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City of god

Welcome to the world's most notorious slum : Rio de Janeiro's 'City of God'. A place where combat photographers fear to tread, where police rarely go, and residents are lucky if they live to the age 20. This is the true story of a young man who grew up on these streets and whose ambition as a photographer is our window in and ultimately may be his only way out.

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  • "City of god"
  • "City of god"@es
  • "Cite de Dieu"
  • "God's town"
  • "Cité de Dieu"@en
  • "Cité de Dieu"
  • "Ciudad de Dios"
  • "La Cité de Dieu"
  • "Cidade de Deus"@en
  • "Cidade de Deus"
  • "Cidade de Deus"@es
  • "Miasto Boga"
  • "Cidade de deus"
  • "Božje mesto"
  • "God's Town"
  • "Ciudad de dios"
  • "cidade de deus"
  • "無主之城"
  • "God'sTown"@en
  • "God'sTown"
  • "Movie affairs"
  • "City of God"
  • "Wu zhu zhi cheng"
  • "Cidade de Deus. Portuguese"

  • "Für den, der in der "City of God", einem der Elendsviertel Rio de Janeiros, aufwächst, ist die Kindheit kurz. Bewaffnete Bandenkriege und Drogenhandel gehören dort zum Alltag und die tägliche Herausforderung heisst "Überleben". Genau hier wachsen der skrupellose Dadinho und der schüchterne Buscapé auf. Während Dadinho seine Zukunft im Kokain-Handel und in der Gewalt sucht, träumt Buscapé davon Fotograf zu werden. Nach 20 Jahren führt das Schicksal die beiden jungen Männer wieder zusammen. Buscapé versucht sein Glück als Fotograf und Dadinho ist der gefürchtetste Drogen-Dealer Rios geworden. Als er ein junges Mädchen vergewaltigt, schwört ihr Freund, Dadinho zu töten. So bricht über nacht in der "City of God" Krieg aus, in dem eine Armee von bewaffneten Jugendlichen alle das eine wollen: den Tod des Drogen-Königs."
  • "Mots-clés : enfant de la rue ; violence ; Brésil."
  • "Follows three boys from one of the most brutal, violent, and corrupt slums in Rio de Janeiro from the 1970s to the 1990s, a period when the only spark of hope comes from the story of a boy who wants to be a photographer."
  • "Fiction. Drame social. Dans une banlieue mal famée de Rio de Janeiro, un adolescent observe les luttes de gangs où s'entretuent plusieurs de ses compagnons d'infortune. Sa position comme témoin privilégié le prédisposera au photo-journalisme. Quand la survie passe par le trafic et la consommation de drogues, la violence affecte particulièrement les enfants et les adolescents. C'est le dur constat que fait ce film inspiré de faits réels, rendus ici de manière troublante pour un très jeune public. Avec Matheus Nachtergaele, Alexandre Rodrigues, Leandro Firmino Da Hora, Jonathan Haagensen, Phellipe Haagensen, Douglas Silva, Daniel Zettel, Seu Jorge."
  • "In the 1960's, Cidade De Deus is already the most violent neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro; over the years, drugs and guns flood the area making gang war inevitable. An aspiring photographer tries to stay straight and earn a living in this environment. Remarkable South American film that was compared to "Goodfellas", truly one of the best films of 2003. PREVIOUS RELEASE DATE: 25/08/03."
  • "Finales de los 60. Buscapé tiene 11 años y es sólo un niño más en Cidade de Deus, un suburbio de Río de Janeiro. Tímido y delicado, observa a los niños duros de su barrio, sus robos, sus enfrentamientos diarios con la policía. Ya sabe lo que quiere ser si consigue sobrevivir: fotógrafo."
