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Manhattan murder mystery (Motion picture)

Allen portrays a comedy writer whose wife leaves him and is now writing a book about their failed marriage. He consoles himself in the arms of an adoring 17 year-old until he gets involved with his best friend's mistress.

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  • "Manhattan"@ja
  • "Misterioso omidicio a Manhattan"@es
  • "Misterioso asesinato en Manhattan"
  • "Manhattan Murder Mystery"
  • "Umor na Manhattanu"
  • "Manhattan <risorsa elettronica&gt"@it
  • "Manhatten"@en
  • "Meurtre mystérieux à Manhattan, français"
  • "Meurtre mystérieux à Manhattan"
  • "Meurtre mystérieux à Manhattan"@es
  • "Woody Allen's Manhattan murder mystery"
  • "曼克頓"
  • "Misterioso omicidio a Manhattan <videoregistrazione&gt"@it
  • "Misterioso omicidio a Manhattan"
  • "Misterioso omicidio a Manhattan"@it
  • "Man ke dun"@en
  • "Manhattan murder mystery"

  • "Isaac Davis écrit pour la télé des émissions humoristiques. Vétéran de 2 mariages malheureux, il vit une liaison avec une adolescente, Tracy. Son meilleur ami, Yale, lui présente un jour une journaliste, Mary. Le premier contact est plutôt rude, mais Isaac revoit Mary par hasard, et s'éprend d'elle. Lorsque Yale décide de rompre, Davis est heureux d'entamer des relations amoureuses avec Mary, signifiant son congé à Tracy. Mais Mary retourne avec Yale et quand Davis veut renouer avec Tracy, il est trop tard."
  • "Diane Keaton stars as Carol Lipton, a bored Manhattan housewife who becomes convinced that her next-door neighbour has committed a murder. When her sceptical husband Larry (Woody Allen) rejects the idea, Carol turns to a flirtatious friend (Alan Alda) to help her search for clues. And as their enthusiasm for the case grows, so does their interest in each other. Spurred on by jealousy - and by a seductive writer (Anjelica Huston) who's also excited by the mystery - Larry reluctantly joins the chase, only to learn that much more than his marriage is at stake. A comic romp bursting with wry one-liners and inspired sight gags, Manhattan Murder Mystery finds Woody Allen at his breezy, entertaining best."
  • "Larry en Carol verdenken de buurman ervan zijn vrouw om het leven te hebben gebracht en gaan op onderzoek uit."
  • "Allen portrays a comedy writer whose wife leaves him and is now writing a book about their failed marriage. He consoles himself in the arms of an adoring 17 year-old until he gets involved with his best friend's mistress."
  • "Allen portrays a comedy writer whose wife leaves him and is now writing a book about their failed marriage. He consoles himself in the arms of an adoring 17 year-old until he gets involved with his best friend's mistress."@en
  • "Isaac Davis is a successful comedy writer whose wife, having left him for another woman, is now embarking on a book about their failed marriage. Isaac happily consoles himself in the arms of an adoring 17 year-old schoolgirl until he meets someone closer to his own age, who happens to be his best friend's mistress."
  • "Isaac Davis is a successful comedy writer whose wife, having left him for another woman, is now embarking on a book about their failed marriage. Isaac happily consoles himself in the arms of an adoring 17 year-old schoolgirl until he meets someone closer to his own age, who happens to be his best friend's mistress."@en
  • "In this comic romp bursting with wry one-liners and inspired sight gags, a bored Manhattan housewife becomes convinced her next-door neighbor has committed a murder. When her husband Larry rejects the idea, she turns to a flirtatious friend to help her search for clues. Spurred by jealousy, Larry reluctantly joins the chase, only to learn that much more than his marriage is at stake."@en
  • "In this comic romp bursting with wry one-liners and inspired sight gags, a bored Manhattan housewife becomes convinced her next-door neighbor has committed a murder. When her husband Larry rejects the idea, she turns to a flirtatious friend to help her search for clues. Spurred by jealousy, Larry reluctantly joins the chase, only to learn that much more than his marriage is at stake."
