. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Baltics competitiveness on the eve of EU accession"@en . . . "Large current account deficits in Estonia and Latvia, and the continued real appreciation of the exchange rate in Lithuania, have prompted concerns about the competitiveness of the Baltic economies, and called into question the sustainability of their current fixed exchange rate arrangements. Recent external performance, however, appears to be explained more by temporary or cyclical developments than by a deterioration in the underlying competitive position of the Baltic economies. This book assesses the competitive position of the Baltic countries and focuses, in particular, on the viability of the countries' strategy of maintaining their fixed exchange rates upon joining the EU, participating in its exchange rate mechanism, and then adopting the euro at the earliest possible date.--Publisher's description."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "The Baltics : competitiveness on the eve of EU accession"@en . "The Baltics : competitiveness on the eve of EU accession" . . . . . . . "Integració econòmica." . . "Estonie." . . "Integración económica internacional." . . "Concurrence." . . "Productivité Pays baltes." . . "Union européenne" . . "Compétitivité (Économie) Pays baltes." . . "Economische situatie." . . "Union européenne Pays baltes." . . "Países Bajos" . . "Lettonie." . . "Baltic States" . . "Europese Unie." . . "Comerç exterior." . . "European Union" . . "Productivité." . . "Comercio internacional." . . "Lituanie." . . "Pays baltes" . . "Pays baltes." . "Països Bàltics." . . "Conditions économiques." . . "Contrôle des changes." . . "UE/CE Elargissement." . . "Taux de change Pays baltes." . . "Concurrentiepositie." . .