"Marketing Strategija." . . "Consommateurs Satisfaction." . . "Marketing Gestion Cas, Études de." . . "Servicio al cliente." . . "Marketing Gestión." . . "Marketing Gestion." . . . "Consommateurs Satisfaction Cas, Études de." . . "Kundenorientierung." . . "Consumidors." . . "Màrqueting Direcció i administració." . . "Marketing." . . "marketing." . "Clientela - Gestione." . . "Marketingmanagement." . . "Potrošniki Motivacija." . . "Klantgerichtheid." . . "Market-driven management : using the new marketing concept to create a customer-oriented company" . . . . . "Starting out as a support function for sales in the 1990s, marketing has evolved over the past four decades into the driving force behind business strategic planning for the 1990s. The past decade has brought a proliferation of rediscovered management concepts, including the quality movement, corporate culture, customer-orientation, strategic alliances, and network organizations. Now, in the hypercompetitive global economy of the '90s, when the number one priority is to develop customer-focused, market-driven organizations, the crucial next step is to fuse the best of the old and new ideas into one cohesive model for doing business." . "Starting out as a support function for sales in the 1990s, marketing has evolved over the past four decades into the driving force behind business strategic planning for the 1990s. The past decade has brought a proliferation of rediscovered management concepts, including the quality movement, corporate culture, customer-orientation, strategic alliances, and network organizations. Now, in the hypercompetitive global economy of the '90s, when the number one priority is to develop customer-focused, market-driven organizations, the crucial next step is to fuse the best of the old and new ideas into one cohesive model for doing business."@en . . . . "Market-driven management using the new marketing concept to create a customer-oriented company"@en . "Market - Driven management : using the new marketing concept to create a customer - oriented company" . "Market-driven management : using the new marketing concept to create a customer - oriented company" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Marktgericht ondernemen : stel de klant voorop, altijd" . . . . . . . . . "Market-Driven Management using the new marketing concept to create a customer-oriented company" . . . . . . . . "Market-driven management : Using the new marketing concept to create a customer-oriented company" . . .