  • "Widescreen Allen portrays Isaac Davis, a successful comedy writer whose wife, having left him for another woman, is now embarking on a book about their failed marriage. Isaac happily consoles himself in the arms of an adoring 17 year-old schoolgirl until he meets someone closer to his own age, who happens to be his best friend's mistress."@en
  • "Der 42-jährige Isaac Davis (Woody Allen) hat einen Job, den er hasst, eine Freundin (Mariel Hemingway), die er als zu jung empfindet und eine lesbische Exfrau namens Jill (Meryl Streep), die gerade ein Enthüllungsbuch über ihre Ehe schreibt... und die er am liebsten erwürgen würde. Dann aber verliebt er sich Hals über Kopf in Mary (Diane Keaton), die attraktive, intellektuelle neue Flamme seines besten Freundes. Isaac verlässt die blutjunge Tracy, wirbt um Mary, wirft seinen Job hin und beginnt seine Suche nach Romantik und Erfüllung in einer Stadt, in der Sex so intim ist wie ein Handschlag - und der Weg zur wahren Liebe durch eine Drehtür führt."
  • "Describes the relationship of a New York TV comedy writer with a variety of other New Yorkers: his mistress, his ex-wife, his best friend, Yale, Yale's wife, and Yale's lover."@en
  • "Allen portrays Isaac Davis, a successful comedy writer whose wife, having left him for another woman, is now embarking on a book about their failed marriage. Isaac happily consoles himself in the arms of an adoring 17 year-old schoolgirl until he meets someone closer to his own age, who happens to be his best friend's mistress."@en
  • "Allen portrays Isaac Davis, a successful comedy writer whose wife, having left him for another woman, is now embarking on a book about their failed marriage. Isaac happily consoles himself in the arms of an adoring 17 year-old schoolgirl until he meets someone closer to his own age, who happens to be his best friend's mistress."
  • "Isaac Davis ha un lavoro che odia, una fidanzata diciassettenne che non ama e una ex-moglie che sta scrivendo un libro verità sul loro matrimonio e che lui vorrebbe strangolare. Ma quando incontra l'intellettuale fidanzata del suo migliore amico, Isaac si butta a capofitto riscoprendo il vero amore."
  • "Isaac Davis is a successful comedy writer whose wife, having left him for another woman, is now embarking on a book about their failed marriage. Isaac happily consoles himself in the arms of an adoring 17 year-old schoolgirl, until he meets someone closer to his own age."@en
  • "Episodi sentimentali nella vita sessuale di uno scrittore televisivo di New York la cui ultima moglie (M. Streep) l'ha abbandonato per una donna. (Mymovies)."
  • ""Manhattan" gilt als eines von Woody Allens unvergänglichen Werken. Allen zeigt ein ironisches, anrührendes und treffsicheres Porträt moderner Beziehungen vor dem Hintergrund der grossstädtischen Entfremdung. Grossartig sind die Schwarzweissbilder, untermalt von der überwältigenden Musik von George Gershwin."
  • "Feature film from the USA. Drama. Following the death of a robust New York matron, Carol becomes self-appointed leader in solving the so-called murder mystery."
  • "42-year old Manhattan native Isaac Davis has a job he hates, a seventeen-year-old girlfriend he doesn't love, and a lesbian ex-wife Jill who's writing a tell-all book about their marriage...and whom he'd like to strangle. But when he meets his best friend's sexy, intellectual mistress, Mary, Isaac falls head over heels in lust! Leaving Tracy, bedding Mary, and quitting his job are just the beginning of Isaac's quest for romance and fulfilment in a city where sex is as intimate as a handshake - and the gateway to true a revolving door."@en
  • "Un famoso guionista de televisión comienza a escribir una novela, al tiempo que se enamora de una muchacha de dieciseis años. Con el paso del tiempo se cansa de esta situación y decide emprender una nueva relación con quien realmente le atrae, la novia de un amigo suyo. Desde ese momento empieza una bella historia de amor que tiene como escenario el barrio de Manhattan."
