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Supersize me [digital videorecording]

Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock embarks on a journey to find out if fast food is making Americans fat. For 30 days he can't eat or drink anything that isn't on McDonald's menu; he must eat three square meals a day, he must eat everything on the menu at least once and supersize his meal if asked. He treks across the country interviewing a host of experts on fast food and a number of regular folk while downing McDonald's to try and find out why 37% of Americans are now overweight. Spurlock's grueling diet spirals him into a metamorphosis that will make you think twice about picking up another Big Mac.

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  • "Malbouffe à l'américaine"
  • "Supersize me [videorecording (DVD)]"
  • "不瘦降之謎"
  • "DVDR 5208 Super size me"@en
  • "Supersize Me"
  • "Bu shou xiang zhi mi"
  • "Supersize me"@en
  • "Supersize me"
  • "Supersize me [VHS]"
  • "Super Size me"@en
  • "film of epic portions"
  • "Czy wiesz, co jesz?!"
  • "Film of epic portions [videorecording (DVD)]"@en

  • "Spurlock speaks about his award-winning film "Super size me," which he made to examine the fast food phenomenon and obesity in America. As part of the filmmaking process, he subjected himself to a 30-day McDonald's only diet. He speaks about the effects to his health during his "diet" and his concerns about the link between obesity and fast food."
  • "Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock embarks on a journey to find out if fast food is making Americans fat. For 30 days he can't eat or drink anything that isn't on McDonald's menu; he must eat three square meals a day, he must eat everything on the menu at least once and supersize his meal if asked. He treks across the country interviewing a host of experts on fast food and a number of regular folk while downing McDonald's to try and find out why 37% of Americans are now overweight. Spurlock's grueling diet spirals him into a metamorphosis that will make you think twice about picking up another Big Mac."@en
  • "Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock embarks on a journey to find out if fast food is making Americans fat. For 30 days he can't eat or drink anything that isn't on McDonald's menu; he must eat three square meals a day, he must eat everything on the menu at least once and supersize his meal if asked."
  • "Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock embarks on a journey to find out if fast food is making Americans fat. For 30 days he can't eat or drink anything that isn't on McDonald's menu; he must eat three square meals a day, he must eat everything on the menu at least once and supersize his meal if asked."@en
  • "Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock unravels the American obesity epidemic by interviewing experts nationwide and by subjecting himself to a 'McDonald's only' diet for thirty days straight. His sundance award-winning feature is as entertaining as it is horrifying as it dives into corporate responsibility, nutritional education, school lunch programs and how we as a nation are eating ourselves to death."
  • "Examines the American way of life in regards to weight gain, health problems, and fast food. Morgan Spurlock unravels the reasons why so many Americans are obese by interviewing experts and eating a "McDonald's only" diet for thirty days straight. Looks at corporate responsibility, nutritional education, and school lunch programs."@en
  • "Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock delves into America's obesity epidemic by interviewing experts from around the country while subjecting himself to a 30-day McDonald's-only diet."
  • "A man looks at American obesity by eating a McDonalds-only diet for one month."
  • "A man looks at American obesity by eating a McDonalds-only diet for one month."@en
  • "Partendo dal dato che negli Stati Uniti il 37% degli adolescenti supera il proprio peso forma e due adolescenti su tre sono sovrappeso o obesi, il regista Morgan Spurlock ha viaggiato per 25mila miglia, visitando 20 città americane con i loro relativi Mc Donald's, decidendo di mangiare per 30 giorni solo nei fast food. Durante il viaggio, in cui ha effettuato 250 ore di riprese, ed ha preso 13 kg di peso, ha intervistato medici generici, preparatori atletici, cuochi, ragazzi, avvocati, per denunciare con fermezza il fenomeno dell'obesità negli Usa, il declino dell'educazione fisica nelle scuole, la dipendenza dal cibo e i provvedimenti estremi che vengono presi per perdere peso..."@it
  • "In America circa il 37% dei bambini e degli adolescenti sta diventando troppo grasso e due adulti su tre sono in sovrappeso od obesi. Il regista Morgan Spurlock ha intervistato sull'argomento esperti in 20 città degli Stati Uniti, dai Direttori Generali Federali della Sanità agli insegnanti di ginnastica, ai cuochi, ai legislatori. Durante questo viaggio, Spurlock ha anche messo a repentaglio la propria salute, cibandosi unicamente nei fast-food per un mese intero..."@it
  • "Super size me ist ein Film, der von Anfang an neugierig macht, ein Experiment, ein mutiger Selbstversuch, ein mit Details gespickter, aufschlussreicher und niemals langweiliger Dokumentarfilm zu einem Land, dessen Esskultur noch selten als herausragend beschrieben wurde. Ein Film, der definitiv Spuren beim Betrachter hinterlässt: dessen Bilder sich einbrennen und das eigene Konsumverhalten überdenken lassen."
