"Antineoplastic Agents history United States." . . "Antineoplastic Agents / history / United States." . "Antineoplastic Agents History United States." . "Antineoplastic Agents history United States" . "Rak (medicina) Zgodovina." . . "historie" . . "Popular Science Books." . . "Rak (choroba) badania historia." . . "United States." . . . . "Leukemia history United States." . . "Leukemia / history / United States." . "Leukemia History United States." . "Leukemia history United States" . "Leucémie Histoire." . . "Cancer forskning historia" . . "Leukemia drug therapy United States." . . "Leukemia / drug therapy / United States." . "Leukemia drug therapy United States" . "Krebs." . . "Krebs" . "Chorzy na nowotwory psychologia." . . "Rak (med.)" . . "Oncologie médicale histoire." . . "Ciencia Obras de divulgación." . . "Rak (choroba) wydawnictwa popularne." . . "Cancer History." . . "Cancer / History." . "Antineoplastic agents history" . . "Antineoplastic Agents History." . "Antineoplastic Agents history." . "Onkologia." . . "Onkológia." . "Mukherjee, Siddhartha" . . "History, 20th Century United States." . . "History, 20th Century / United States." . "History, 20th Century United States" . "Fehérvérűség." . . "Kanker." . . "Levkemija Zdravljenje." . . "Orvostudomány története." . . . . . . . . . . . . "L'empereur de toutes les maladies une biographie du cancer" . . . . "Electronic books"@en . "Biography of cancer" . . . . "Der König aller Krankheiten : Krebs ; eine Biografie" . . . . . "Царь всех болезней : биография рака" . . . . . . "Here is a magnificent, profoundly humane \"biography\" of cancer - from its first documented appearances thousands of years ago through the epic battles in the twentieth century to cure, control, and conquer it to a radical new understanding of its essence. Physician, researcher, and award-winning science writer Siddhartha Mukherjee examines cancer with a cellular biologist's precision, a historian's perspective, and a biographer's passion. (Bestseller)" . "Seit über fünftausend Jahren lebt die Menschheit mit Krebs. Ebenso lange stirbt sie daran. Und doch gilt Krebs als eine >>moderne<< Erkrankung, weil keine andere Krankheit unsere Zeit dermaßen prägt. Bezeichnend sind die Namen, die man dem Krebs gegeben hat: >>König aller Krankheiten<< oder >>ein Monster, unersättlicher als die Guillotine<<. In seiner perfiden Perfektion, in seiner Anpassungsfähigkeit und seiner Widerstandskraft nimmt der Krebs beinahe menschliche Züge an. Seine Geschichte gleicht einer Biografie: Es ist die Geschichte von Leid, von Forscherdrang, Ideenreichtum und Beharrlichkeit - aber auch von Hochmut, Arroganz und unzähligen Fehleinschätzungen. Siddhartha Mukherjee widmet sich seinem Thema mit der Präzision eines Zellbiologen, mit der Kenntnis eines Historikers und mit der Passion eines Biografen. Fesselnd erzählt er von der persischen Königin Atossa, deren griechischer Sklave sie möglicherweise von ihrem Brustkrebs geheilt hat, von Erkrankten im 19. Jahrhundert, die erste Bestrahlungen und Chemotherapien über sich ergehen lassen mussten - und immer wieder von seinen eigenen Patienten. ›Der König aller Krankheiten‹ wirft einen faszinierenden Blick in die Zukunft der Krebsbehandlung und liefert eine brillante neue Perspektive auf die Art, wie Ärzte, Wissenschaftler, Philosophen und Laien den kranken - und den gesunden - Körper während Jahrtausenden begriffen haben." . . . "Case studies" . . . . . . . . . . . . "Chinese language materials" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "De keizer aller ziektes : een biografie van kanker" . . . "\"A \"biography\" of cancer from its origins to the epic battle to cure, control, and conquer it. A combination of medical history, cutting-edge science, and narrative journalism that transforms the listener's understanding of cancer and much of the world around them. The author provides a glimpse into the future of cancer treatments and offers a bold new perspective on the way doctors, scientists, philosophers, and lay people have observed and understood the human body for millennia.