  • "Un famoso guionista de televisión comienza a escribir una novela al tiempo que se enamora de una muchacha de dieciséis años. Con el paso del tiempo se cansa de esta situación y decide emprender una nueva relación con quien realmente le atrae, la novia de un amigo suyo. Desde ese momento empieza una bella historia de amor que tiene como escenario el barrio de Manhattan"
  • ""Isaac, 42, has divorced Jill. She is now living with another woman, Connie, and is writing a book in which she will reveal some very private points of their relationship. Isaac has a love affair with Tracy, 17, when he meets Mary, the mistress of his best friend Yale. Yale is already married to Emily." IMDB."
  • "Episodes in the sex life of a TV comedy writer with an obsession about New York [ Halliwell's]."@en
  • "Romantic comedy set in Manhattan, New York, "about the tendency for marriage to collapse and American culture to decline, the terrible influence of television, the bane of drugs and fast food and the inability of people to take cont."@en
  • "Filmed in New York."@en
  • "Isaac Davis, a forty-two-year-old, divorced comedy writer, is dating seventeen-year-old Tracy while his lesbian ex-wife, Jill, is writing a tell-all book about their failed marriage, but when Isaac meets Mary, his best friend's mistress, everything begins to change and Isaac embarks on a quest to find romance and fulfillment in his native Manhattan."@en
  • "Un couple aisé, dont la vie ronronne gentiment, s'inquiète de la mort soudaine de leur voisine de palier, dont le mari semble cacher un terrible secret..."
  • ""Nominada para dos premios de la Academia en 1979 y considerada como el máximo logro de Allen, Manhattan es al mismo tiempo un irónico, conmovedor e incluso un sublime retrato de las relaciones modernas inmersas en el enajenante ritmo de la vida urbana. Soberbiamente fotografiada en blanco y negro (la primera película de Allen en este formato) y acompañada por la magnífica música de Gershwin, Manhattan representa el triunfo estético de un prismático retrato de un tiempo y un lugar que deberán revisar las generaciones por venir. Isaac Davis es originario de Manhattan, tien 42 años, odia su trabajo, y tiene una novia de 17 años (Mariel Hemingway) a quien no ama. También tiene a Gill (Merly Streep), su ex-esposa lesbiana que está escribiendo un libro contándolo todo sobre su matrimonio y a quién el quisera estrangular. Pero cuando conoce a Mary (Diane Keaton), la sexy e intelectual amante de su mejor amigo, Isaac definitivamente pierde la cabeza. Dejar a Tracy, acostarse con Mary y renunciar a su trabajo son sólo el comienzo para el romance y la vida plena en una ciudad donde el sexo es tan íntimo como un saludo de manos, y donde el accseso al amor es una puerta giratoria."--Enavse."
  • "A Manhattan wife is driven to investigate what she thinks is the murder of her neighbor. She enlists the help of a male friend, and her husband, fearing to lose her, reluctantly joins in the chase."
  • "A Manhattan wife is driven to investigate what she thinks is the murder of her neighbor. She enlists the help of a male friend, and her husband, fearing to lose her, reluctantly joins in the chase."@en
  • "Describes the relationships of Isaac Davis, a successful New York television comedy writer, aged 42, with a variety of other New Yorkers."@en
  • "Describes the relationships of Isaac Davis, a successful New York television comedy writer, aged 42, with a variety of other New Yorkers."
  • "Carol Lipton es un ama de casa aburrida que está convencida de que su vecino ha cometido un asesinato. Su marido Larry es más escéptico y no la cree, por lo que Carol recurre a un amigo para que la ayude a buscar pistas. Larry, espoleado por los celos y por una seductora escritora también interesada en el caso, se une de mala gana a la investigación ya que su propio matrimonio está en juego."@es
  • "Isaac Davis is a successful comedy writer whose wife, having left him for another woman, is now embarking on a book about their failed marriage. Isaac happily consoles himself in the arms of an adoring 17-year-old schoolgirl until he meets someone closer to his own age, journalist Mary Wilke, who happens to be his best friend's mistress."
  • "Chauve, petit, quadragénaire, Isaac Davis, que sa femme vient de plaquer appartient au petit monde d'intellectuels qui vivent à Manhattan. Il a malgré tout une admiratrice fort jeune, Tracy, mais inquiet de la différence d'âge, il lui préfère Mary, la maîtresse d'un ami. Mais, Mary retourne à cet ami et, quand Davis veut renouer avec Tracy, il est trop tard."
