yi ge neng gan de zhi ye fu nu ,wei le sheng hai zi,ba gong zuo ci le.jie guo hai zi mei sheng cheng,zhou yu fen ri zi bian de wu liao ,kai shi xie zuo.xie zuo dui zhou yu fen er yan you shi yi xiang tiao zhan,er ta jiu yi zhi xian zai xie zuo de kun jing zhong zheng zha li zhong shi yi ge an fen shou ji de ren,zai yi jia yi yuan de jian yan shi gong zuo, ping zhe ta de nu li,ta fei chang man zu yu xian zai de zhuang kuang, mei you tai da ye xin.yi yuan fa sheng le yi dian shi,shi de li li zhong you ji hui sheng shang zu chang,ta wei ci er gan dao xin wei.zhou yu fen guo qu de zhu guan chen wei bin zhao dao zhou yu fen,xi wang ta neng fu chu gong zuo,zhou yu fen bian he zhang fu shang liang yao fu chu de shi,yin wei ta dui xie zuo ye chan sheng le pai chi,zhu jian shi qu le xin xin.zhe tong shen mi de dian hua cu shi zhou yu fen jue xin li jia du ju, chong xin si kao zi ji de wei lai,er chen wei bin de chu xian ye gei le ta chong xin kai shi zi ji shi ye de jue ding,yu shi ta zan shi li kai le li li zhong.shu an you cong jia zhong qiao chu lai,jing li le yi xie jian ao,yu dao liao dang chu jiu guo ta de xiao qiang,liang ren you le hen duan zan er tian mi de ai qing,dao shu an jian dao dang chu bei dai bu de da shun chu yu,cai you li kai xiao qiang,hui dao da shun de shen bian,ji xu ta de liu lang sheng huo.zhou yu fen de xing wei shi li li zhong fei chang ku nao,bian zhao dao ta tong nian de wan ban,xian zai gan jing guan de lao gu,yao ta chu mian ti ta xiang fa zhong zhi dao yu fen de li qu zhi shi yin wei na tong dian hua,yu shi ta she fa yao zhao dao da dian hua de ren,jing guo yi lian chuan de zhui cha,zhong yu zhao dao le shu zhong zai yi ci jiu hou,li zhong ba lao gu de shou qiang tou le,qu sha yu fen ji ta de zhu guan-chen wei shi jiang dao zhe li cai fa xian,zhe yi qie du zhi shi yu fen de jiang xiao shuo nei de qing jie,bu shi zhen shi de shi jian,er yi qie du an hao ru chu,sheng me ye mei fa sheng."
  • "Zai yi ge qing chen de wei bu xing dong zhong, hun xie shao nu shu an tiao chuang tao zou tui gu shuai duan, jing zhu fu jin zai she ying de nan hai xiao qiang song qu yi yuan . hou lai shu an bei mu qin jie hui jia zhong, yin bu neng wai chu er wu liao de ta, jiu hu luan bo dian hua e zheng na mi bao de fang dong . qi zhong yi tong shi yi dian hua bu , sui bian tiao le jiao li li zhong de ren . li li zhong zai yi yuan gong zuo, shi ge an fen shou ji de ren, ye hen man zu xian zai zhuang kuang . jiu zai li li zhong lao po zhou yu fen jie dao dian hua hou, shu an jia mao ta shi qi zhang fu wai mian de nu you , yao zhou yu fen chu lai tan pan . ci shi de zhou yu fen zheng hao xian ru xie zuo ping jing ji sheng huo ping dan de kun rao zhong, suo yi zhe tong shen mi dian hua cu shi zhou yu fen jue xin li jia du ju, chong xin si kao zi ji de wei lai . er yi qian zhu guan chen wei bin de chu xian ye gei le ta chong xin kai shi de jue xin ."
  • "在一個警方圍捕行動,唯一跳窗逃走的混血女孩淑安被母親關在家中,她打電話假冒是作家周郁芬丈夫的女友,周正苦陷於創作無法突破的瓶頸,且與丈夫的婚姻亦面臨困境.整個結局亦讓人陷入到底是妻子寫的小說中的意識流或是真實發生的恐怖狀況的迷思之中."
  • "A women writer, unsatisfied with her marriage, writes an award-winning novel based on her inner feelings and her imagination. Ironically, her life begins to follow the plot of the novel, as her husband attacks her lover and then commits suicide."
  • "A women writer, unsatisfied with her marriage, writes an award-winning novel based on her inner feelings and her imagination. Ironically, her life begins to follow the plot of the novel, as her husband attacks her lover and then commits suicide."
  • "A female terrorist randomly telephones people, spreading disruptions and anguish in the lives of those she calls."
  • "Zai yi ge jing fang wei bu xing dong ,wei yi tiao chuang tao zou de hun xie nu hai shu an bei mu qin guan zai jia zhong,ta da dian hua jia mao shi zuo jia zhou yu fen zhang fu de nu you ,zhou zheng ku xian yu chuang zuo wu fa tu po di ping jing,qie yu zhang fu de hun yin yi mian lin kun jing.zheng ge jie ju yi rang ren xian ru dao di shi qi zi xie de xiao shuo zhong de yi shi liu huo shi zhen shi fa sheng de kong bu zhuang kuang de mi si zhi zhong."
  • "Zai yi ge qing chen de wei bu xing dong zhong, jing guan lao gu shuai ling wu zhuang jing cha tu po yi ge zei wo, jian bu le qiang ji yao fan lao wai he tong huo de dai tu da shun deng ren, wei yi tiao chuang tao zou de hun xie nu hai shu an bei lu guo de nan hai xiao qiang song qu yi yuan, tui zhe duan le...."
  • ""Différents personnages sont soumis à la pression et à l'angoisse de la société contemporaine. Dans Taipei, le hasard entremêle leurs trajectoires."--Site web Cinémathèque québécoise."
  • "警官老顧突破一個賊窩, 逮捕了要犯老歪和同黨等人, 唯淑安卻逃走了. 回家後淑安被母親関在家中, 她無聊亂打電話開玩笑, 在電話中她說是周郁芬丈夫的情婦, 這事令周覺得丈夫對她不忠, 便促使周離家獨居, 而剛巧淑安又從家中蹺了出來. 周的出走使丈夫李立中非常苦惱, 經好友老顧的查探後, 終於查出妻子是因淑安的電話而出走, 於是他決定找到打電話的人 ..."
  • "Summary in vernacular field only."

  • "Feature films"
  • "DVD-Video discs"
  • "Motion pictures"
  • "Foreign language films"
  • "Melodramas (Motion pictures)"
  • "Fiction films"
  • "Drama"
  • "Thrillers (Motion pictures)"
  • "Motion pictures, Chinese"
  • "Drames (Films)"

  • "Kong bu fen zi The terrorist"
  • "恐怖份子"
  • "恐怖分子 Terrorizers"
  • "恐怖分子 Terorizers"
  • "Kong bu fen zi"
  • "Kong bu fen zi Terorizers"
  • "恐怖份子 Terrorizers"
  • "Kongbufenzi =Terrorizers"
  • "恐怖分子 = The terrorizer"
  • "恐怖分子 = Terrorizers"
  • "Kong bu fen zi Terrorizers"
  • "恐怖份子 (Motion picture : 1986)"
  • "Terrorizer (Motion picture : 1986)"
  • "恐怖份子 The terrorist"
  • "Kongbu fenzi"
  • "Kong bu fen zi = The terrorizer"