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Chi bi = Red cliff ii : jue zhan tian xia

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  • "Chi bi"
  • "Destiny lies in the wind"
  • "Chibi"
  • "赤壁Red cliff"
  • "Red Cliff"
  • "Chi biRed cliff"
  • "Falaise rouge"
  • "3 royaumes"
  • "Red cliff"

  • "208 A.D., end of the Han Dynasty. A power-hungry Prime Minister-turned-General Cao Cao seeks permission from the Han Dynasty Emperor to organize a southward-bound mission designed to crush the two troublesome warlords who stand in his way, Liu Bei and Sun Quan. Vastly outnumbered by Cao Cao's brutal, fast-approaching army, the warlords band together to mount a heroic campaign, unrivaled in history, that changes the face of China forever."
  • "An Emperor declares war on two kingdoms in China to unite the entire country during 208 AD, which becomes one of the biggest military battles in history, as the two kingdoms unite against the Emperor. Includes interviews, press conference, and more."
  • "提要:西元208年,正值東漢末年,在消滅梟雄董卓之後曹操實際上已成為長江以北的霸主,奸狡的他開始染指南方.曹操一方面挾持漢獻帝,在北方建立穩固的統治局面,另一方面追討"煮酒論英雄"後倉徨南逃的劉備,實際上卻是一心想統一南方.接下兄父"江東基業"的孫權,聽從魯肅建議,意圖與勢力較弱的劉結盟.看似不堪一擊的劉備則獲得孔明的全力輔佐.滾滾長江分隔南北,英雄輩出的三國時代,交織出一場前所未有,空前絶後的超大型戰爭"
  • "西元208年,時值東漢末年,曹操實際上已成為長江以北的霸主,奸狡的他一方面挾持漢獻帝,在北方建立穩固的統治局面,另一方面追討倉徨南逃的劉備.劉備固然擁有關羽,張飛,趙雲等一流猛將,但缺乏足夠資源對抗兵多將廣的曹操,遂聽從諸葛孔明建議,派遣他與江東的孫權結盟,孫權的軍師周瑜與諸葛亮兩人英雄相惜,成功說服剛接下兄父"江東基業"的孫權,讓孫權斷然拒絶主和派老臣,決心與劉備結盟.然此時曹操大批軍隊將抵進赤壁,雙方從智取到力敵,一場從陸地到海上的廝殺,一決生死的赤壁之戰就將展開{21203d}"
  • "An Emperor declares war on two kingdoms in China to unite the entire country during 208 A.D., which becomes one of the biggest military battles in history, as the two kingdoms unite against the Emperor."
  • "The Han Dynasty is facing its death in third century China, and the emperor raises a million-man army against two kingdoms that are hopelessly outmatched."
  • "將三國人物諸葛亮, 周瑜, 曹操及劉備等的故事重新编寫, 並辅以特技重現三國最經典的赤壁之战."
  • "将三国人物诸葛亮、周瑜、曹操及刘备等的故事重新编写,并辅以特技重现三国最经典的赤壁之战."
  • "Summary in vernacular field only."
  • "西元208年, 時值東漢末年, 曹操(張豐毅飾)實際上已成為長江以北的霸主, 奸狡的他一方面挾持漢獻帝, 在北方建立穩固的統治局面, 另一方面追討倉皇南逃的劉備.劉備固然擁有關羽, 張飛, 趙雲等一流猛將, 但缺乏足夠資源對抗兵多將廣的曹操, 遂聽從諸葛孔明(金城武飾)建議, 派遣他與江東的孫權(張震飾)結盟, 孫權的軍師周瑜(梁朝偉飾)與諸葛亮兩人英雄相惜, 成功說服剛接下兄父"江東基業"的孫權, 讓孫權斷然拒絶主和派老臣, 決心與劉備結盟.然此時曹操大批軍隊將抵進赤壁, 雙方從智取到力敵, 一場從陸地到海上的廝殺, 一決生死的赤壁之戰就將展開"
  • "Xi yuan 208 nian, shi zhi dong han mo nian, cao cao(zhang feng yi shi)shi ji shang yi cheng wei chang jiang yi bei de ba zhu, jian jiao de ta yi fang mian xia chi han xian di, zai bei fang jian li wen gu de tong zhi ju mian, ling yi fang mian zhui tao cang huang nan tao de liu bei . liu bei gu ran yong you guan yu, zhang fei, zhao yun deng yi liu meng jiang, dan que fa zu gou zi yuan dui kang bing duo jiang guang de cao cao, sui ting cong zhu ge kong ming(jin cheng wu shi)jian yi, pai qian ta yu jiang dong de sun quan(zhang zhen shi)jie meng, sun quan de jun shi zhou yu(liang zhao wei shi)yu zhu ge liang liang ren ying xiong xiang xi, cheng gong shui fu gang jie xia xiong fu " jiang dong ji ye " de sun quan, rang sun quan duan ran ju jue zhu he pai lao chen, jue xin yu liu bei jie meng . ran ci shi cao cao da pi jun dui jiang di jin chi bi, shuang fang cong zhi qu dao li di, yi chang cong lu di dao hai shang de si sha, yi jue sheng si de chi bi zhi zhan jiu jiang zhan kai."
