"Criterion Collection (Firme)" . . "Closeted gays." . . "Parkway (Firm)" . . "Melville Farr, a closet gay lawyer agrees to investigate when his former lover is blackmailed. The case is complicated by his fear of being exposed and a sudden, mysterious death." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"@en . . . . . "Thrillers (Motion pictures)"@en . . . . . . "Legal films" . "Legal films"@en . . . . "Features"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Drama"@en . "Drama" . . . . . . . . . . . . "Dirk Bogarde plays Melville Farr, a closeted, married barrister who bravely takes on a blackmailer targeting a group of vulnerable gay London men." . "Feature films"@en . "Feature films" . . . . . . . . . . "Foreign films"@en . . . . "The victim"@en . . . . . . "A successful English barrister with a hidden history of homosexuality is threatened by blackmail after the death of his ex-lover. He decides to prosecute the blackmailers himself, even though it means revealing his hidden past."@en . . . . . . . "When a lawyer (Bogarde) becomes involved in a case with homosexual implications, his own past jeopardizes his career."@en . . . . . . "When a young man accused of theft tries to hire a successful young lawyer with a hidden past, the lawyer refuses to help. The young man is arrested and commits suicide. The lawyer discovers that the man was himself being blackmailed and before dying destroyed the information involving the lawyer. Determined to make the man's senseless death mean something, the attorney pursues the extortionists that caused it."@en . . . . . . . . . . "fiction policière (fiction)" . . "Suspense films"@en . "Suspense films" . . "Victim (Motion picture : 1961)"@en . . . . "Basil Dearden's Victim"@en . . "Victim = Der Teufelskreis" . . . . . . . . . . . "Fiction films"@en . "Fiction films" . "British films"@en . "Victim (Film)"@it . "A restrained dramatisation of the problems created by the criminalisation of homosexual acts between consenting adults. Bogarde gives one of his finest performances as a successful barrister who places his career on the line by 'coming out' in order to expose a blackmail racket. This was the first British film to centre its narrative on male homosexuality and was made with the specific intention of supporting the new recommendations of the 1957 Wolfenden Committee for the partial decriminalisation of male homosexual acts." . "A restrained dramatisation of the problems created by the criminalisation of homosexual acts between consenting adults. Bogarde gives one of his finest performances as a successful barrister who places his career on the line by 'coming out' in order to expose a blackmail racket. This was the first British film to centre its narrative on male homosexuality and was made with the specific intention of supporting the new recommendations of the 1957 Wolfenden Committee for the partial decriminalisation of male homosexual acts."@en . . "Crime films"@en . "Crime films" . . . "A highly respected, but closeted barrister, Melville Farr, risks his marriage and reputation to take on an elusive blackmail ring terrorizing gay men with the threat of public exposure and police action."@en . . . . . . . . . . "A highly respected, but closeted barrister, Melville Farr, risks his marriage and reputation to take on an elusive blackmail ring terroizing gay men with the threat of public exposure and police action." . . . . "Dramatization of the problems of the criminalization of homosexual acts between consenting adults. Bogarde plays a successful barrister who places his career on the line by 'coming out' in order to expose a blackmail racket. It was the first British film to concentrate on male homosexuality and was made with the specific intention of supporting the new recommendations of the 1957 Wolfenden Committee for the partial decriminalization of male homosexual acts."@en . . . . . . . . "A prominent lawyer goes after a blackmailer who threatens gay men with exposure (homosexual acts still being illegal). But he's gay himself ..." . "Arrêté pour détournement de fonds, Barret ne peut expliquer la disparition de l'argent volé. La police découvre qu'il est un homosexuel et qu'il est victime de maîtres chanteurs. Barret s'étant suicidé dans sa cellule, l'inspecteur Haris apprend qu'un avocat célèbre, Melville Farr, a quelque chose à voir avec cette affaire. Avec Dirk Bogarde, Sylvia Syms, Dennis Price, Anthony Nicholls, Peter Copley, Norman Bird." . . . . . . "Social problem films"@en . "Der Teufelskreis" . . . . "Motion pictures"@en . . . "Feature" . . . "\"A highly respected, but closeted barrister, Melville Farr, risks his marriage and reputation to take on an elusive blackmail ring terrorizing gay men with the threat of public exposure and police action\"--Container." . "\"A highly respected, but closeted barrister, Melville Farr, risks his marriage and reputation to take on an elusive blackmail ring terrorizing gay men with the threat of public exposure and police action\"--Container."@en . "Victim"@it . . "Melville Farr, a closeted, married barrister who bravely takes on a blackmailer targeting a group of vulnerable gay London men from various walks of life."@en . "Victim" . "Victim"@en . "Gay men." . . "Public Media Incorporated." . . "Extortion." . . "Legal drama." . . . . "Homosexuality Law and legislation." . . "Parkway (Firme)" . . "Rank Film Organization." . . "Parkway Films." . .