\"--[Source inconnue]." . . "Popular works" . "Popular works"@en . . . . . . "A magnificently written \"biography\" of cancer--from its origins to the epic battle to cure, control, and conquer it."@en . "A magnificently written \"biography\" of cancer--from its origins to the epic battle to cure, control, and conquer it." . "History"@en . "History" . . "A historical assessment of cancer addresses both the courageous battles against the complex disease and the misperceptions and hubris that have compromised modern understandings, covering such topics as ancient-world surgeries and the developments of present-day treatments." . "众病之王 : 癌症传 = The emperor of all maladies : a biography of cancer" . . "萬病之王" . . "Wan bing zhi wang" . . . . . . . . . "The emperor of all maladies a biography of cancer" . "The emperor of all maladies a biography of cancer"@en . . . . "Here is a magnificent, profoundly humane \"biography\" of cancer - from its first documented appearances thousands of years ago through the epic battles in the twentieth century to cure, control, and conquer it to a radical new understanding of its essence. Physician, researcher, and award-winning science writer Siddhartha Mukherjee examines cancer with a cellular biologist's precision, a historian's perspective, and a biographer's passion" . . "Popular Scientific overview of the medical examination and treatment of cancer from the earliest times until now, with a look ahead to future developments." . . "癌症传" . "L'imperatore del male : una biografia del cancro"@it . . "\"¿En qué punto nos encontramos en nuestra batalla contra el cáncer y cómo hemos llegado hasta aquí? ¿De qué forma ha ido cambiando nuestra imagen de esta enfermedad y como ha influido esa evolución en la propia trayectoria del mal? ¿Estamos ganando o perdiendo la guerra contra el cáncer? Esta magistral obra, ganadora del Premio Pulitzer, responde a estas preguntas partiendo de una reciente consideración: el cáncer no es sólo un fenómeno médico. Se trata también de un fenómeno social que ocupa un complejo espacio cultural y político. Su historia no puede contarse exclusivamente como un ensayo científico sino también como un relato profundamente humano. Este guarda testimonios de lucha y optimismo, de descubrimientos revolucionarios y terribles decepciones, de héroes y víctimas, y de la incansable búsqueda de una cura. Siddartha Mukherjee ha realizado una labor épica en la que aborda el cáncer con la precisión de un biólogo celular, la riqueza en detalles de un novelista, el registro de un historiador y la pasión de un biógrafo. Desde Atosa, la reina de Persia, que dio instrucciones a un esclavo para que le extirpara un pecho, hasta Carla, una de sus pacientes, Siddhartha Mukherjee aborda en este fascinante libro mas de 5.000 anos de descubrimientos, obstáculos, victorias y muerte.\"--Desde la descripción de la editorial." . "L'imperatore del male : una biografia del cancro" . . . . . "Der König aller Krankheiten : Krebs - eine Biografie" . "A \"biography\" of cancer from its origins to the epic battle to cure, control, and conquer it. A combination of medical history, cutting-edge science, and narrative journalism that transforms the listener's understanding of cancer and much of the world around them. The author provides a glimpse into the future of cancer treatments and offers a bold new perspective on the way doctors, scientists, philosophers, and lay people have observed and understood the human body for millennia." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Kralj vseh bolezni : biografija raka"@sl . "Cesarz wszech chorób : biografia raka" . "Cesarz wszech chorób : biografia raka"@pl . . . . . . "A \"biography\" of cancer from its origins to the epic battle to cure, control, and conquer it. A combination of medical history, cutting-edge science, and narrative journalism that transforms the listener's understanding of cancer and much of the world around them. The author provides a glimpse into the future of cancer treatments and offers a bold new perspective on the way doctors, scientists, philosophers, and lay people have observed and understood the human body for millennia." . "A \"biography\" of cancer from its origins to the epic battle to cure, control, and conquer it. A combination of medical history, cutting-edge science, and narrative journalism that transforms the listener's understanding of cancer and much of the world around them. The author provides a glimpse into the future of cancer treatments and offers a bold new perspective on the way doctors, scientists, philosophers, and lay people have observed and understood the human body for millennia."