"Succès." . . . . "Estudi, Tècniques d'" . . "Studiemethodiek." . . "Studiu independent Invatamant universitar Ghid." . . "College students United States." . . "études réussite." . . "Managementul timpului Ghid Studenti." . . "Métodos de estudio." . . . . . "Tips on how to be successful in school and in one's personal development." . . "Student success how to be a better student and still have time for your friends" . . . . . . . . . "Student success : How to succeed in college and still have tme for your friends" . . . . . . . "Student success"@en . . . . . . . "Offers an introductory guide to college, featuring exercises, projects, and self-assessment quizzes that form the foundation of college and career skills." . . . . . . . . . "Student success how to succeed in college and still have time for your friends"@en . . . . . . "Books"@en . . "Student success : how to succeed in college and still have time for your friends" . . . "The three objectives of this book are to give students who use it a better chance of success in school, to show students how to gain better understanding in their courses more quickly, and to enhance self-development. Chapters discuss the following topics: how to make it through school; how to make studying easier; how to become more intelligent and successful in classes; doing well on tests and papers; setting and achieving study goals; characteristics of successful, unsuccessful, and not successful students; how to be a more successful person; and how to have a few good friends. The concluding chapter consists of a conversation between the two authors. (Jm)."@en . . "Student success : how to succeed in college and still have time for your friends"@en . . . . . . "Student success how to do better in college and still have time for your friends"@en . "Student success : how to do better in college and still have time for your friends" . . . . . . "Student success : how to be a better student and still have time for your friends" . "Student Success: How to Be a Better Student and Still Have Time forYour Friends"@en . . . . . . . "Estudiants universitaris." . . "Study skills." . . "Success." . . "Étude Méthodes." . .