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It is the time for the young girls of a village to be "purified" by ritual circumcision. The women know that many girls die after the operation, but the men of the village insist on the ceremony. Since the village men will not marry an un-cut woman, the older women insist on the ritual, too, as their daughters must find husbands. Colle has kept her daughter from being circumcised, and several of the girls go to her for refuge. Colle agrees to help them, and she invokes "moolaade," a form of sanctuary.

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  • "割禮龍鳳鬥"
  • "Ge li long feng dou"
  • "Protection"
  • "Moolaadé <risorsa elettronica&gt"

  • "Collé ist eine mutige Frau mit starkem Willen. Sie schafft es, ihre Tochter vor der Beschneidung zu bewahren, denn sie lehnt diese grausame Praktik ab. Als später vier Mädchen, denen das gleiche Schicksal droht, Schutz bei ihr suchen, beruft Collé sich auf den altehrwürdigen Brauch des Moolaadé: das Recht auf eine unantastbare Zufluchtstätte. Selbst als die Heirat ihrer Tochter gefährdet wird, behauptet Collé ihre Stellung. Der Konflikt spaltet die Dorfgemeinschaft zunehmend."
  • "In the village of Djerisso, women tend to their work and children, while men debate in the mosque and make the rules. One day, four young girls appear on Collé's doorstep seeking sanctuary from their coming 'purification' ceremony. Years ago, Collé refused to allow her daughter to undergo the procedure. She takes them in and declares a moolaadé, a protective spirit, or safe zone that will bring a terrible curse upon anyone who breaks it. Thus begins a standoff that escalates into a bloody showdown between tradition and modernization, men and women, and progress and stagnation. Confronting the village elders and red-robed priestesses who perform the ritual, Collé has eyes saddened by experience, but made righteously fiery with the hope that she can reduce the misery of future generations. At 81, Mr. Sembene has made a masterpiece, both a critique of traditional forms of authority and a celebration of the warmth and dynamism of African village life."
  • "Collè Gallo Ardo Sy ha subìto l'infibulazione e per questo vuole sottrarre la sua unica figlia alla stessa tortura. Quando quattro ragazzine di un altro villaggio si rifugiano in lacrime da lei per scampare alla terribile pratica, Collè riesce a salvarle grazie al potere del Moolaadè. Il villaggio esplode nello scontro tra due valori: il diritto d'asilo e un'antica tradizione. (Mymovies)."
  • "A woman invokes a curse to save several girls from female circumcision and faces the anger of her fellow villagers."
  • "Ambientada en un pueblo de Burkina Faso, un film de un veterano director de 81 años (muy conocido en África y en algunos festivales de cine) que relata la historia de una dura mujer africana que protege a las niñas de la ablación genital femenina."
  • "Feature film from Senegal. Drama. Having protected her own daughter, Colle, the second wife of a village elder, offers magical sanctuary (moolaade) to a group of young girls facing the traditional 'purification' ritual, genital mutilation."
  • "Set in a small village, four young girls face ritual "purification" decide to flee to the household of Collé Ardo Gallo Sy, a strong-willed woman who has managed to shield her own teenage daughter from the mutilation. Collé invokes the time-honored custom of moolaadé (sanctuary) to protect the fugitives, and tension mounts as the ensuing stand-off pits Collé against village traditionalists. This endangers the prospective marriage of her daughter to the heir-apparent to the tribal throne."
  • "Indiqué sur la jaquette : Dans un village africain, il y a sept ans, une jeune mère a refusé que sa fille soit excisée, pratique qu'elle juge barbare. Aujourd'hui, quatre fillettes s'enfuient pour échapper à ce " rite de purification ", et demandent protection à cette femme. Deux valeurs s'affrontent alors : le respect du droit d'asile (le Moolaadé) et l'antique tradition de l'excision (la Salindé)."
  • "Dans un village africain, deux traditions s'affrontent à travers le refus d'une femme refusant de faire exciser sa fille ... Magnifiquement filmée, une oeuvre d'humanisme et de tolérance ... Infos DVD : 1 DVD-9 / LG : Wol / S-T : Fre / Livret : entretien avec le réalisateur, 1 film documentaire : "Paroles de femmes" (18', prod. Amnesty international). ; Prêt et consultation ; 62,97 Euros TTC."
  • "It is the time for the young girls of a village to be "purified" by ritual circumcision. The women know that many girls die after the operation, but the men of the village insist on the ceremony. Since the village men will not marry an un-cut woman, the older women insist on the ritual, too, as their daughters must find husbands. Collé has kept her daughter from being circumcised, and several of the girls go to her for refuge. Collé agrees to help them, and she invokes "moolaade," a form of sanctuary."