  • "Follows the sex life of a New York writer after his wife leaves him for another woman."@en
  • "Isaac Davis is a comedy writer who, after his marriage fails, consoles himself with a 17-year-old schoolgirl while his wife writes a book about their failed marriage."@en
  • "Comédie policière éblouissante, menée de main de maître et truffée d'hommages au cinéma ... Quand divertissement rime avec talent et intelligence ... Infos DVD : DVD 5 / DS / 1.85, 16/9 compatible 4/3 / LG : Fra, Eng, Spa, Ita, Ger / S-T : Fra, Eng, Ara, Gre, Ger, Dan, Ita, Por ... / Bande-annonce. ; Prêt et consultation ; 53,50 Euros TTC."
  • "Isaac Davis quits his highly paid gag-writing job to research a novel about society's decaying values, but he need look no further than his own relationships with his wife, mistress and lover."
  • "Der 42-jährige Isaac Davis (Allen) hat einen Job, den er hasst, eine Freundin (Mariel Hemingway), die er als zu jung empfindet und eine lesbische Ex-Frau namens Jill (Meryl Streep), die gerade ein Enthüllungsbuch über ihre Ehe schreibt und die er am liebsten erwürgen würde. Dann aber verliebt er sich Hals über Kopf in Mary (Diane Keaton), die attraktive, intellektuelle neue Flamme seines besten Freundes. Isaac verlässt die blutjunge Tracy, wirbt um Mary, wirft seinen Job hin und beginnt seine Suche nach Romantik und Erfüllung in einer Stadt, in der Sex so intim ist wie ein Handschlag - und der Weg zur wahren Liebe durch eine Drehtür führt. (Quelle: Umschlagtext)."
  • ""Diane Keaton stars as Carol Lipton, a bored Manhattan housewife who becomes convinced that her next-door neighbour has committed a murder. When her sceptical husband Larry (Woody Allen) rejects the suggestion, Carol turns to her flirtatious friend Ted (Alan Alda) for moral support and to help her search for any incriminating clues. Sparks fly between Carol and Ted as their enthusiasm for the case brings them closer together. Spurred on by jealousy and the lure of a seductive writer Marcia (Anjelica Houston), Larry reluctantly embarks on his own clandestine investigation, only to discover that there is much more at stake than his marriage"--Container."
  • "Episodes in the sex life of a TV comedy writer with an obsession about New York."@en
  • "Episodes in the sex life of a TV comedy writer with an obsession about New York."
  • "La jaquette indique : "Un couple aisé, dont la vie ronronne gentiment, s'inquiète de la mort soudaine de leur voisine de palier, dont le mari semble cacher un terrible secret.""
  • "SUMMARY: "Isaac, 42, has divorced Jill. She is now living with another woman, Connie, and is writing a book in which she will reveal some very private points of their relationship. Isaac has a love affair with Tracy, 17, when he meets Mary, the mistress of his best friend Yale. Yale is already married to Emily." IMDB"
  • "Convinta che la morte per infarto di una vicina di casa sia un uxoricidio, moglie curiosa induce il riluttante consorte e un ex corteggiatore a indagare sul caso. Sviluppi imprevisti: i delitti sono due, ma i cadaveri sono scomparsi. (Mymovies)."
  • "Feature film from the USA. Comedy. A divorced Manhattan comedy writer falls for his best friend's mistress."