  • "Blu-ray disc: In 208 AD in China during the Han Dynasty. Despite the presence of an emperor, Han Xiandi, China was then divided into many warring states. Numerous battles of wits and forces, on land and on water, eventually culminated into the most famous battle in Chinese history, where two thousand ships were burned, and the course of China's history was changed forever. That was the Battle of Red Cliff."
  • "An Emperor declares war on two Kingdoms in China to unite the entire country during 208 AD, which becomes one of the biggest military battles in history, as the two kingdoms unite against the Emperor. Includes interviews, press conference, and more."
  • "The story of RED CLIFF takes place in 208 AD in China during the Han Dynasty. Despite the presence of an emperor, Han Xiandi, China was then divided into many warring states. Numerous battles of wits and forces, on land and on water, eventually culminated into the most famous battle in Chinese history, where two thousand ships were burned, and the course of China's history was changed forever. That was the Battle of Red Cliff."
  • "Xu shu xi yuan 208 nian, zheng zhi han chao mo nian, jiao hua de dong han zai xiang cao cao? chi yu mei de han xian di, sheng cheng zhi yao ping fu le xi bian de shu guo he dong bian de wu guo jiu ke yi tong yi zhong guo, jiu ci kai shi le yi chang qian suo wei you, kong qian jue hou de chao da xing zhan zheng, shu he wu jie bao zhu bi si de jue xin yi qi lian meng lai dui kang cao pi suo ling dao de wei, wu yi shu ji de zhan zheng, zhi hui zhan shu de bi hua, cong lu di dao hai shang de zheng dou, ji can lie you bei zhuang, er zui zhong de zhan zheng zhong yu lai dao, jiu shi na yao jue yi sheng si de chi bi zhi zhan! zai zhe chang zhan zheng zhong, er qian duo sao chuan jian bei shao hui, si shang wu shu , dang ran, zhe yi chang qian gu liu chuan de zhan zheng ye yong yuan gai bian le zhong guo de li shi."
  • "Xi yuan 208 nian,shi zhi dong han mo nian,cao cao shi ji shang yi cheng wei chang jiang yi bei de ba zhu,jian jiao de ta yi fang mian xia chi han xian di,zai bei fang jian li wen gu de tong zhi ju mian,ling yi fang mian zhui tao cang huang nan tao de liu bei.liu bei gu ran yong you guan yu.zhang fei.zhao yun deng yi liu meng jiang,dan que fa zu gou zi yuan dui kang bing duo jiang guang de cao cao,sui ting cong zhu ge kong ming jian yi,pai qian ta yu jiang dong de sun quan jie meng,sun quan de jun shi zhou yu yu zhu ge liang liang ren ying xiong xiang xi,cheng gong shui fu gang jie xia xiong fu"jiang dong ji ye"de sun quan,rang sun quan duan ran ju jue zhu he pai lao chen,jue xin yu liu bei jie meng.ran ci shi cao cao da pi jun dui jiang di jin chi bi,shuang fang cong zhi qu dao li di,yi chang cong lu di dao hai shang de si sha,yi jue sheng si de chi bi zhi zhan ji jiang zhan kai."