  • ""Dans un village sénégalais, Collé Ardo n'accepte pas que son unique fille soit excisée, ce rite de purification qu'elle juge barbare. La nouvelle se répand dans le pays, et quatre fillettes réclament à Collé Ardo le droit d'asile, le Moolaadé. Dans le village, les tenants de la tradition et de la modernité s'affrontent..."
  • "Fiction. Drame social. Il y a sept ans, Collé Ardo, mère excisée, a soustrait son unique fille de la Purification (l'excision). Ayant entendu parler de cet acte de résistance, lors du nouveau septennat, quatre fillettes se réfugient chez elle et lui demandent sa protection, le Moolaadé. Le village est en ébullition. Deux valeurs s'affrontent : la Salinde (antique tradition de l'excision) et le Moolaadé. L'excision est pratiquée dans 38 des 54 états membres de l'Union Africaine. [conteneur] Avec Fatoumata Coulibaly, Maïmouna Hélène Diarra, Salimata Traore, Aminata Dao, Dominique T. Zeida, Mah Compaore."
  • "It is the time for the young girls of a village to be "purified" by ritual circumcision. The women know that many girls die after the operation, but the men of the village insist on the ceremony. Since the village men will not marry an un-cut woman, the older women insist on the ritual, too, as their daughters must find husbands. Colle has kept her daughter from being circumcised, and several of the girls go to her for refuge. Colle agrees to help them, and she invokes "moolaade," a form of sanctuary."@en
  • "It is the time for the young girls of a village to be "purified" by ritual circumcision. The women know that many girls die after the operation, but the men of the village insist on the ceremony. Since the village men will not marry an un-cut woman, the older women insist on the ritual, too, as their daughters must find husbands. Colle has kept her daughter from being circumcised, and several of the girls go to her for refuge. Colle agrees to help them, and she invokes "moolaade," a form of sanctuary."
  • "In einem afrikanischen Dorf wehren sich vier junge Mädchen gegen ihre Beschneidung. Sie suchen Schutz bei Collé (Fatoumata Coulibaly), einer Frau, die ihre eigene Tochter vor der Beschneidung bewahrt hat. Als die Bewohner des Dorfes versuchen, Collé zu zwingen, sich von den Mädchen zu trennen, beruft diese sich auf einen altehrwürdigen Brauch: Das "Moolaadé" bietet einen unantastbaren Schutzraum. Selbst als dadurch die Heirat ihrer eigenen Tochter gefährdet wird, behauptet Collé ihre Stellung... (Quelle: )."
  • "Moolaadé offers a critical and humanistic portrait of the ancient practice of female circumcision. In a fear driven act of rebellion, four young girls slated for this inhumane procedure take refuge with a local mother named Colle. She invokes the mystical rite of "Moolaadé" (protection) on the girls and the entire village is thrown into a frenzied and frustrated stalemate. Sembene creates a refined and unpretentious, yet equally intricate and profoundly significatn, snap shot of rural Africa confronting the forces of modernization."
  • "Vier meisjes ontvluchten hun Afrikaans dorp om te voorkomen dat ze worden besneden."
  • "When a woman shelters a group of girls from suffering female circumcision, she starts a conflict that tears her village apart."
  • "Il y a sept ans, Collé Ardo, mère excisée, a soustrait son unique fille de la purification (l'excision). Ayant entendu parler de cet acte de résistance. lors du nouveau septennat, quatre fillettes se réfugient chez elle et lui demandent sa protection, le Moolaadé. Le village est en ébullition. Deux valeurs s'affrontent: la salinde (antique tradition de l'excision) et le Moolaadé. L'excision est pratiquée dans 38 des 54 états membres de l'Union Africaine."
  • "In a small village in Burkina Faso, four young girls have fled the ritual of "purification" (female circumcision) and seek protection -- moolaadé -- with a circumcised woman who helped her own daughter escape excision seven years earlier. In defiance of the traditionalists, the girls are granted sanctuary and the stage is set for a tense confrontation between opposing sets of values."
  • "In un villaggio africano per sei bambine si avvicina il giorno dell'infibulazione. Tutti sanno che si tratta di una operazione terribile ed in certi casi anche mortale e che le ragazze che la subiscono potranno poi partorire solo col parto cesareo. Due delle ragazze per sfuggire all'operazione, si annegano, le altre quattro cercano aiuto presso una donna che sette anni prima si era rifiutata di far circoncidere sua figlia."
  • "A mother who has herself been circumcised removes her only daughter from the ritual of 'purification'. Seven years later four other young girls seek sanctuary with her. But the village is in turmoil as the ancient tradition of female circumcision comes into conflict with other values."