  • "Nominated for two Academy Awards(r)* in 1979 and considered "one of Allen's most enduring accomplishments" (Boxoffice), Manhattan is a wry, touching and finely rendered portrait of modern relationships against the backdrop of urban alienation. Sumptuously photographed in black and white (Allen's first film in that format) and accompanied by a magnificent Gershwin score, Woody Allen's aesthetic triumph is a "prismatic portrait of a time and a place that may be studied decades hence" (Time). 42-year-old Manhattan native Isaac Davis (Allen) has a job he hates, a seventeen-year-old girlfriend, Tracy (Mariel Hemingway), he doesn't love and a lesbian ex-wife, Jill (Meryl Streep), who's writing a tell-all book about their marriage and whom he'd like to strangle. But when he meets his best friend's sexy intellectual mistress, Mary (Diane Keaton), Isaac falls head over heels in lust! Leaving Tracy, bedding Mary and quitting his job are just the beginning of Isaac's quest for romance and fulfillment in a city where sex is as intimate as a hand shake and the gateway to true love is a revolving door. *Supporting Actress (Hemingway); Original Screenplay."@en
  • "Lasciato anche dalla seconda moglie, lo scrittore comico Isaac Davis s'innamora dell'adolescente Tracy, ma poi la incoraggia ad andare a Londra. In questo modo Isaac è libero di incontrare Mary, con la quale ha un rapporto molto problematico. (Mereghetti)."@it
  • "Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, Meryl Streep and Mariel Hemingway star in Woody Allen's extraordinary and funny film that explores the embattled life and loves of a successful New York comedy writer."@en
  • ""Carol Lipton [is] a bored Manhattan housewife who becomes convinced that her next-door neighbor has committed a murder. When her skeptical husband Larry rejects the idea, Carol turns to a flirtatious friend to help her search for clues. And as their enthusiasm for the case grows, so does their interest in each other. Spurred on by jealousy, and by a seductive writer who's also excited by the mystery, Larry reluctantly joins the chase, only to learn that much more than his marriage is at stake"--Videocassette sleeve."@en
  • ""Isaac Davis [is] a successful comedy writer whose wife (Streep) having left him for another woman, is now embarking on a book about their failed marriage. Isaac happily consoles himself in the arms of an adoring 17-year-old schoolgirl (Hemingway) until he meets someone closer to his own age, journalist Mary Wilke, who also happens to be his best friend's mistress"--Videodisc sleeve."@en
  • "A divorced New Yorker currently dating a high-schooler brings himself to look for love in the mistress of his best friend instead."@en
  • "Isaac Davis is a successful comedy writer whose wife, having left him for another woman, is now embarking on a book about their failed marriage. Isaac happily consoles himself in the arms of an adoring 17-year-old schoolgirl until he meets someone closer to his own age, who happens to be his best friend's mistress."@en
  • "Paul et Lillian House, un vieux couple sur le point de fêter ses vingt-huit ans de mariage, invitent un soir leurs voisins, Larry, un éditeur, et sa femme Carol, à venir leur rendre visite. Or, le lendemain, ces derniers découvrent avec stupeur que Mme House vient de mourir d'une crise cardiaque. Cependant, le veuf n'est guère éploré, ce qui amène Carol à concevoir des soupçons sur son voisin. L'occasion est inespérée pour cette épouse, qui trouve sa vie conjugale trop terne, de se mettre à jouer les détectives amateurs. Elle entraînera Larry, quoique à son corps défendant, dans ses périlleuses investigations."
  • "Isaac Davis est partagé entre son métier de scénariste télé pour émission idiote, sa vie avec une ravissante lycéenne, trop jeune pour lui, et sa mésentente avec son ex-femme qui compte publier un livre sur leur vie conjugale passé ! Sa rencontre avec Mary, journaliste snob et suffisante, ne laisse en rien présager qu'entre ces deux êtres va pourtant s'établir une relation privilégiée..."
  • "In a spoof of New York's cultural elite, a comedy writer, divorced, with a high school girlfriend, falls in love with his married friend's mistress."
  • "Saac Davis quits his highly paid gag-writing job to research a novel about society's decaying values, but he need look no further than his own relationships with his wife, mistress and lover."@en
  • "Ce veuf est trop joyeux pour être honnête... C'est du moins ce que Carol Lipton pense de son voisin de palier. Malgré les mises en garde de son mari Larry, elle n'hésite pas à se transformer."
  • "Typescript, dated 7/10/92."
  • "Describes the relationships of Isaac Davis, a successful New York television comedy writer, aged 42, with a variety of other New Yorkers: his mistress, Tracy, his ex-wife, Jill, his best friend, Yale, Yale's wife, Emily, and Yale's lover, Mary."@en
  • "Describes the relationships of Isaac Davis, a successful New York television comedy writer, aged 42, with a variety of other New Yorkers: his mistress, Tracy, his ex-wife, Jill, his best friend, Yale, Yale's wife, Emily, and Yale's lover, Mary."