  • "Finales de los 60. Buscapé tiene 11 años y es sólo un niño más en Cidade de Deus, un suburbio de Río de Janeiro. Tímido y delicado, observa a los niños duros de su barrio, sus robos, sus enfrentamientos diarios con la policía. Ya sabe lo que quiere ser si consigue sobrevivir: fotógrafo."@es
  • "Built in the 1960s, Cidade de Deus (City of God) is a sprawling housing project built to keep the poor as far as possible from Rio's glamorous beaches and resorts. By the 1980s, it has degenerated into a war zone so dangerous that visitors from outside risk being shot to death on sight, a poisonous stew of poverty, drugs, and crime. "If you run away, they get you, and if you stay, they get you, too," says Rocket, who wants to be a photographer. Rocket's brother, friends, and neighbors begin with truck stick-ups, which lead to brothel hold-ups that lead to murder that leads to coke dealing that leads to street brawls with armies of gun-toting 11-year-olds. Soon a full-scale gang war rages in the City of God--understandably not covered by wary Rio photojournalists--but just the opportunity Rocket needs to make his move, get a job at a newspaper, and get out."
  • "A tale of how crime affects the poor population of Rio de Janeiro. Cabeleira forms a gang called the Tender Trio. He and his best friend, Bene, become crime lords over the course of a decade. When Bene is killed before he can retire, hid friend Little Ze attempts to take out his arch enemy, Sando Cenoura. But Sando and a young gangster named Manu form an alliance and begin a gang war with Little Ze. Amateur photographer Buscape, a good-natured boy who comically learns that he's not cut out to be a hoodlum, takes pictures of the brutal crime war, making their story famous."
  • "Drame social. Dans une favela qui a vu le jour à Rio de Janeiro dans les années soixante, Fusée est un gamin noir, pauvre, trop fragile pour devenir hors-la-loi, mais assez malin pour ne pas se contenter d'un travail sous payé. Il grandit dans un environnement violent, mais tente de voir la réalité autrement, avec l'oeil d'un artiste. Il rêve de devenir photographe professionnel. Petit Dé, un enfant de onze ans, emménage dans la Cité. Il souhaite pour sa part devenir le plus grand criminel de Rio et commence son apprentissage en rendant de menus services à la pègre locale. Il admire Tignasse et son gang, qui arraisonnent les camions et cambriolent à tout va. Tignasse donne à Petit Dé l'occasion de commettre un meurtre, le premier d'une longue série."
  • "Dans une favela qui a vu le jour à Rio de Janeiro dans les années soixante, Fusée est un gamin noir, pauvre, trop fragile pour devenir hors-la-loi, mais assez malin pour ne pas se contenter d'un travail sous payé. Il grandit dans un environnement violent, mais tente de voir la réalité autrement, avec l'oeil d'un artiste. Il rêve de devenir photographe professionnel. Petit Dé, un enfant de onze ans, emménage dans la Cité. Il souhaite pour sa part devenir le plus grand criminel de Rio et commence son apprentissage en rendant de menus services à la pègre locale. Il admire Tignasse et son gang, qui arraisonnent les camions et cambriolent à tout va. Tignasse donne à Petit Dé l'occasion de commettre un meurtre, le premier d'une longue série."
  • "Two boys growing up in a violent neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro take different paths: one becomes a photographer, the other a drug dealer. Their stories are presented through the eyes of a singular narrator, Buscape."
  • "SUMMARY: "Two boys growing up in a violent neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro take different paths: one becomes a photographer, the other a drug dealer." IMDB"
  • "A two-decade chronicle of the growth of drug trade and gang warfare that grip the slums of Rio de Janeiro, "City of God" portrays the bruising, visceral experience of the vicious spiral of violence that draws kids into a life of crime, brutality, and murder as the only avenue open to them."
  • "Welcome to the world's most notorious slum: Rio de Janeiro's City of God. A place where combat photographers fear to tread, where police rarely go, and residents are lucky if they live to the age of 20. This is the true story of a young man who grew up on these streets and whose ambition as a photographer is our window in and ultimately may be his only way out."
