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An official selection at the Cannes, New York and Toronto Film Festivals, this film focuses on the presence of the human spirit in war. We are treated to a first hand experience of war, as we see only the rescue crew trying to pick up downed soldiers. Brilliant and disturbing.

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  • "Kippour"
  • "Kippur"@it
  • "Kippur"
  • "Kippur"@he
  • "Am Tag von Kippur"
  • "Kipur"
  • "Kippur <risorsa elettronica&gt"@it

  • "During the Yom Kippur war in 1973, two Israeli soldiers face the chaos and carnage of battle."
  • "In one day during the Yom Kippur War, a rescue team experiences the horrors of war as they pick up dead and broken bodies."
  • "During the Yom Kippur War of 1973, in which Egypt and Syria launched attacks in Sinai and the Golan Heights, a quiet city street ends with death, destruction, and devastation of both body and mind."
  • "Es ist der 6. Oktober 1973, Jom Kippur, der "Tag der Versöhnung", der höchste jüdische Feiertag. Israel ist soeben von Syrien und Ägypten gleichzeitig angegriffen worden. Die beiden jungen Reservisten Weinraub und Ruso machen sich mit ihrem Auto auf den Weg zur Front. Die beiden sind Freunde und sie können es kaum erwarten, zu ihrer Einheit zu stossen, und fiebern ihrem ersten "richtigen Krieg" entgegen. Da ihre Einheit bereits ausgerückt ist, schliessen sie sich einem Sanitätstrupp der Luftwaffe an, dessen Aufgabe es ist, schwer Verletzte aus den umkämpften Golan-Höhen zu bergen. Gleich bei ihrem ersten Einsatz kommt jede Hilfe zu spät, die Männer finden kaum Verletzte, sondern fast nur Tote vor. Weinraub und Ruso erleben als Sanitäter ein Gesicht des Krieges, das nicht weniger brutal und erbarmungslos ist als der Kampf im Schützengraben an der Front oder die unerträgliche Enge in einem Panzer. Nachts reden die Männer über den Tod und versuchen die Erlebnisse zu verarbeiten."
  • "Film takes place in 1973 during the Yom Kippur War in which Egypt and Syria launched attacks in Sinai and the Golan Heights. Told from the perspective of two Israeli soldiers who are part of an air force first-aid team, we see the death, destruction and devastation to which the soldiers are witness."
  • "Ce 6 octobre 1973 est un jour particulier : tout est calme en Israël, c'est Kippour. La guerre éclate. Weinraub et son ami Ruso se précipitent sur le Golan à la recherche de l'unité dans laquelle ils ont fait leur service militaire. Après avoir tenté de la rejoindre en vain, ils décident, dans une atmosphère de chaos, d'intégrer une équipe de secouristes de l'armée de l'air. Ils sont aussitôt envoyés en mission. Avec leur équipage, ils feront des aller et retours incessants en hélicoptère sur le Plateau du Golan, en pleine zone de tirs, pour évacuer les morts et les blessés. L'excitation et l'enthousiasme des premiers instants font vite place à la lassitude et à l'écœurement. A la base, et au cours des missions, les sept hommes développent entre eux une relation soudée et intime. Le 10 octobre, ils sont envoyés en mission en territoire syrien. Leur hélicoptère est touché par un missile. L'appareil s'écrase. L'un d'eux est tué. Ils sont presque tous grièvement blessés."
  • "Film takes place in 1973 during the Yom Kippur War in which Egypt and Syria launched attacks against Israel. A day that begins with quiet city streets, ends with death, destruction and devastation."
  • "Il 6 ottobre 1973 in Israele é la festa di Yom Kippur. All'improvviso ad Haifa, mentre le famiglie stanno andando al mare, risuona un rumore sordo che sembra l'urlo di una sirena: é la guerra. Egitto e Siria hanno attaccato a sorpresa approfittando del giorno di festa. Due amici, richiamati dall'esercito, su una vecchia Fiat 124 cercano di raggiungere il loro Quartier Generale ansiosi di servire e difendere il paese. Quando arrivano il loro battaglione è già partito, passano la notte in una caserma deserta e decidono di entrare nella forza aerea. Vengono destinati ad un gruppo di soccorso aereo incaricato di raccogliere i feriti caduti durante le battaglie. Le missioni si susseguono senza tregua e noi viviamo il conflitto attraverso gli occhi dei due ragazzi che progressivamente perdono l'entusiasmo e si sentono sempre più soli. ll loro aereo viene abbattuto e loro vengono feriti. Una volta guarito Amos non sopporta di restare al centro di riabilitazione dove la vista dei commilitoni gravemente feriti gli ricorda la guerra per cui chiede e ottene di andare in un albergo. Qui tra le braccia di una giovane donna sconosciuta, finalmente riesce a dormire. (Cinematografo)."
  • "Am sechsten Tag sollen Weinraub und Ruso einen hinter den feindlichen Linien abgestürzten Piloten bergen. Dabei wird ihr Helikopter von einer gegnerischen Rakete getroffen."
  • "An official selection at the Cannes, New York and Toronto Film Festivals, this film focuses on the presence of the human spirit in war. We are treated to a first hand experience of war, as we see only the rescue crew trying to pick up downed soldiers. Brilliant and disturbing."@en
  • ""Amos Gitai's autobiographical depiction of the experiences of a small medical unit on the front-line during the 1973 Yom Kippur War, in which Syrian and Egyptian forces made a surprise attack on Israel on one of the country's holiest days" --Container."
  • "The film takes place in 1973 during the Yom Kippur War in which Egypt and Syria launched attacks in Sinai and the Golan Heights. The story is told from the perspective of Israeli soldiers. We are led by Weinraub and his friend Ruso on a day that begins with quiet city streets, but ends with death, destruction and devastation of both body and mind. Various scenes are awash in the surreal, as Weinraub's head hangs out over a rescue helicopter's open door, watching with tranquil desperation as the earth passes beneath, the overpowering whir of the blades creating a hypnotic state. It is not a traditional blood, guts and glory film. There are no men in battle, only the rescue crew trying to pick up the broken pieces."
  • "Film takes place in 1973 during the Yom Kippur War in which Egypt and Syria launched attacks in Sinai and the Golan Heights. We are led on a day that begins with quiet city streets, but ends with death, destruction and devastation of both body and mind."
  • "The story of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, in which Egypt and Syria launched attacks in Sinai and the Golan Heights of Israel. Told from the perspective of the Israeli soldiers."
  • "The Yom Kippur War from the perspective of two Israeli soldiers."
  • "La guerra del Kippur del 1973 vista da parte di chi l'ha combattuta in prima linea, eroicamente e in silenzio. Due ragazzi qualunque, si trovano proiettati sul fronte del Golan, mentre l'esercito tenta di riorganizzarsi."
  • "Film takes place in 1973 during the Yom Kippur War in which Egypt and Syria launched attacks in Sinai and the Golan Heights. A day that begins with quiet city streets, ends with death, destruction and devastation of both body and mind."

  • "Feature films"
  • "War"
  • "Foreign language films"
  • "War films"
  • "Motion pictures, Israeli"
  • "DVDs"
  • "DVD-Video discs"
  • "Feature"
  • "Bellico (Genere)"
  • "Drama"
  • "Fiction films"
  • "Motion pictures, Hebrew"

  • "Kipur"
  • "Kippur [Kipur]"
  • "Kipur Kippur"
  • "כיפור"
  • "Kippur"@en
  • "Kippur"
  • "Kippur"@it
  • "<&gt"@he