"Chiisme." . . "Shīʻah." . . "Rechtstheorie." . . "Droit islamique Sources." . . "Islamisches Recht." . . "Islamic law Interpretation and construction." . . "Islamisches Recht 0 Gesamtdarstellung." . . "Islamitisch recht." . . "Droit islamique Philosophie." . . "Schiiten." . . "Droit islamique Chiisme." . . "Fiqh Interpretación." . . "Islam." . . "Shīʻah Doctrines." . . . . "Electronic books." . . "Recht." . . "Rechtspraak." . . "Jurisprudence Pays arabes." . . "Islamisches Recht Geschichte 20. Jh Quelle." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Durūs fī ʻilm al-uṣūl maʻa al-Maʻālim al-jadīdah lil-uṣūl" . . . "Principles of Islamic jurisprudence : according to Shiʻi law"@en . "Principles of Islamic jurisprudence : according to Shiʻi law" . . . "Qavāʻede kolliye estenbāṭ" . "دروس في علم الصول" . . . . . . . . . . . "Maʻālim al-jadīda liʼl-uṣūl" . . . . . "Islamic law; interpretation and construction; Islamic theology; Shīʻah." . . . . "General rules of inference" . . . . . "Lessons in Islamic jurisprudence" . "Lessons in Islamic jurisprudence"@en . . . . . "Principles of Islamic jurisprudence : according to Shi'i law" . . . . . . . . . . . . "Durūs fī 'ilm aluṣūl" . . . . "Durūs fī ʻilm al-uṣūl" . . "دروس في علم الاصول" . "ʻIlm al-uṣūl" . "Electronic books"@en . . . . . . . "Durūs fī ʻilm al-uṣūl ; Al-maʻālim al-ǧadīdaẗ ; Ġāyaẗ al-fikr fī uṣūl al-fiqh" . . . . "Qavāʻid-i kullī-i istinbāṭ : tarjumah va sharḥ-i ḥalqah-ʼi ... az Durūs fī ʻilm al-uṣūl" . . . . . . . "قواعد الاستنباط العامة" . . . "دروس في علم الأصول ; المعالم الجديدة ; غاية الفكر في أصول الفقه" . . "Quellenmaterial" . . "Qavāʻid-i kullī-i istinbāṭ : tarjumah va sharḥ-i ḥalqah-ʼi avval az Durūs fī ʻilm al-uṣūl" . "Qawāʻid al-istinbāṭ al-ʻāmmah" . . . . . . . . . . . . . "قواعد کلى استنباط : ترجمه و شرح حلقۀ ... از دروس فى علم الأصول" . . . . . "<>" . "<>"@ar . . . . . "دروس في علم الأصول" . . "Quelle"@en . "General rules of istinbāt̲" . . "Principles of Islamic jurisprudence according to Shiʻi law" . "Ghavā'ed-e kollī-ye estenbāt" . . . . "RELIGION Islam Law." . . "Derecho islámico." . . "jurisprudencia Paises islámicos." . . "Jurisprudencia Paises islámicos." . "Sjiʻisme." . .