"Guerre mondiale (1939-1945) Roumanie." . . "Förintelsen Rumäninen 1939-1945 (andra världskriget)" . . "1900 - 1999" . . "Tsiganes Extermination (1941-1945) Roumanie." . . "Relacions ètniques." . . "Jews Persecutions Romania." . . . . "Zigeuners." . . . . "Electronic books"@en . . . "La Roumanie et la Shoah : destruction et survie des Juifs et des Tsiganes sous le régime Antonescu, 1940-1944" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Radu Ioanid's account of the destruction of Jews and Gypsies under the regime of Ion Antonescu, based upon privileged access to secret East European government archives, is an unprecedented analysis of heretofore purposely hidden materials. He builds an accurate perspective on Romanian policies of racism, anti-Semitism, and Jewish extermination during this extraordinary period in world history. Published in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. With a Foreword by Elie Wiesel. Invaluable ... monumental ... no comparable work in any language has documented this important hist."@en . . . . . . . . . "La Roumanie et la Shoah : destruction et survie des Juifs et des Tsiganes sous le régime Antonescu : 1940-1944" . "Evreii sub regimul Antonescu" . . . . . . . . . . "Holocaust in romania : the destruction of jews and gypsies under the antonescu regime, 1940-1944"@en . . . . "The Holocaust in Romania : the destruction of Jews and Gypsies under the Antonescu regime, 1940 - 1944" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Holocaust in Romania : the destruction of Jews and Gypsies under the Antonescu regime, 1940-1944" . . "The Holocaust in Romania : the destruction of Jews and Gypsies under the Antonescu regime, 1940-1944"@en . . . . "History" . "The Holocaust in Romania : The destruction of Jews and Gypsies under the Antonescu regime, 1940-1944" . . . . . . . . . . . "The Holocaust in Romania : the destruction of the Jews and Gypsies under the Antonescu regime : 1940-1944" . . . . . . . . . . "Geschichte 1940-1944." . . "Holocauste, 1939-1945 Roumanie." . . "Żydzi eksterminacja (1941-1945) Rumunia." . . "Cyganie eksterminacja (1941-1945) Rumunia." . . "Roma und Sinti" . . "Roma" . . "Persecution" . . "Judar förföljelser Rumänien 1939-1945 (andra världskriget)" . . "Judenverfolgung Rumänien Geschichte 1939-1945." . . "HISTORY / Europe / Western" . . "Juden." . . "Tsiganes Persécutions nazies Roumanie." . . "Romanies Nazi persecution Romania." . . "Joden." . . "Zigeuner." . . "Rumunia" . . "Tsiganes Roumanie 1940-1945." . . "National socialism (Nazism)" . . "Juifs Extermination (1941-1945) Roumanie 1940-1945." . . "Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) Romania." . . "Zigeuner." . . "Romania Ethnic relations." . . "Evrei România." . . "Ethnic relations" . . "Holocaust jueu, 1939-1945." . . "génocide Juif Roumanie 1940 / 1944." . . "Judenverfolgung Transnistrien Geschichte 1939-1945." . . "Guerra Mundial II, 1939-1945." . . "Romer nazistisk förföljelse Rumänien 1939-1945 (andra världskriget)" . . "Gitanos." . . "Rumänien" . . "Rumänien." . "World War, 1939-1945" . . "Evrei Exterminare (1941-1945)" . . "Verfolgung." . . "Shoah Roumanie." . . "Judenvernichtung Rumänien." . . "Judenvernichtung Rumänien Geschichte 1940-1944." . . "Etniska minoriteter Rumänien 1939-1945 (andra världskriget)" . . "Jueus." . . "1940-1944" . . "Juifs Persécutions Roumanie." . . "Jews" . . "History" . . "Holocaust" . . "Holocaust." . "World War, 1939-1945 Romania." . . "Judenvernichtung." . . "persécution Tsigane (peuple) Roumanie 1940 / 1944." . . "1939 - 1945" . . "Mazal Holocaust Collection." . . "Romania" . . "Romania." . "Roumanie" . .