  • "Ce veuf est trop joyeux pour être honnête ... C'est du moins ce que Carol Lipton pense de son voisin de palier. Malgré les mises en garde de son mari Larry, elle n'hésite pas à perquisionner chez lui et se transforme avec délice en détective amateur. Elle et son entourage, se retrouvent très vite plongés dans une intrigue particulièrement compliquée."
  • "Following the death of a robust New York matron, Carol becomes the scatty self-appointed leader in solving the so-called murder mystery."@en
  • "A bored Manhattan housewife becomes convinced her next-door neighbor has committed a murder."
  • "A bored Manhattan housewife becomes convinced her next-door neighbor has committed a murder."@en
  • "Episodi sentimentali nella vita sessuale di uno scrittore televisivo di New York la cui ultima moglie l'ha abbandonato per una donna. (Mymovies)."
  • "Un famoso guionista de televisión comienza a escribir una novela al tiempo que se enamora de una muchacha de dieciséis años. Con el paso del tiempo se cansa de esta situación y decide emprender una nueva relación con quien realmente le atrae, la novia de un amigo suyo. Desde ese momento empieza una bella historia de amor que tiene como escenario el barrio de Manhattan."@es
  • "Carol Lipton è convinta che la morte d'infarto di una sua vicina di casa sia in realtà un caso di uxoricidio: visto che suo marito Larry non le dà troppa corda, coinvolge nelle indagini una sua vecchia fiamma, Ted. (Mereghetti)."@it
  • "A wacky and wonderful ... fiendishly funny film filled with laughs from start to finish."@en
  • "Isaac Davis, 42 anni, autore di testi televisivi, vive con la liceale 17enne Tracy, che è affascinata dalla sua cultura. Isaac, che ha divorziato dalla prima moglie ed è stato lasciato dalla seconda, ha paura che il legame con la studentessa lo renda ridicolo e la spinge ad andare a Londra anche perché vuole frequentare Mary, una ragazza che ha conosciuto tramite il suo amico Yale. Quando Tracy si deciderà finalmente a partire, però, Isaac cercherà, invece, di trattenerla (LaFeltrinelli)."
  • "A successful TV writer wants to be a serious writer, but troubles in his love life interfere."@en
  • "Woody Allen plays TV writer Isaac Davis, who has the most modern of modern relationships. His wife has recently left him for another woman, his mistress is a 17 year old girl, and Isaac is in love with his best friends girlfriend. A bittersweet comedy set against the background of Manhattan."@en
  • "Woody Allen is in a state - the state of Manhattan. And he pokes affectionate fun at the merry-go-around of modern relationships known as life in the Big Apple. Allen quits his highly paid gag-writing job to research a novel about society's decaying values. But he need look no further than his own existence for self-mocking comic inspiration because he has a wife, a mistress and a lover."@en
  • "Their lives". (Quoted by Woody Allen in the Evening Standard 10.10.1978)."@en
  • "Carol Lipton (Diana Keaton) es un ama de casa de Manhattan aburrida que está convencida de que su vecino ha cometido un asesinato. Su marido Larry (Woody Allen) es más escéptico y no le cree, por lo que Carol recurre a un amigo (Alan Alda) para que le ayude a buscar pistas. Larry, espoleado por los celos y por una seductora escritora también interesada en el caso (Anjelica Huston), se une de mala gana a la investigación ya que su propio matrimonio está en juego."

