"Fiction films"@en . . . "We work again: Documents the activities of blacks under the Works Progress Administration."@en . . . . "Blues and boogie: Contains three soundies: Maxine Brown sings \"Some of these days\"; Maurice Rocco sings \"Beat me daddy\"; Nat King Cole and Ida James sing \"Is you or is you ain't my baby.\""@en . . "Race films"@en . . . . . . "Race films DVD set. Disc 12"@en . . . . "Documentary films"@en . . . . . . . . "Movies made for and by African-Americans during the first half of the 20th century."@en . . . . . . . . . "Jubilee, strictly G.I.: Filmed excerpts from the AFRS radio program Jubilee as broadcast in January, 1944. Eddie \"Rochester\" Anderson and Lena Horne sing \"Life is full of consequences,\" Babe Wallace sings \"Bring enough clothes for three days,\" Lena Horne sings \"The man I love.\""@en . . . . "Short films"@en . "Silent films"@en . . . . . .