  • "西元208年,時值東漢末年,曹操實際上已成為長江以北的霸主,奸狡的他一方面挾持漢獻帝,在北方建立穩固的統治局面,另一方面追討倉徨南逃的劉備.劉備固然擁有關羽.張飛.趙雲等一流猛將,但缺乏足夠資源對抗兵多將廣的曹操,遂聽從諸葛孔明建議,派遣他與江東的孫權結盟,孫權的軍師周瑜與諸葛亮兩人英雄相惜,成功說服剛接下兄父"江東基業"的孫權,讓孫權斷然拒絶主和派老臣,決心與劉備結盟.然此時曹操大批軍隊將抵進赤壁,雙方從智取到力敵,一場從陸地到海上的廝殺,一決生死的赤壁之戰即將展開"
  • "敘述西元208年, 正值漢朝末年, 狡猾的東漢宰相曹操? 持愚昧的漢憲帝, 聲稱只要平復了西邊的蜀國和東邊的吳國就可以統一中國, 就此開始了一場前所未有, 空前絶後的超大型戰爭, 蜀和吳皆抱著必死的決心一起聯盟來對抗曹丕所領導的魏, 無以數計的戰爭, 智慧戰術的比劃, 從陸地到海上的爭鬥, 既慘烈又悲壯, 而最終的戰爭終於來到, 就是那要決一生死的赤壁之戰! 在這場戰爭中, 二千多艘船艦被燒毀, 死傷無數, 當然, 這一場千古流傳的戰爭也永遠改變了中國的歷史"
  • "Ti yao :xi yuan 208 nian,zheng zhi dong han mo nian,zai xiao mie xiao xiong dong zhuo zhi hou cao cao shi ji shang yi cheng wei chang jiang yi bei de ba zhu,jian jiao de ta kai shi ran zhi nan fang . cao cao yi fang mian xia chi han xian di,zai bei fang jian li wen gu de tong zhi ju mian,ling yi fang mian zhui tao " zhu jiu lun ying xiong " hou cang huang nan tao de liu bei,shi ji shang que shi yi xin xiang tong yi nan fang . jie xia xiong fu " jiang dong ji ye " de sun quan, ting cong lu su jian yi,yi tu yu shi li jiao ruo de liu jie meng . kan si bu kan yi ji de liu bei ze huo de kong ming de quan li fu zuo . gun gun chang jiang fen ge nan bei,ying xiong bei chu de san guo shi dai,jiao zhi chu yi chang qian suo wei you . kong qian jue hou de chao da xing zhan zheng."
  • "將三國人物諸葛亮、周瑜、曹操及劉備等的故事重新编寫,並辅以特技重現三國最經典的赤壁之战."
  • "Xi yuan 208 nian,shi zhi dong han mo nian,cao cao shi ji shang yi cheng wei chang jiang yi bei de ba zhu,jian jiao de ta yi fang mian xia chi han xian di,zai bei fang jian li wen gu de tong zhi ju mian,ling yi fang mian zhui tao cang huang nan tao de liu bei . liu bei gu ran yong you guan yu . zhang fei . zhao yun deng yi liu meng jiang,dan que fa zu gou zi yuan dui kang bing duo jiang guang de cao cao,sui ting cong zhu ge kong ming jian yi,pai qian ta yu jiang dong de sun quan jie meng,sun quan de jun shi zhou yu yu zhu ge liang liang ren ying xiong xiang xi,cheng gong shui fu gang jie xia xiong fu " jiang dong ji ye " de sun quan,rang sun quan duan ran ju jue zhu he pai lao chen,jue xin yu liu bei jie meng . ran ci shi cao cao da pi jun dui jiang di jin chi bi,shuang fang cong zhi qu dao li di . yi chang cong lu di dao hai shang de si sha,yi jue sheng si de chi bi zhi zhan jiu jiang zhan kai{21203d}."
  • "In 208 A.D., in the final days of the Han Dynasty, shrewd Prime Minister Cao Cao convinces the fickle Emperor Han that the only way to unite all of China is to declare war on the kingdoms of Xu in the west and East Wu in the south. Thus begins a military campaign of unprecedented scale, led by the Prime Minister, himself. Left with no other hope for survival, the kingdoms of Xu and East Wu form an unlikely alliance. Numerous battles of strength and wit ensue, both on land and on water, eventually culminating in the battle of Red Cliff. During the battle, two thousand ships are burned, and the course of Chinese history is changed forever."
  • "Feature film from China. Historical. Action. Focuses on a battle fought during China's three kingdoms period, 220 - 280 AD."
  • "An Emperor declares war on two kingdoms in China to unite the entire country during 208 AD, which becomes one of the biggest military battles in history as the two kingdoms unite against the Emperor."

  • "Epic films"
  • "Film adaptations"
  • "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"
  • "History"
  • "Motion pictures"
  • "Feature films"
  • "Foreign language films"
  • "Video recordings"
  • "Fiction films"
  • "Films historiques"
  • "War films"
  • "Drama"
  • "Martial arts films"
  • "Motion pictures, Chinese"
  • "Historical films"
  • "Action and adventure films"

  • "Chibi (Motion picture)"
  • "Chi bi Red cliff"
  • "Chi bi = Red cliff ii : jue zhan tian xia"@en
  • "Chi bi = Red cliff"
  • "Chibi"
  • "赤壁 = Red Cliff"
  • "Chi bi = 10 Red Cliff"
  • "赤壁[DVD] = Red Cliff"
  • "赤壁 = Red cliff"
  • "赤壁 Red cliff"
  • "Chi bi Red Cliff"
  • "赤壁 = Red cliff "E285A1" : 決戰天下"
  • "赤壁 = 10 Red Cliff"
  • "赤壁"
  • "Chibi Red cliff"
  • "Chi bi[DVD] = Red Cliff"
  • "Chi bi"
  • "Chi bi = Les 3 royaumes"
  • "Chi bi = Red Cliff"