  • "A tale of how crime affects the poor of Rio de Janeiro. Though the narrative skips around in time, the main focus is on Cabeleira who formed a gang called the Tender Trio. He and his best friend, Bené, become crime lords over the course of a decade. When Bené is killed before he can retire, Zé Pequeno (Li'l Zé) attempts to take out his arch enemy, Sando Cenoura (Carrot). But Sando and a young gangster named Manu form an alliance and begin a gang war with Li'l Zé. Amateur photographer Buscapé (Rocket), a good-natured boy who comically learns that he's not cut out to be a hoodlum, takes pictures of the brutal crime war, making their story famous."
  • "See the world's most notorious slum, Rio de Janeiro's City of God, where combat photographers and police rarely go. Based on the true story of a young man who grew up on these streets and whose ambition as a photographer is our window in and his only way out."
  • "A look at the denizens of a government-built slum outside Rio de Janeiro, tracing their lives from the building's opening in the 1960s, when youthful gangs committed small robberies in and around the building, through the 1980s, in which two gangs vied for control of the city's criminal activities. The events are recounted by an amateur photographer."
  • "The true story of a young man who grew up on the streets of the world's most notorious slum, Rio de Janeiro's City of God, where combat photographers and police rarely go. His ambition to be a photographer is our window in and his only way out."
  • "Hier wachsen der rücksichtslose Dadinho, genannt Locke und der schüchterne Buscapé auf. Um zu überleben, setzt Dadinho auf Kokainhandel, Gewalt und Raubüberfälle. Buscapé hingegen träumt davon, Fotograf zu werden. Nach zwanzig Jahren haben beide ihr Ziel erreicht. Dadinho ist Zé Pequeno, der gefürchtetste Drogendealer Rios. - In der City of God ist sein Wort Gesetz ... bis Mane Galinha auftaucht. Mane wird Zeuge der Vergewaltigung seiner Freundin und beschliesst, Zé aus Rache zu töten. - Über Nacht scharrt er eine Armee von bewaffneten Kindern um sich, die alle das Gleiche wollen: Zés Tod. In der City of God bricht der Krieg aus."
  • ""Dans une favela de Rio de Janeiro dans les années soixante, Fusée est un gamin noir, pauvre, trop fragile pour devenir hors-la-loi, mais assez malin pour ne pas se contenter d'un travail sous payé. Il grandit dans un environnement violent, mais tente de voir la réalité autrement, avec l'oeil d'un artiste. Il rêve de devenir photographe professionnel. Petit Dé, un enfant de onze ans, emménage dans la Cité. Il souhaite pour sa part devenir le plus grand criminel de Rio et commence son apprentissage en rendant de menus services à la pègre locale. Il admire Tignasse et son gang, qui arraisonnent les camions et cambriolent à tout va. Tignasse donne à Petit Dé l'occasion de commettre un meurtre, le premier d'une longue série...""
  • "In the 1960's, Cidade De Deus is already the most violent neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro; over the years, drugs and guns flood the area making gang war inevitable. An aspiring photographer tries to stay straight and earn a living in this environment. Remarkable South American film that was compared to "Goodfellas", truly one of the best films of 2003."
  • "Using street kids straight from the Cidade de Deus slum outside Rio de Janeiro, Fernando Meirelles' film is based on actual events that happened in the slum. The story, revealed by Buscape - a street kid who decides to become a photojournalist when he discovers he is not cut out to become a villain - revolves around the shadowy world of drugs and the violence which increases with each generation. Li'l Ze has grown up to become a natural-born-killer and attempt to take over the drugs trade of the city. However, this sparks a turf."
  • "Welcome to the world's most notorious slum : Rio de Janeiro's 'City of God'. A place where combat photographers fear to tread, where police rarely go, and residents are lucky if they live to the age 20. This is the true story of a young man who grew up on these streets and whose ambition as a photographer is our window in and ultimately may be his only way out."@en
  • "Welcome to the world's most notorious slum : Rio de Janeiro's 'City of God'. A place where combat photographers fear to tread, where police rarely go, and residents are lucky if they live to the age 20. This is the true story of a young man who grew up on these streets and whose ambition as a photographer is our window in and ultimately may be his only way out."
