"Ilustracje, obrazy interpretacja." . . "Komunikacja wizualna." . . "Visual communication." . . "Visual communication" . "Illustrations, images, etc. Interprétation." . . "Illustrations, images, etc. Interprétation" . "Culture." . . "Culture" . "Kunstwissenschaft." . . . . "Liu xing wen hua." . . "流行文化" . "Beeldcultuur." . . "visuel retorik" . . "form: introduktion" . . "Comunicació i cultura." . . "Sociologie visuelle." . . "Sociologie visuelle" . "Shi jue yi shu." . . "視覺藝術" . "Sémiotique visuelle." . . "Percepció visual." . . "communication visuelle culture image [manuel]" . . "Kulturelle Entwicklung." . . "Cultura popular." . . "Antropologia visual." . . "Methode." . . "Vizuális kultúra." . . "Comunicació visual." . . "Populaire cultuur." . . "Kulturtheorie Alltagskultur Visuelle Kommunikation Blick." . . "medier" . . "Arte y sociedad." . . "Visual perception." . . "Visual perception" . "Postmodernizem." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Practices of looking : an introduction to visual culture" . "Practices of looking : an introduction to visual culture"@en . . . . "Student Collection" . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ji suo you ying xiang shi dai de shi jue wen hua dao lun" . . . . . . . . "Guan kan di shi jian : gei suo you ying xiang shi dai de shi jue wen hua dao lun" . . . . . . . . "Handboeken (vorm)" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "給所有影像世代的視覺文化導論" . . . . . . . . "Practices of looking" . . . . . "Aufsatzsammlung" . . "An introduction to visual culture" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Practices of looking an introduction to visual culture" . . . . . "觀看的實踐 : 給所有影像世代的視覺文化導論" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Guan kan de shi jian : gei suo you ying xiang shi dai de shi jue wen hua dao lun" . . . . . . . . . . "This comprehensive introduction to visual culture provides an overview of a range of theories about how we understand visual media and how we use images to express ourselves, to communicate, to experience pleasure, and to learn." . . . . . . . . . "Visual culture is central to how we communicate. Our lives are dominated by images and by visual technologies that allow for the local and global circulation of ideas, information, and politics. In this increasingly visual world, how can we best decipher and understand the many ways that our everyday lives are organized around looking practices and the many images we encounter each day? The book provides a comprehensive and engaging overview of how we understand a wide array of visual media and how we use images to express ourselves, to communicate, to play, and to learn. Marita Sturken and Lisa Cartwright examine the diverse range of approaches to visual analysis and lead students through key theories and concepts." . "Gei suo you ying xiang shi dai de shi jue wen hua dao lun" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Guan kan di shi jian : ji suo you ying xiang shi dai de shi jue wen hua dao lun" . . . . . . . . . . . . "Sociology of culture." . . "Sémiotique." . . "Sémiotique" . "Visuelle Kommunikation Kunstwissenschaft." . . "Kultura masowa." . . "Cultură populară." . . "Semiotiek." . . "Art et société." . . "Arts graphiques." . . "Public sphere." . . "Postmodernism." . . "Sociologija kulture." . . "Množične komunikacije." . . "Množični mediji." . . "Art i societat" . . "Potrošniška družba." . . "Mass media." . . "Yi shu she hui xue." . . "藝術社會學" . "Umetnost." . . "Art and society." . . "Art and society" . "billedanalyse" . . "Visual culture Introduction." . . "Technology." . . "Visuelle Medien." . . "Perception visuelle." . . "Artă şi societate." . . "Sociale aspecten." . . "Kultura." . . "Sémiotique et art." . . "Représentation sociale." . . "Bild." . . "Popular culture." . . "Popular culture" . "Massenkultur." . . "Culture populaire." . . "Wyobrażenia społeczne." . . "Mass communications." . . "Vizuális kommunikáció." . . "Visuelle Kommunikation." . . "Aufsatzsammlung." . . "Javna sfera." . . "Visual sociology." . . "Visual sociology" . "Filmkunst." . . "Kultur." . . "Vizualno komuniciranje." . . "Cultura popolare." . . "Visuelle Wahrnehmung." . . "Ästhetik." . . "Percezione visiva." . . "Aspect sociologique." . . "Comunicación y cultura." . . "Consumer society." . . "massemedier" . . "Percepción visual." . . "Wahrnehmungspsychologie." . . "Tehnologija." . . "Shi jue chuan bo." . . "視覺傳播" . "Sociología visual." . . "Sociologia visual." . "Cultură." . . "Cultura." . "Beeldcommunicatie." . . "Percezione visiva e arte." . . "Kunstwissenschaft Methode." . . "Sociologie van de cultuur." . . "Immagine Teorie." . . "Communication visuelle." . . "Communication and culture." . . "Communication and culture" . "Représentations sociales." . . "Représentations sociales" . "Percepţie vizuală." . . "Comunicazione visiva." . . "Oxford University Press." . . "Comunicare vizuală." . . "visuel kultur" . . "Culture Aspect sociologique." . . "Socjologia przekazu wizualnego." . . "Médias." . . "Communication et culture." . . "Arte e società." . . "Comunicación visual." . . "Visuele waarneming." . . "Popularna kultura." . .