  • "Filmaker Morgan Spurlock embarks on a journey to find out if fast food is making Americans fat. For 30 days he can't eat or drink anything that isn't on McDonald's menu ; he must eat three square meals a day, he must eat everything on the menu at least once and supersize his meal if asked. He treks across the country interviewing a host of experts on fast food and a number of regular folk while downing McDonald's to try to find out why 37% of Americans are noe overweight. Spurlock's grueling diet spirals him into a metamorphosis that will make you think twice about picking up another Big Mac."
  • "Warum sind die Amis so fett? Der New Yorker Filmemacher Morgan Spurlock ging in "Michael-Moore-Manier" dieser tief schürfenden Frage nach und ernährte sich im Selbstversuch 30 Tage lang nur von Produkten der grössten Fastfood-Kette der Welt."
  • "Morgan Spurlock investiga en su propio cuerpo los efectos de la comida basura, comiendo sólo y únicamente en McDonald's, 3 veces al día durante todo un mes, y acudiendo posteriormente al médico para hacerse análisis y ver sus niveles de colesterol, aumento de peso, etc. Los resultados fueron sorprendentes."@es
  • "Morgan Spurlock embarks on the most perilous journey of his life; for thirty days, he is not allowed to eat or drink anything that is not on McDonald's menu, and must "supersize" his meal if asked."
  • ""Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock unravels the American obesity epidemic by interviewing experts nationwide and by subjecting himself to a 'McDonald's only' diet for thirty days straight. His sundance award-winning feature is as entertaining as it is horrifying as it dives into corporate responsibility, nutritional education, school lunch programs and how we as a nation are eating ourselves to death."--container cover."@en
  • "Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock embarks on a journey to find out if fast food is making Americans fat. For 30 days he can't eat or drink anything that isn't on McDonald's menu; he must eat three square meals a day, he must eat everything on the menu at least once, and supersize his meal if asked. He treks across the country interviewing a host of experts on fast food and a number of regular folk while downing McDonald's to try and find out why 37% of American are now overweight. Spurlock's grueling diet spirals him into a metamorphosis that will make you think twice about picking up another Big Mac."
  • "Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock embarks on a journey to find out if fast food is making Americans fat. For 30 days he can't eat or drink anything that isn't on McDonald's menu; he must eat three square meals a day, he must eat everything on the menu at least once, and supersize his meal if asked. He treks across the country interviewing a host of experts on fast food and a number of regular folk while downing McDonald's to try and find out why 37% of American are now overweight. Spurlock's grueling diet spirals him into a metamorphosis that will make you think twice about picking up another Big Mac."@en
  • "Presents an examination of the obesity problem in the U.S. in which director Morgan Spurlock uses himself as a guinea pig as he documents his month-long experiment of eating nothing but fast food from McDonald's. Provides interactive educational tools, including lesson plans and student handout materials."@en
  • "Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock embarks on a journey to find out if fast food is making Americans fat. For 30 days he can't eat or drink anything that isn't on McDonald's menu; he must eat three square meals a day, he must eat everything on the menu at least once and supersize his meal if asked. He treks across the country interviewing a host of experts on fast food and a number of regular folk while downing McDonald's to try to find out why 37% of American are now overweight. Spurlock's grueling diet spirals him into a metamorphosis that will make you think twice about picking up another Big Mac."@en
  • "Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock embarks on a journey to find out if fast food is making Americans fat. For 30 days he can't eat or drink anything that isn't on McDonald's menu; he must eat three square meals a day, he must eat everything on the menu at least once and supersize his meal if asked. He treks across the country interviewing a host of experts on fast food and a number of regular folk while downing McDonald's to try to find out why 37% of American are now overweight. Spurlock's grueling diet spirals him into a metamorphosis that will make you think twice about picking up another Big Mac."
  • ""Six and a half years ago, filmmaker Morgan Spurlock went on a quest to expose the obesity problem facing America and to show how fast food restaurants (and one in particular) have played their part in this epidemic. This is a film that wiped the term 'super size' off the menus at McDonald's and helped start a revolution in health care that still exists today ... Morgan unravels the American obesity problem by interviewing experts nationwide and by subjecting himself to a 'McDonald's only' diet for thirty days straight ... [The] feature ... dives into corporate responsibility, nutritional education, school lunch programs and how we as a nation are eating ourselves to death"--Container."@en
  • "Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock embarks on a journey to find out if fast food is making Americans fat. For 30 days he does not eat or drink anything that isn't on McDonald's menu; he must eat three square meals a day, he must eat everything on the menu at least once and supersize his meal if asked. He treks across the country interviewing a host of experts on fast food and a number of regular folk while downing McDonald's food to try and find out why 37% of American are overweight."