  • "Wenn man in der Cidade de Deus, der City of God einer der Favelas von Rio de Janeiro aufwächst, ist die Kindheit früh zu Ende. Was andernorts Bandenspiele sind, ist hier Bandenkrieg mit echten Waffen. Hier wachsen der rücksichtslose Dadinho und der schüchterne Buscape auf. Um zu überleben, setzt Dadinho auf Kokain-Handel, Gewalt und Raubüberfälle. Buscapé hingegen träumt davon, Fotograf zu werden. Nach zwanzig Jahren haben beide ihr Ziel erreicht. Buscape ist ein erfolgreicher Fotograf. Dadinho ist Ze Pequeno, genannt Locke, der gefürchtetste Drogen-Dealer Rios. In der City of God ist sein Wort Gesetz.... bis Mane Galinha auftaucht. Mane Galinha wird Zeuge der Vergewaltigung seiner Freundin und beschließt, Ze Pequeno aus Rache zu töten. Über Nacht schart er eine Armee von bewaffneten Kindern um sich, die alle das gleiche wollen: Zes Tod. In der City of God bricht der Krieg aus."
  • ""Cidade de Deus" è un progetto di urbanizzazione realizzato negli anni '60 che, agli inizi degli anni '80 divenne uno dei posti più malfamati di Rio de Janeiro. Buscapé è troppo spaventato e sensibile per diventare un criminale, ma troppo intelligente per fare dei lavoretti mal pagati. Cresce in questo posto violento dove ogni cosa è contro di lui, ma scopre di poter vedere la realtà in maniera diversa: dal punto di vista di un artista. Diventerà fotografo e questa è la sua redenzione."@it
  • ""Las calles del barrio más bajo del mundo, "Ciudad de Dios" en Rio de Janeiro, es un lugar al que combatientes fotógrafos temen pisar, al que la policía rara vez visita y en el que los residentes son afortunados si llegan a los 20 años. En medio del crimen y la violencia, un débil y temeroso chico crecería para descubrir que puede ver la dura realidad de su alrededor con una mirada diferente: la mirada del artista. Aún teniendo todo en su contra, su valiente ambición de convertirse en fotógrafo profesional no sólo es una ventana a través de la cual ve su mundo, sino es también su salvación" --Envase."
  • "A tale of how crime affects the poor populatin of Rio de Janeiro. Though the narrative skips around in time, the main focus is on Cabeleira who formed a gang called the Tender Trio. He and his best friend, Bene, become crime lords over the course of a decade. When Bene is killed before he can retire, Little Ze attempts to take out his arch enemy, Sando Cenoura. But Sando and a young gangster named Manu form an alliance and begin a gang war with Little Ze. Amateur photographer Buscape, a good-natured boy who comically learns that he's not cut out to be a hoodlum, takes pictures of the brutal crime war, making their story famous."
  • "Youth gangs took over the slums of Rio de Janiero during the 1960s and didn't relinquish their stronghold until the mid-1980s. Only a sucker wouldn't have turned to crime and this is exactly how naive teen Rocket (Alexandre Rodrigues) views himself. His attempts in illegal activity fail as he finds potential victims too friendly. Equally unsuccessful in love, he regularly fails to lose his virginity. Blood spills throughout the streets of the Ciudad de Deus as gang leader Li'l Ze (Leandro Firmino da Hora) is challenged by local druglords and a gang of pre-teens known as the Runts."@en
  • "Two boys growing up in a violent neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro take different paths: one becomes a photographer, the other a drug dealer."
  • "The world's most notorious slum, Rio de Janeiro's City of God, where combat photographers and police rarely go. The true story of a young man who grew up on these streets and whose ambition as a photographer is our window in and his only way out."
  • "A tale of how crime affects the poor population of Rio de Janeiro. Though the narrative skips around in time, the main focus is on Cabeleira who formed a gang called the Tender Trio. He and his best friend, Bene, become crime lords over the course of a decade. When Bene is killed before he can retire, Little Ze attempts to take out his arch enemy, Sando Cenoura. But Sando and a young gangster named Manu form an alliance and begin a gang war with Little Ze. Amateur photographer Buscape, a good-natured boy who comically learns that he's not cut out to be a hoodlum, takes pictures of the brutal crime war, making their story famous."
