"Allemagne." . . "Eigene <Zeitschrift>" . . "Gay liberation movement Germany." . . "Geschichte 1906-1931" . . "Male homosexuality Germany." . . "Geschichte 1900-1933" . . "Youth movement." . . . . . "Homosexuality and male bonding in pre-Nazi Germany : the youth movement, the gay movement, and male bonding before Hitler's rise : original transcripts from \"Der Eigene\", the first gay journal in the world" . . . . "Aufsatzsammlung" . . "Homosexuality and male bonding in pre-Nazi Germany the youth movement, the gay movement, and male bonding before Hitler's rise : original transcripts from Der Eigene, the first gay journal in the world"@en . . "Homosexuality and male bonding in pre-Nazi Germany : the Youth Movement, the Gay Movement and male bonding before Hitler's rise: original transcripts from \"Der Eigene\", the first gay journal in the world" . . . "Homosexuality and male bonding in pre-Nazi Germany the youth movement, the gay movement, and male bonding before Hitler's rise : original transcripts from Der Eigene, the first gay journal in the world" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Eigene" . . . "Homosexuality and male bonding in Pre-Nazi Germany : the youth movement, the gay movement, and male bonding before Hitler's rise : original transcripts from Der Eigene, the first gay journal in the world" . . . . "Homosexuality and male bonding in pre-Nazi Germany : the youth movement, the gay movement, and male bonding before Hitler's rise : original transcripts from Der Eigene, the first gay journal in the world" . . . "Der Eigene" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Homosexualitat masculina Alemanya." . . "Homosexualität." . . "Moviments juvenils Alemanya." . . "Der Eigene (Journal)" . . "Männerbund." . . "Homosexualité." . . "Youth movements Germany." . . "Gay liberation movement." . . "Deutschland." . . "Organisme de jeunesse." . . . . "Jugendbewegung." . . "Aufsatzsammlung." . . "Moviment d'alliberament gai Alemanya." . . "Homosexuality, Male." . . "Fascisme." . . "Homosexualité masculine." . .