. "Looking outwards : 3 South African viewpoints" . . . . . . "Looking outwards : three South African viewpoints : an expansion of addresses given at an executive meeting of the Institute of Tace Relations at Johannesburg, on 5th July, 1961" . . . "Looking outwards : Three South African viewpoints" . . "Looking outwards three South African viewpoints : an expansion of addresses given at an executive meeting of the Institute of Race Relations at Johannesburg, on 5th July, 1961"@en . "Looking outwards, three South African viewpoints"@en . . . . . . . . . . "South Africa" . . "Institute of Race Relations, Johannesbury. 1961-" . . "South African Institut Race." . . "1948 - 1961" . . . . "South African Institute of Race Relations," . .