"Cambodia" . . "Southeast Asia" . . "Wirtschaftliche Lage." . . "economic conditions" . . "gender" . . "Witwe." . . "Women and war." . . "Women and war" . "Vedove - Cambogia." . . "Ländlicher Raum." . . "SOCIAL SCIENCE Sociology Marriage & Family." . . "Rural women." . . "civil war" . . "women" . . "Widows Cambodia Economic conditions." . . "Donne - Condizioni economiche e sociali - Cambogia." . . "Women and war Cambodia." . . "rural areas" . . "Kambodscha." . . . . . . "Rice Plus Widows and Economic Survival in Rural Cambodia"@en . . . . . . "\"Rice plus\" widows and economic survival in rural Cambodia"@en . . . . . "Electronic books"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "This book explores the economic coping practices of rural widows in the aftermath of the Cambodian civil war. War produces a preponderance of widows, often young widows with small children in their care. Rural widows must feed their families and educate their children despite rural poverty and the lack of opportunities for women. The economics of widowhood is therefore a significant social problem in less developed countries. The widows' predominant economic plan was to combine rice cultivation with an assortment of microenterprises, a ''rice plus'' strategy. Many widows were unable to grow en."@en . . . . . . . "\"Rice plus\" : widows and economic survival in rural Cambodia" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Rural conditions" . . . . "Widows Cambodia." . . "Rural women Cambodia Economic conditions." . . "Rural women Economic conditions" . . "Widows." . . "Widows" . "Widows Economic conditions" . .