@en . . "T︠S︡arʹ vsekh bolezneĭ : biografii︠a︡ raka" . . . . "L'empereur de toutes les maladies : une biographie du cancer" . . . . . . . . "Betegségek betegsége : mindent a rákról" . . . "Betegségek betegsége : mindent a rákról"@hu . "Biography" . "Biography"@en . . "Zhong bing zhi wang : Ai zheng zhuan = The emperor of all maladies : a biography of cancer" . "In this Pulitzer-Prize winning work, physician, researcher, and award-winning science writer, Siddhartha Mukherjee examines cancer with a cellular biologist's precision, a historian's perspective, and a biographer's passion. Riveting, urgent, and surprising, The Emperor of All Maladies provides a fascinating glimpse into the future of cancer treatments. It is an illuminating book that provides hope and clarity to those seeking to demystify cancer." . . "Populairwetenschappelijk overzicht van het medische onderzoek naar en de behandeling van kanker vanaf de vroegste tijden tot nu, met een vooruitblik naar toekomstige ontwikkelingen." . . . . . "Student Collection" . . . . . "The Emperor of All Maladies A Biography of Cancer"@en . . . . . "The emperor of all maladies"@en . "The emperor of all maladies" . "Large type books" . . . . . "El emperador de todos los males : una biografía del cáncer" . . "El emperador de todos los males : una biografía del cáncer"@es . . . "Manbyeongeui hwangjaeeui yeogsa" . "The emperor of all maladies : a biography of cancer" . . "The emperor of all maladies : a biography of cancer"@en . "Ai zheng zhuan" . . . . "Geschiedenis (vorm)" . . . . . . . . . . "Der König aller Krankheiten Krebs - eine Biografie" . . . . . "Lidandets konung : historien om cancer" . . . . . . "El emperador de todos los males una biografía del cáncer"@es . . . . "A \"biography\" of cancer from its origins to the epic battle to cure, control, and conquer it. A combination of medical history, cutting-edge science, and narrative journalism that transforms the listener's understanding of cancer and much of the world around them. The author provides a glimpse into the future of cancer treatments and offers a bold new perspective on the way doctors, scientists, philosophers, and lay people have observed and understood the human body for millennia" . . "Emperor of all maladies"@pl . "Biografia del cancro" . "Neoplasms history." . . "Neoplasms history" . "Neoplasms History." . "Rak (medicina) Raziskave Zgodovina." . . "Medicaments antineoplàstics" . . "Medicaments antineoplàstics." . "Càncer Història" . . "Càncer Història." . "Cáncer Historia" . "Cáncer Historia." . "Leukemia drug therapy." . . "History, 20th Century." . . "Nowotwory wydawnictwa popularne." . . "Cancer Recherche." . . "HISTORY / Civilization." . . "Cancer behandling historia" . . "Ai zheng." . . "癌症" . "Cancer Prévention." . . "Geschichte 1900-2010." . . "Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology." . . "Cancer Thérapeutique." . . "Leucèmia" . . "Leucèmia." . "Krebs (Medizin)" . . "Leukemia History." . . "Leukemia history." . "Leukemia / History." . "Rak (choroba) zapobieganie wydawnictwa popularne." . . "Krebs <Medizin>" . . "Rákbetegség." . . "Leukemia Historia." . . "Antineoplastic Agents United States History." . . "Leukemia." . . "History, Modern 1601-" . . "Rak (choroba) leczenie wydawnictwa popularne." . . "Cancérologie Histoire." . . "Leukemia United States History." . . "Cancer Traitement Histoire." . . "Cancer." . . "History of medicine. Medical expeditions." . . "Cancer Thérapeutique Histoire." . . "Cancer Histoire." . . "kræft" . . "Neoplasms." . .