"Entreprises étrangères Pays en voie de développement." . . "Armed conflict." . . "Human rights violations." . . "Working conditions." . . "Gemeindewirtschaft." . . "Getting it right" . . . "Getting it right making corporate-community relations work"@en . . "Getting it right making corporate-community relations work" . . . . "A company begins exploration of future operations in a remote and rural area of a poor, but resource-rich country. The communities in this area welcome the company's interest, seeing the prospects for improved social and economic conditions. They look forward to the creation of jobs and other income opportunities, and they look forward to being connected to the outside world through the company. Getting it right reports, analyzes, and sorts the broad and varied experiences of these many corporations, bringing forward the lessons that can be usefully applied in other settings. The aim is to help corporate managers get it right with respect to interactions with local communities, so that they can more efficiently and effectively accomplish their production goals and, at the same time, ensure that local communities are better (rather than worse) off as a result of their presence."@en . "A company begins exploration of future operations in a remote and rural area of a poor, but resource-rich country. The communities in this area welcome the company's interest, seeing the prospects for improved social and economic conditions. They look forward to the creation of jobs and other income opportunities, and they look forward to being connected to the outside world through the company. Getting it right reports, analyzes, and sorts the broad and varied experiences of these many corporations, bringing forward the lessons that can be usefully applied in other settings. The aim is to help corporate managers get it right with respect to interactions with local communities, so that they can more efficiently and effectively accomplish their production goals and, at the same time, ensure that local communities are better (rather than worse) off as a result of their presence." . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Electronic books"@en . "Electronic books" . . . "Livres électroniques" . . . . . . . "Getting it right : making corporate-community relations work"@en . "Getting it right : making corporate-community relations work" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Entreprises Relations publiques Pays en voie de développement." . . "Business corporations." . . "Corruption." . . "Responsabilité sociale des entreprises Pays en voie de développement." . . "Entreprises Responsabilité sociale." . . "Universal." . . "Corporate Social Responsibility." . . "Unternehmen." . . "Entreprises étrangères Relations publiques Pays en voie de développement." . . "Entreprises Responsabilité sociale Pays en voie de développement." . . "NGOS." . . "Entwicklungsländer." . . "Good governance." . . "Labour." . . "Globalisation." . . "Kontaktpflege." . . "BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Public Relations" . . . .