  • "Wat gebeurt er met een mens als hij drie keer per dag grote porties fast food naar binnen werkt bij McDonalds."
  • "Morgan Spurlock embarks on a journey to find out if fast food is making Americans fat. For 30 days he can't eat or drink anything that isn't on McDonald's menu; he must eat three square meals a day, he must eat everything on the menu at least once and supersize his meal if asked. He treks across the country interviewing a host of experts on fast food and a number of regular folk while downing McDonald's to try and find out why 37% of American are now overweight."
  • "PDHPE Department. Duration: 96 minutes."
  • "Dans ce documentaire, le cinéaste Morgan Spurlock s'interroge sur l'épidémie d'obésité chez les Américains, en consultant des experts du pays, et décide de se soumettre à un régime composé uniquement d'aliments McDonald's pendant 30 jours consécutifs. Le résultat est tout aussi divertissant que troublant, puisqu'il soulève des questions sur la responsabilité des chaînes de restaurants, l'éducation nutritionnelle, les programmes de repas écoliers et sur l'insouciance d'une nation qui s'engouffre jusqu'à la mort."
  • "Super Size Me ist ein Film, der von Anfang an neugierig macht, ein Experiment, ein mutiger Selbstversuch, ein mit Details gespickter, aufschlussreicher und niemals langweiliger Dokumentarfilm zu einem Land, dessen Esskultur noch selten als herausragend beschrieben wurde. Ein Film, der definitiv Spuren beim Betrachter hinterlässt: dessen Bilder sich einbrennen und das eigene Konsumverhalten überdenken lassen."
  • "Takes a look at the legal, financial and physical costs of America's hunger for fast food. Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock treks across the country interviewing experts in 20 U.S. cities who share their research, opinions and 'gut feelings' on America's ever-expanding girth. During the journey Spurlock lived on nothing but McDonald's for an entire month."
  • "In an effort to find out why 37% of Americans are overweight, filmmaker Morgan Spurlock interviewed everyone, from doctors to cooks to kids, and spent one month eating only McDonald's food for every meal. This film is an eye-opener for all of us."
  • "Partendo dal dato che negli Stati Uniti il 37% degli adolescenti supera il proprio peso forma e due adolescenti su tre sono sovrappeso o obesi, il regista Morgan Spurlock ha viaggiato per 25 mila miglia visitando venti città americane con i loro relativi Mc Donald's, decidendo di mangiare per 30 giorni soltanto nei fast food. Durante il viaggio, in cui ha effettuato 250 ore di riprese, ed ha preso 13 kg di peso, ha intervistato medici generici, preparatori atletici, cuochi, ragazzi, avvocati, per denunciare con fermezza il fenomeno dell'obesità negli Stati Uniti, il declino dell'educazione fisica nelle scuole, la dipendenza dal cibo ed i provvedimenti estremi che vengono presi per perdere peso... (BOL)."@it
  • "Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock embarks on a journey to find out if fast food is making Americans fat. For 30 days he can't eat or drink anything that isn't on McDonald's menu; he must eat three square meals a day, he must eat everything on the menu at least once and supersize his meal if asked. He treks across the country interviewing a host of experts on fast food and a number of regular folk while downing McDonald's to try and find out why 37% of American are now overweight. Spurlock's grueling diet spirals him into a metamorphosis that will make you think twice about picking up another Big Mac."@en
  • "Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock embarks on a journey to find out if fast food is making Americans fat. For 30 days he can't eat or drink anything that isn't on McDonald's menu; he must eat three square meals a day, he must eat everything on the menu at least once and supersize his meal if asked. He treks across the country interviewing a host of experts on fast food and a number of regular folk while downing McDonald's to try and find out why 37% of American are now overweight. Spurlock's grueling diet spirals him into a metamorphosis that will make you think twice about picking up another Big Mac."