  • "Built in the 1960s, Cidade de Deus (City of God) is a sprawling housing project built to keep the poor as far as possible from Rio's glamorous beaches and resorts. By the 1980s, it has degenerated into a war zone so dangerous that visitors from outside risk being shot to death on sight, a poisonous stew of poverty, drugs, and crime. "If you run away, they get you, and if you stay, they get you, too," says Rocket, who wants to be a photographer. Rocket's brother, friends, and neighbors begin with truck stick-ups, which lead to brothel hold-ups that lead to murder that leads to coke dealing that leads to street brawls with armies of gun-toting 11-year-olds. Soon a full-scale gang war rages in the City of God--understandably not covered by wary Rio photojournalists--but just the opportunity Rocket needs to make his move, get a job at a newspaper, and get out."
  • "Hier wachsen der rücksichtslose Dadinho, genannt Locke (Leandro Firmino da Hora), und der schüchterne Buscapé (Alexandre Rodrigues) auf. Um zu überleben, setzt Dadinho auf Kokainhandel, Gewalt und Raubüberfälle. Buscapé hingegen träumt davon, Fotograf zu werden. Nach zwanzig Jahren haben beide ihr Ziel erreicht. Dadinho ist Zé Pequeño, der gefürchteste Drogendealer Rios. In der City of God ist sein Wort Gesetzt ... bis Mane Galinha (Seu Jorge) auftaucht. Mane wird Zeuge der Vergewaltigung seiner Freundin und beschliesst, Zé aus Rache zu töten. Über Nacht scharrt er eine Armee von bewaffneten Kindern um sich, die alle das Gleiche wollen: Zés Tod. In der City of God bricht der Krieg aus. (Quelle: Umschlag)."
  • "A housing project in Rio de Janeiro built in the 1960s and called Cidade de Deus is controlled by drug dealing gangs. Buscapé is a photographer and wants no part of it but finds it difficult to escape from the environment in which he grew up."
  • "A young man grows up in the slums of Rio de Janeiro, dreaming of becoming a news photographer. His friends, meanwhile, become embroiled in cocaine trafficking and gang warfare."
  • "The world's most notorious slum is Rio de Janeiro's City of God, where combat photographers and police rarely go. Presents the true story of a young man who grew up on those streets and whose ambition as a photographer is our window in and his only way out."

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  • "Motion pictures, Portuguese"
  • "Social problem"
  • "DVD-Video"
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  • "Social problem films"
  • "Video (DVD)"
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  • "Cidade de Deus"
  • "Cidade de deus"
  • "Cidade de Deus do romance de Paulo Lins"
  • "City of God = Cidade de Deus"
  • "Cidade de Deus Cité de Dieu = City of God"
  • "City of God Cidade de deus"
  • "Cidade de deus La cité de Dieu"
  • "Cuidad de Dios [Cidade de Deus] = [City of god]"@es
  • "Cidade de Deus City of God = La cité de Dieu"
  • "Ciudad de dios = City of god"
  • "Cidade de Deus City of god = Ciudad de Dios"
  • "City of God (Film)"@it
  • "City of god"@en
  • "City of god"
  • "Cidade de Deus se correr o bicho pega, se ficar o bicho come"
  • "Cidade de Deus Miasto Boga"
  • "City of God"@en
  • "City of God"
  • "City of God"@it
  • "Cidade de Deus (Film cinématographique)"
  • "City of god Cidade de deus"
  • "City of God : based on a true story"
  • "Cidade de Deus City of god"
  • "City of god Cidade de Deus"
  • "Cidade de Deus (Motion picture)"
  • "Cidade de Deus City of God"
  • "City of God la cite de Dieu"
  • "City of God (Motion picture 2002)"
  • "Cidade de Deus Božje mesto"
  • "City of God Cidade de Deus"
  • "Cidade de Deus City of god = Cité de Dieu"
  • "Cidade de deus City of god"