  • "Comedie/Comique"
  • "Spanish language materials"@en
  • "Comedy"@en
  • "Comedy"
  • "Cine de suspense"
  • "Romance films"
  • "Feature films"
  • "Feature films"@en
  • "Dokumenty audiowizualne"
  • "Drama"
  • "Drama"@en
  • "Drama"@es
  • "Scripts"
  • "Film fabularny"
  • "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"
  • "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"@en
  • "Vidéo"
  • "Comedy films"
  • "Comedy films"@en
  • "Komedia filmowa"
  • "French language materials"@en
  • "Suspensezko zinema"
  • "Videos (DVD)"@en
  • "Komedia"
  • "Fiction films"@en
  • "Comedia romántica cinematográfica"
  • "Vídeos per a persones amb discapacitat auditiva"
  • "Llargmetratges"
  • "Film amerykański"
  • "Features films"@en
  • "fiction dramatique (fiction)"
  • "Romance"
  • "DVDs"@en
  • "Mysteries"
  • "Mysteries"@en
  • "Videodiscs"
  • "Comedia"@es
  • "Comedia"
  • "Videodiscos DVD"@es
  • "Suspense"@es
  • "Misteri"
  • "Comedies"
  • "Comédie de moeurs"
  • "Comedies"@en
  • "Romantic comedy films"@en
  • "Videodiscos BD"@es
  • "Commedia (Genere)"
  • "Commedia (Genere)"@it
  • "comédie (fiction)"
  • "Comédies (cinéma)"
  • "DVD-Video"
  • "Detective and mystery films"
  • "Drama cinematográfico"
  • "fiction policière (fiction)"
  • "Features"
  • "Features"@en
  • "Film obyczajowy"
  • "Comèdies"

  • "Manhattan (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica : 1979)"
  • "Manhattan USA 1979"
  • "Meurtre mystérieux à Manhattan Manhattan murder mystery"
  • "Manhattan murder mystery (Motion picture)"@en
  • "Manhattan murder mystery (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica)"
  • "Meurtre mystérieux à Manhattan : [USA, 1992]"
  • "Misterioso omicidio a Manhattan"@it
  • "Misterioso omicidio a Manhattan"
  • "Misterioso asesinato en Manhattan = Manhattan murder mistery = Meurtre mystérieux à Manhattan = Misterioso omicidio a Manhattan"@es
  • "Meurtre mystérieux à Manhattan"
  • "Manhattan Woody Allen"
  • "Manhattan (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica)"
  • "Manhattan murder mystery Umor na Manhattanu"
  • "Manhattan (Film)"
  • "Manhattan (Film)"@it
  • "マンハッタン"
  • "Manhattan (Motion picture)"
  • "Manhattan (Motion picture)"@en
  • "Manhattan <film ; 1979&gt"@it
  • "Manhattan murder mistery"
  • "Manhattan murder mistery = Misterioso omicidio a Manhattan"@it
  • "Manhattan murder mistery"@es
  • "Manhattan murder mistery"@it
  • "Manhattan Murder Mystery"
  • "Meutre mystérieux à Manhattan"
  • "Misterioso asesinato en Manhattan"@es
  • "Misterioso asesinato en Manhattan"
  • "Meurtre mystérieux à Manhattan Manhattan Murder Mystery"
  • "Manhattan murder mystery <film ; 1993&gt"@it
  • "Misterioso asesinato en Manhattan Manhattan murder mystery"@es
  • "Misterioso asesinato en Manhattan Manhattan murder mystery"
  • "Misterioso asesinato en Manhattan = Manhattan murder mystery"@es
  • "Misterioso asesinato en Manhattan = Manhattan murder mystery"
  • "MANHATTAN MURDER MYSTERY ; Regie: Woody Allen. Mit Alan Alda, Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, Anjelica Huston, Jerry Adler, Joy Behar, u. a. Musik: diverse"
  • "Manhattan murder mystery"@es
  • "Manhattan murder mystery"
  • "Manhattan murder mystery"@en
  • "Manhattan murder mystery = Meurtre mystérieux à Manhattan = Misterioso asesinato en Manhattan"
  • "Misteriós asassinat a Manhattan"
  • "Manhattan (film)"
  • "Manhattan <film&gt"@it
  • "Manhattan"@ja
  • "Manhattan"
  • "Manhattan"@it
  • "Manhattan"@en
  • "Manhattan"@es
  • "Manhattan [DVD]"
  • "Manhattan (Motion picture : 1979)"@en
  • "Manhattan murder mystery Meurtre mystérieux à Manhattan"
  • "Manhattan [Vídeo]"