  • "In 2002, director Morgan Spurlock subjected himself to a diet based only in McDonald's fast food three times a day for thirty days and without working out. His objective was to prove why most of the Americans are so fat, with many cases of obesity. He began the shootings submitting himself to a complete check-up with three doctors, and along the weeks, he compared his weight and results of exams, coming through a scary conclusion."@en
  • "Der Filmemacher Morgan Spurlock, der fünf Mal von der Filmschule der University of Southern California abgelehnt worden war, gewann beim Sundance Film Festival 2004 den Preis als bester Regisseur für diese alarmierend persönliche Untersuchung der Gesundheitsrisiken der von Fast Food überhäuften U.S.A.. Spurlock setzt sich selbst dreißig Tage lang unter intensiver ärztlicher Aufsicht einer strengen Diät aus McDonald's Gerichten aus, um herauszufinden, was mit ihm passieren wird. In weniger als einer Woche erfahren sein durchschnittlich trainierter Körper und sein inneres Gleichgewicht eine dunkle und hässliche Wandlung: Spurlock setzt Fett an, seine Cholesterinwerte schießen nach oben, seine Organe kriegen auch was ab und er leidet unter Kopfschmerzen, Stimmungsschwankungen, zeigt Symptome einer Abhängigkeit und nachlassender sexueller Energie. Dieses Experiment ist zu offensichtlich, als dass man damit eine komplette Dokumentation füllen könnte - Spurlock untersucht während der meisten Zeit des Films die Art und Weise, wie sich Fast Food Firmen ihren Weg in die Speisesäle von Schulen und die Herzen von kleinen Kindern schleichen, die Stunden in den Spielräumen von McDonald's verbringen. Fritten haben noch nie ekliger gewirkt. --Tom Keogh (Quelle:"
  • "Le fil rouge de ce documentaire décapant est une expérience que Morgan Spurlock décide de mener... sur lui-même. Que se passe-t-il si vous ne vous nourrissez que dans les fast-foods ? Sous la surveillance de 3 médecins, le voilà au régime Big Mac, Royal Cheese frites et coca. Pendant 30 jours il va manger exclusivement dans les restaurants de la firme McDonald's et consommer uniquement les produits qui y sont vendus."
  • "Follows American film-maker Morgan Spurlock's personal experiment into the effects of fast food on the human body, eating and drinking McDonald's menu items exclusively for thirty days."
  • "Warum sind die Amis so fett? Der New Yorker Filmemacher Morgan Spurlock ging in "Michael-Moore-Manier" dieser tief schürfenden Frage nach und ernährte sich im Selbstversuch 30 Tage lang nur von Produkten der grössten Fastfood-Kette der Welt. In seinem top-satirischen Film fragt Spurlock nach der Verantwortung der Konzerne und Konsumenten, nach dem grossen Geld, das mit der "Fastfood-Kultur" gemacht wird und nach den Möglichkeiten, die schwergewichtigen Amerikaner wieder zu einem gesünderen Volk zu machen. Ein ironischer Schlag in den Magen, angereichert mit viel Fett und Fakten über eine fragwürdige Mega-Industrie."
  • "Fimmaker Morgan Spurlock embarks on a journey to find out if fast food is making Americans fat. For 30 days he can't eat or drink anything that isn't on McDonald's menu; he must eat three square meals a day, he must eat everything on the menu at least once, and supersize his meal if asked. He treks across the country interviewing a host of experts on fast food and a number of regular folk while downing McDonald's to try and find out why 37% of Americans are now overweight. Spurlock's grueling diet spirals him into a metamorphosis that will make you think twice about picking up another Big Mac."
  • "Super Size Me is a satirical jab in the stomach for the fast food giants, overstuffed with fat and facts about a billion-dollar industry besieged by doctors, lawyers and nutritionists alike - FOOD TECHNOLOGY - Supersize - VID 2890."@en

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  • "Drama"@es
  • "Videos (DVD)"@en
  • "documentaire"
  • "Downloadable video collection"@en
  • "Downloadable video collection"

  • "Super size me (Pel.lícula cinematogràfica)"
  • "Super size me (Motion picture)"
  • "Supersize me [digital videorecording]"@en
  • "Super size me!"
  • "Super size me = Malbouffe à l'américaine"
  • "Super size me [ein echt fetter Film]"
  • "Supersize me"@en
  • "Super size me a film of epic portions"
  • "Super size me a film of epic portions"@en
  • "Super size me an educational tool of epic portions"
  • "Super Size me a film of epic portions"@en
  • "Supersize Me"
  • "Super Size Me"@it
  • "Super Size Me"
  • "Super Size Me"@en
  • "Super size me : a film of epic portions"
  • "Super size me: [a film of epic proportions] [VHS]"
  • "Super Size Me : ein echt fetter Film"
  • "Super size me Czy wiesz, co jesz?!"
  • "Super size me"@it
  • "Super size me"@en
  • "Super size me"
  • "Super size me"@es
  • "Super Size Me A Film of Epic Portions"
  • "Super Size me"@en
  • "Super Size me"@es