  • "Four young girls have fled the ritual of circumcision and seek sanctuary with Collé, a woman who helped her own daughter escape seven years earlier. There is a confrontation within the village between the two groups of opposing values."@en
  • "Four young girls have fled the ritual of circumcision and seek sanctuary with Collé, a woman who helped her own daughter escape seven years earlier. There is a confrontation within the village between the two groups of opposing values."
  • "Collé ist eine mutige Frau mit starkem Willen. Sie schafft es, ihre Tochetr vor der Beschneidung zu bewahren, denn sie lehnt diese grausame Praktik ab. Als später vier Mädchen, denen das gleiche Schicksal droht, Schutz bei ihr suchen, beruft Collè sich auf den altherwürdigen Brauch des Moolaadé: das Recht auf eine unantastbare Zufluchtstätte. Selbst als die Heirat ihrer Tochter gefährdet wird, behauptet Collè ihre Stellung. Der Konflikt spaltet die Dorfgemeinschaft zunehmend."
  • "In a small village in Burkina Faso, four young girls have fled the ritual of "purification" (female circumcision) and seek protection -- moolaadé -- with a circucised woman who helped her own daughter escape excision seven years earlier. In defiance of the traditionalists, the girls are granted sanctuary and the stage is set for a tense confrontation between opposing sets of values."
  • "Four young girls have fled the ritual of circumcision and seek sanctuary with Colle, a woman who helped her own daughter escape seven years earlier. There is a confrontation within the village between the two groups of opposing values."
  • "In the village of Djerisso, women tend to their work and children, while men debate in the mosque and make the rules. One day, four little girls appear on Collé's doorstep seeking sanctuary from their coming 'purification' ceremony. Years ago, Collé refused to allow her daughter to undergo the procedure. She takes them in and declares a moolaadé, a protective spirit, or safe zone that will bring a terrible curse upon anyone who breaks it. Thus begins a standoff that escalates into a bloody showdown between tradition and modernization, men and women, and progress and stagnation. Confronting the village elders and red-robed priestesses who perform the ritual, Collé has eyes saddened by experience, but made righteously fiery with the hope that she can reduce the misery of future generations. At 81, Mr. Sembene has made a masterpiece, both a critique of traditional forms of authority and a celebration of the warmth and dynamism of African village life."
  • "Four young girls in a small African village flee to the house of Colle Ardo Gallo Sy in the hopes of escaping a ritual "purification" and are taken in and offered sanctuary, despite the townspeople's objections."
  • "It is the time for the young girls of a village to be "purified" by ritual circumcision. The women know that many girls die after the operation, but the men of the village insist on the ceremony. Since the village men will not marry an un-cut woman, the older women insist on the ritual, too, as their daughters must find husbands. Collé has kept her daughter from being circumcised, and several of the girls go to her for refuge. Collé agrees to help them, and she invokes "moolaade," a form of sanctuary."
  • "Collé Gallo Ardo Sy ha subito la Purificazione (infibulazione) e per questo vuole sottrarre la sua unica figlia alla stessa tortura. Quando quattro ragazzine di un altro villaggio si rifugiano in lacrime da lei per scampare a questa pratica, Collé riesce a salvarle grazie al potere del Moolaadé. Il villaggio esplode nello scontro tra due valori: il diritto d'asilo e il rispetto di un'antica tradizione."@it
  • "To escape the ritual of "purification" organized every seven years, four young girls flee their village and find protection with Collé, but their flight sends the local population into turmoil."

  • "Motion pictures, Senegalese"
  • "Dyula language films"
  • "Drammatico (Genere)"
  • "Foreign language films"
  • "Melodramas (Motion pictures)"
  • "Family"
  • "Feature films"
  • "Fiction"
  • "Video recordings"
  • "French language films"
  • "Women"
  • "Film"
  • "DVD-Video discs"
  • "Fiction films"
  • "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"
  • "comédie (fiction)"
  • "DVD"
  • "DVD-Video"
  • "Foreign films"
  • "Films dramatiques"
  • "Motion pictures"
  • "Drama"
  • "Drama"@en
  • "Comédie dramatique"
  • "Videocassettes"
  • "Videorecording"
  • "DVDs"
  • "DVDs"@en
  • "Melodrama"

  • "Moolaadé = Protección"@es
  • "Moolaadé (Motion picture)"
  • "Moolaade"@en
  • "Moolaade"
  • "Moolaadé"@it
  • "Moolaadé"
  • "Moolaadé"@en
  • "Moolaadé"@es